
By Morgana Ravenheart

A/N: Ah, the end is nigh. The end of an era, my friends. I know it took me so long to update but I've been busy. Studying for my GCSEs (finals) and stuff. Catching up on coursework. Stuff like that. So, yes, I've got an excuse. Plus I've been ill. So, anyway. This is a short Epilogue where everyone gets their happy ending… until the sequel, which I've got three chapters pre-written. After I've wrapped this up the sequel, Daughters Of A Wolf 2: Olivia's Struggle, will be posted sometime next week. Anyway, I give you the final chapter of Daughters Of A Wolf…

Izabelle Renee Alice Black looked in the mirror at her reflection. She glanced at her godmother, Emily Uley, and one of her many honorary aunts, Leah Call. In the background, Izzy's baby sister, Olivia, and Leah's daughter, Emma Call, were having their faces made up by Angela Clearwater, another of Izzy's honorary aunts. Emily ran her slender fingers through Izzy's silky midnight black locks.

"How do you want your hair, sweetheart?" she asked, smiling at her goddaughter. Izzy pursed her lips in thought.

"Curly, swept over to one side," Izzy finally said after about a minute.

"Olly, Emma, can you have yours straight, maybe in a half-up, half-down do?" Leah called over her shoulder as she heated up the curling iron. Emma did a 'thumbs up' gesture to show that she understood her mother. She and Olly were struggling into pale turquoise dresses.

"Izzy, is it safe to come in?" a man's voice whispered from the other side of the door. Having super-human wolf-hearing, Leah and Izzy both heard him.

"Yes, Dad. It's safe," Izzy called back to her father. The door swung open to reveal Jacob Black, the proud father. He entered the mad bedroom holding a black velvet box. Jake surveyed the room.

"Where's Marie?" he asked, referring to the middle child and his second-born daughter. Marie Sarah Rosalie was the maid of honour and was already ready.

"Here," the thirteen-year-old girl came out of the bathroom. Again, Jake surveyed the room.

"I thought you'd be like your mother, stressing over traditions," he remarked.

"I did not stress, Jacob Black! I worried," Isabella Black, more commonly known as Bella, exclaimed.

"I've got blue underwear on, a new necklace to wear and Aunt Leah's 'lucky' garter," Izzy said, ignoring her mother.

"Exactly, which is why I thought you'd need something old, besides your mother," Jake started, dodging a heavy blow with the straighteners from Bella.

"Which is why you are having the hair slider which I used when I married your father," Bella finished, mock-glaring at her husband. Jake opened the box to reveal an antique silver slider with tiny blue sapphires dotted in it. Izzy had tears in her eyes as her father slid into her hair, attaching the veil.

"History's repeating itse-elf," Bella sang.

"Ma, you didn't marry at fifteen because you had a baby," Izzy stated.

"Oh, whatever! Just go get married, I'll meet you there," Bells said. She kissed her daughter's cheek and murmured words of good luck before leaving. Everyone else had left to give the family at moment. It was just Jake and Izzy now. As they, too, left the house and got into the car to go to the little church where the ceremony was taking place. As they got to the heavy oak doors which contained Izzy's future, Jake turned to his daughter.

"Ready?" he asked, offering his arm to his eldest.

Izzy took a deep breath. "Ready," she said, her voice shaking slightly as she took her father's proffered arm. They entered the church atrium where Jake signalled to the vicar for the wedding congregation to stand and the wedding march to start. Izzy smiled as she walked down the aisle to her partner, imprint, and father of her child. Her soul mate.

"Do you, Robert Samuel Jacob Uley take Izabelle Renee Alice Black to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the vicar asked Robbie. He took a deep breath before answering.

"I do," he said.

"And do you, Izabelle Renee Alice Black, take Robert Samuel Jacob Uley to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the vicar asked Izzy. She took a deep breath before answering.

"I do," she said.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the vicar said, smiling as Robbie kissed Izzy full on the lips and a little longer than they should have. They then ran down the aisle, hand-in-hand and laughing all the way to the church doors. They were showered in rice and confetti. The happy couple posed for photos, so many photos. All they wanted to do was go to bed and sleep for a week. The day had been that exhausting. But more was to come.

"Ladies and gentlemen, would you like to congregate for the First Dance?" the DJ, Jack Vickers, said into the mike as he put on the chosen track, Taylor Swift's 'Love Story'.

As Izzy and Robbie made laps of the dance floor, Izzy whispered in her husband's ear, "I can't believe it."

Nor can I. Married at fifteen and sixteen and not a frowning face in sight," Robbie smirked. He winced when Izzy slapped his shoulder.

"I mean, that we're married. That we're in this for life officially," Izzy said.

"We were official anyway, babe," Robbie grinned. Again, he winced when his wife slapped him.

"I mean in the eyes of the law. I'm now Mrs Robert Uley," she said.

"Ooh," comprehension dawned on Robbie's face as the song ended.

After the reception had finished came the wedding night and then the honeymoon. The new couple, with their son J.J, holidayed in Spain before returning to a sleepy little reservation town just outside of Forks. The Uleys and the Blacks had joined together and bought the couple a three-bed semi-detached house in-between the two families, to grant equal visitation rights to the only grandson.


A/N: Aww! A little fluffiness for ya! Right, when I get home from school tomorrow, I'll start typing up the first chapter to DOAW2. I'm writing the chapter as fast as I can but I only get so much time, as I've got coursework to catch up on. Mainly ICT and Biology. REVIEW, tell me what you think to this chapter and the story in general.

Love you all,

'Gana xx