Dear Santa,

Since I died in the battle with Cell, I've been living up here in the Other World with King Kai. This past year has been great! I get to battle strong fighters, learn new techniques and every now and then I still get to talk to Gohan and Chi Chi using King Kai's telepathic powers. For training, it's paradise because I don't even age now!

But there's just one thing that isn't quite right out hereā€¦ See, dead people don't need to eat. So, there's almost NEVER food around. It's horrible! No matter how human I've become over the years, my Saiyan belly is CRAVING some meat and I can't deny it any longer.

So, this is where you come in, Santa. I know it's a long way away from Earth, but could you bring me a feast for Christmas?

Sincerely, Goku

I'm going to give this a go. I've been inspired by quite a few letter fics, mostly Death Note or Harry Potter, so I thought I'd bring some of it's wonderful-ness to the Dragon Ball Z realm. I'm thinking I'll write 25 of these and have them all up before Christmas.