The Life of a Fanfiction Writer – Hetalia


Ivan Braginski sighed as he watched his adorable younger sister stalk away from the house he was currently in.


One would assume that the handsome man had sighed due to a love for the girl, but that could not be more incorrect. Nothing in that family is what it seems.

Katyusha, Ivan's older sister, burst into tears and bolts whenever she comes into any form of contact with her beloved brother.

Natalia, the poor boy's little sister, absolutely worships her brother. So much in fact, that she wishes to marry him. So very much in fact, that has tried death threats, destruction of property, abuse, assault, and attempted murder. That girl is a hellhound bound in a beautiful body.

The combination of both his siblings for such a long time has changed Ivan. He is a broad-shouldered, muscular, silver-haired, violet-eyed, gorgeous Russian and seems to be as straight as an arrow. But then again, nothing in the Braginski family is as it seems.

Ivan is gay. Homosexual. A fairy. Call him what you will. He is not ashamed of what he is. Hundreds of years being suffocated by the enormous breasts of Katyusha and harassed by the pretty demon that is Natalia, he just lost all sexual attraction toward females. Over time, he learned to appreciate the work of art that is a man's body.


Ivan Braginski sighed a sigh of sweet relief as his evil sister crept away from Ludwig and Gilbert's house. The silver-headed Russian had decided that the pair of brothers' place was safest from Natalia and her marriage proposals.

The crazy, unawesome bitch gone yet?" a certain albino Prussian drawled as he strolled into the living room. Ivan spared him only a glance and a curt nod before snapping his gaze back to the now-vacant front yard.

"Oi, Ivan. Respond! You can't ignore my awesomeness!" Gilbert stated crossly after about a minute of silence between the two men.

The Russian turned to face they annoyed Prussian, "What do you want, Gilbert?"

"Answer my fucking question."

"The one about Natalia, da?"

"Ja. The psycho Belarusian whore."

"She's gone. I'm worried about the chance of her returning…"

"Nah, she wouldn't dare. She knows Luddie and I have guns. And my awesomeness, of course."

Violet eyes just stared into crimson ones critically. A silver eyebrow was raised in a condescending manner and a pair of pure white ones furrowed in irritation.

"Don't look at me like that, fruit cake! You know full well how awesome I am," the now aggravated Prussian albino fumed.

This just caused the Russian's thin lips to curl up in a devious smirk. "Hmn? I do? I don't remember you ever being awesome," Ivan leered somewhat psychotically at his comrade.

"You obviously don't know me as well as you seem to think you do, if you think that'll scare me. I have balls of steel," Gilbert informed the silverette in front of him haughtily.

Ivan somehow managed to widen his devilishly haunting smirk and stepped closer to his comrade or, dare I type it, friend.

Gilbert blushed visibly as his undeniably sexy companion inched so close that their torsos and no-no squares were touching. Despite the clothes between the pair of men, our favorite awesome-dude began getting un-awesomely hot and bothered.

The albino's face flushed a color red enough to match his striking irises. Blood began to pool in his manhood as the Russian pressed up against him began to grind their 'Netherlands' together.

An almost inaudible moan tore itself from Gilbert's throat as soon as Ivan's lips crashed upon his own.

The pair kissed each other hard. Hard, yet passionate. Passionate, yet loving. Loving, yet feral. Feral, yet… Well, the Russian lost it after that thought. He shut down the logic part of his cerebrum and focused solely on the delicious Prussian he was lip-locking.

The silver-headed man decided at that moment to shove his tongue down the albino's all-too-inviting throat, earning a deft moan and a grind of their heated hips. The shorter man welcomed it eagerly as their pink muscles wrestled for dominance in the moist caverns.

Ivan triumphed in a matter of seconds, his tasting appendage mapping out every crevice of Gilbert's mouth for use later on.

"I say we take this to the bedroom, da?"
