AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this exclusively for a community I'm trying to get into. xXHikariRenXx, I hope you're seeing this!

Soul Eater Evans sat on the couch of his apartment, stuffed from eating a LOT of pasta for dinner.

Maka Albarn sat at the opposite end of the couch, reading manga.

The two of them stopped what they were doing.

They looked at each other in the eye.

And then they kissed.

Soon, they began to make out.

And then it escalated into something more... intimate.

Clothes off, Maka and Soul made love in Maka's room.

They were making out when Soul said, "I have a confession."

Maka looked up at him. "What?"

"I'm in love with you."

Maka's eyes lit up. She'd always wanted to hear him say that. "I love you, too."

Then they got back to kissing.

This continued for about an hour, which was when they heard breathing.

Maka looked at the window to see Black*Star and Patty taking pictures.

Black*Star laughed loudly. "AH HAH! YOUR GOD HAS CAUGHT YOU IN BED!"

He then recieved a well-deserved Maka Chop.

Patty, while immature, knew that she needed to leave the pair alone.

She didn't want to disturb their love.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yup. SoMa is the best.

R & R!