A/N: Happy December! While I am aware that I shouldn't be starting another multichapter fic right now, I couldn't pass this up. This story is going to be dark, smutty, gorey(ish), and little fluffy. You can't have Klaine without fluffy, right? This first chapter isn't very long, it's just to give you a taste of where I'm going. If you guys like it I'll continue! And, if you don't, I'll probably still continue it...because I can. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Warnings: This story includes demonic possesion, sex, light gore and, of course, homophobia. (this is set in season 2, when everyone pretty much abandonded Kurt.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.

Kurt laid on his bed, on top of the sheets, with his arms and legs outstretched. Trying to force the stress from that day to roll off of him, onto the floor, and out the window. The lights were off and the small window in his basement bedroom allowed a streak of moonlight to shine in. The light cut across his bed at his waist, almost splitting him in half. Closing his eyes, Kurt wrapped his arms around himself and listened. It was eerily quiet, no birds were chirping, no cars were passing, no heavy footsteps from Finn or Burt could be heard. Just silence. However, it wouldn't be long before the quiet was invaded.

"He touched you again Kurt...I don't like others touching my toys." the words echoed through his body, coming out like a dark growl. Kurt felt an invisible pair of hands stroke his arms and pull them away from his body. They were lifted to the headboard and held there, while little hot puffs of breath touched his neck.

"This has been going on since freshman year, I thought you were used to it. I also thought you found some form of enjoyment in it." Kurt replied harshly, despite his hatred for this being, Kurt couldn't deny the relaxing sensation of knowing someone at least noticed what was going on. Heaven knows none of the other Glee members gave a damn. As long as Kurt was there to help them qualify for nationals.

"You shouldn't say things like that Kurt, I've grown rather...protective of you." The hands moved down his arms, to his neck and, began stroking at the vein. Venturing down his night shirt and running underneath, the hands stopped their roaming and began lightly stroking one of the bruises on his side.

"Oh yeah? Whys is that?" Kurt heard a chuckle next to his mouth and the stroking stopped.

"Because, if anoyone is going to hurt you. It's going to be me." Kurt bit his lip to keep from screaming from the pain of five sharp nails scratching through the bruises on his sides.

Like always, by about Wednesday afternoon, Kurt couldn't tell the wounds on his body apart. Some came from school and some came from...him. But, when you're thrown into lockers and dumpsters on a regular bases they all tend to blend together. Kurt spent the better half of the night cleaning his blood off of his bed sheets. There was more than usual, obviously he was upset. Kurt couldn't help it though, Karofsky made it his point in life to tortue him. Although, he could do that without caressing Kurts arm or hips on a regular bases.

Sighing, Kurt made his way into Glee club, wincing when he sat down. The scratches on top of the bruises made any form of movement pretty fucking difficult.

"I told you. I don't like sharing." Kurt really wasn't in the mood to deal with this. So, he simply ignored the voice and crossed his legs. A small hiss escpaed his mouth that, unfortunately, didn't go unheard. A couple heads turned toward him, with a questioning gaze. Puck flashed him a smirk while making an innapropriate gesture with his hands. Huffing, Kurt looked away and waited for Mr. Schue to begin the lesson for the day. They were sitting in their mash-up groups, in some sort of illusion of team work.

"Alright guys! We're going to mix it up! Boys you will be doing songs traditionally song by girls and girls, you will be doing songs traditionally song by boys." Mr. Schue said, as he bounded into the room. He sent Kurt a smile, expecting him to jump with joy. Apparently, Mr. Schue thought that having their group sing girl songs would make all of the problems in his life dissapear. How stupid could someone be?

Standing up from his chair, Kurt followed the rest of his group into Mr. Schue's classroom. He slumped into a chair in the back, waiting for everyone else to file in. Taking out his phone, Kurt began playing a game of angry birds. After a few seconds of playing Kurt felt all the eyes in the room on him. Looking up from his game, Kurt raised a questioning eyebrow. His bitch face on full display, and his guard up.

"Come on Kurt, this assignment is about doing chick songs. You're the closest thing we have to a girl in here so, you might as well lead the charge." Puck said, tossing a ball between his hands.

"That was rather rude, wasn't it? There's a loose screw on that chair in the corner, it would like lovely inside his left eye." shaking his head, Kurt stood up from his chair.

"No thank you Puckerman, I'd rather not be in charge of dealing with you incompetent idiots."

"Woah, calm down Princess. I didn't mean to get your panties in a twist." highfiving Finn, Puck chuckled at his own joke.

