After watching the Buffy episode 'Normal Again', I was inspired to do my own, Doctor Who version. No knowledge of the episode or series is required.

Hopefully you enjoy it, I hope to have the first chapter up soon as this is just the Prologue...and it will be kind of creepy.

And the companion in this is an OC, but only because it didn't seem to fit a canon character. But I won't make her an MS, or at least I'll do my best not too! And it's going to be more focused on what is happening to her rather than the character herself.


He's pulling on her hand, telling her to run even though she already is. A kind of snarling is following them, and when she looks back there is a monster, a horrible thing with large, pupil-less black eyes chasing them.

But no matter how fast they run, eventually it gains ground, and when it snags the back of her hoodie with a claw she screams. It pulls her back and out of the man's grasp, and she falls down, vulnerable, while the man skids to a halt and tries to run back.

But it's too late. A kind of thorn is coming out of the monster's arm, towards her before she can do anything, and it's sliding into her skin like a knife through butter. Distantly, she can hear the desperate yells of the man, her friend and protector, but it's too late, the entire world blurs. She can just manage to see the hazy shape of the monster running off.

The man is next to her now, speaking quickly, worried. But his words mean nothing as she slips away…

Her eyes snap open, and she sees a white room, with a seemingly normal bed…until she notices the straps. It makes her worried but she doesn't care. A man is standing in the room, wearing a white coat and glasses.

"Tabitha, are you alright?" He asks, and she only retreats further into the corner of the room, against the wall. The place scares her.

"Doctor…" She whispers, slapping her hand on the wall, distraught. "Need to…get…back…"

The man comes to kneel next to her, his eyes boring into her own with gentle understanding.

"Now, Tabitha, the Doctor isn't real. You know he isn't. You've been here for three years now, you've been hallucinating, about space and time travel and aliens. None of it is real. You're sick, Tabitha, and I'm here to help you, remember?"

He sounds so sure, and she looks up at him with wide brown eyes, indecision and frenzied confusion swimming through her mind.

What did he mean? Of course he was real…wasn't he?

Hope that was actually interesting...I found it quite fun! The question is...which world is real?

Please let me know what you thought in a review!

-MayFairy :)