"I think it's best if we didn't let Kurt do this, he'd probably run away with the assignment and force us all to wear sequined gowns." Artie said, cringing at the idea of wearing a dress.

"Wheelchairs look wonderful falling down stairs...they look even better falling off roofs." Kurt closed his eyes once he felt his pupils dilate. The anger in his chest began to flare and, his body tensed up. He was taking over and, if Kurt didn't get out of there soon, he'd be scrubbing blood of the linolium and picking flesh out of his fingernails.

"I...I need to go." Kurt grabbed his bag and headed for the door. Before he made it to the front of the classroom, Puck opened his stupid fucking mouth again.

"Hey! Why don't you make yourself useful and go spy on the garblers."

"The Warblers" Kurt replied, his teeth grinding together and his face turning red with rage.

"Whatever, you can wear all the fathers you want. You'll fit right in." Kurt walked out the door and slammed it behind him. The force was so strong that, Kurt heard a few posters fall off the wall. He could really care less right now though. Tearing through the halls, not bothering to hide his black eyes, Kurt let himself be consumed. He needed to vent, and no one did it better than him.

A smirk overtook Kurts face as he dragged his nails along the line of lockers on the wall. Some of the paint peeled off, and left five silver lines curving through the metal. Reaching the front doors, he slammed them open and walked up to Kurt's car.

"Where are your keys?" he asked, god it felt nice to be in control again. Kurts bodt was magnificent, and he enjoyed every inch of it.

"In my bag...where are we going?"

"We're going for a drive, and I don't have to tell you shit." Finding the keys, he climbed into the car and stuck the keys into the ignition. He drove out of the parking lot and followed the signs to the highway. About an hour later, the car passed a sign.

Welcome to Westerville!

"Holy fucking shit this place is huge!" he exclaimed as he parked the car. Climbing out, it made it's way to the door. Pulling on Kurt's jeans a little, trying to loosen them. "How do you even put these things on? Is there a stash of lube I don't know about?" A scoff echoed through Kurt's body as he entered the doors of Dalton Academy.

Walking down a hallway, and gazing at the artwork, a group of boys rushed past. Intrigued, he followed them and wound up at the top of a marble staircase. Hundreds of boys were pushing past him and stomping down the stairs. Rooting through Kurts bag, he pulled out a pair of sunglasses to cover his eyes.

Slowly descending the staircase, he reached out and tapped the shoulder of some random boy. The boy turned around, looking up at him with a questioning gaze. "Oh look Kurt...I found you a toy. I'm willing to share for him." he felt Kurt stir within him, in an attempt to see what he was looking at. A soft gasp came from inside once Kurt saw the beautiful specimen that was standing in front of them.

"Can you help me? I'm new here." he said, trying to sound like Kurt without actually letting Kurt take over. If it was up to him, this kid would be dragged into the nearest janitor closet two minutes ago.

"Just let me back out, I'll take it from here."

"No, you'll fuck it up. We're getting him in your bed, I want to play."

"I'm Blaine." the boy said, with a smile playing on his lips.

"Kurt...can you tell me what's going on here?" they both watched as Blaine's eyes lit up and his smile grew.

"The warblers! Every now and then they throw an impromptu performance in the common room. Tends to shake up the school a bit."

"Wait so...Glee club here is, kind of cool?"

"Look at that Kurt! Not every school sucks as much as yours."

"The Warblers are like...rock stars." Blaine replied, his eyes glanced down at Kurt's hand and grabbed it. "Here, I know a shortcut."

He smiled as Blaine led them through a hallway.

"This is going so well Kurt, at this rate we'll have him tied to your headboard by the end of the day."

"Don't get ahead of yourself. He's probably straight."

"So? We can still tie him to your headboard."

They entered a room full of the boys from the staircase, some wearing full uniforms and others shedding their blazers. A few were moving the furniture around, in an attempt to make more room.

"Oh...I stick out like a sore thumb" he replied. Why couldn't Kurt wear normal clothes for once?

"Next time don't forget your jacket, new kid. Now if you'll excuse me." They watched as Blaine began harmonizing and singing with the group of boys. The words of Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' filled the air. Clapping along, he began making plans on what him and Kurt could do with this boy. They wouldn't hurt him, not yet at least. Images of Blaine marked and scratched filled their mind. Oh yes, they would have lots of fun with him.

"I want him Kurt."

"...I want him too..."

There you go! Just a little taste.

This will get darker and...hotter later, I promise.

Reviews keep me going loves, and they keep him happy.