I AM A TERRIBLE WRITER! GAHHH! *sobs into pillow* I am SO SORRY for leaving you guys hanging forever! I can't even think of an excuse besides the fact that I had a five month long writer's block (Trueness). But I conquered it last night while doodling in my notebook, and I am ready to write! However, I have no idea where I'm going with this story, so this is kind of a short filler chapter. Sorry!

I'm looking for a beta to help me with plotlines and keeping my story NOT lame. So If you're a beta, and you want to help me out, please PM me!

In case you're not reading my other story, Questions? Challenge Accepted!, I'm going to be getting a facebook page soon. I've already set most of it up, but I need to redo some stuff. So...ya.

And guys! If I ever do this again (Meaning leave you guys on a chapter for over three weeks with no explaination) Feel free to flame my butt off! BE A JERK and get sense into my HEAD!

Disclaimed. What? I can't think of a fancy snarky comment to show my un-ownershipness. Sucks to be me.

So, the (Hopefully long awaited for) chapter of: Gone with the Wind!

Senka smiled, the sight not at all comforting. "You are but a mere human," she snarled. "You are no threat. You must be destroyed." She stalked forward, backing Danny into the wall.

"Oh, I must?" Danny replied, mock surprise masking his amused face. He sprinted a few steps and leapt over her head, twirling in midair to face her. The look on her face was less anger, more surprise. This human was skilled. He would be a challenge.

"Yes, for you are only standing in my way!" Senka charged him, her scythe ready to strike. Danny rolled out of the way, grabbing a lever and pulling it out of the electical socket. A bo staff, in a way. He blocked her blade, pulling it away from him. Senka aimed for his head, aiming slightly lower than his head truly was. Alkimos's voice drifted into her thoughts once again. Aim low, it said. Hit the lower section of the head.

She aimed and swung, expecting a solid blow. She hit air; Danny, in his panic, had turned intangible. She studied him for a moment before speaking.

"You are...Ghostly?"

Senka was used to surprises. It had been part of her training. Alkimos would wake her up in the middle of the night, a convict in her room for her to fight. She had grown used to being taken off guard, and now nothing could scare her.

Nothing but the possibility that she had just attacked Pariah's Bane.

She hesitantly sheathed her scythe, hooking the miniaturized weapon onto her necklace. Then she just stood there, waiting for him to make a move.

Danny sighed. This wasn't going to end well on his behalf, he knew. If he showed the Phantom side of himself, one of two things would happen. Either she'd scream and apologize a lot, which he'd had enough of in the past three years, or she'd turn out to be one of Pariah's followers and attack him again, even more ruthlessly.

He finally acted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Okay, look. I don't know who you are, but you're injured, and you're going to bleed out if you keep attacking me."

"Are you Pariah's Bane?" She asked bluntly, her finger straying to her scythe.

"Ummm... I'm not answering that right now," he decided, and hesitantly took a step towards her. She stepped back automatically. "I'm not gonna hurt you. Just...what's your name?"

"Senka," she replied. "Now answer my question. Are you Danny Phantom?"

He took a breath. "What do you think?"

"I believe so."

"There you go," He nodded his answer. Immediately, she bowed low, her head nearly going to her knees. Danny stepped back in bewilderment. "Um, Okay. You really don't have to do that."

"You defeated Pariah," she explained as she came back up. "It is customary."

"Riigghhttt..." Danny dragged out. "Okay, yeah. Well." He softly grabbed her shoulder. "Come upstairs. My sister and I will help you until you heal, and then you can continue your... mission. Okay?"

She nodded. "But my mission is nearly complete...and what about the two older humans?"

"My parents?" Danny shook his head. "I'll protect you. Consider yourself part of Team Phantom, 'kay?"

She nodded again, smiling slightly.

"Good. Now, if you don't mind..." Danny swooped her up bridal style, careful to not agitate her various injuries. She clung to his neck, careful not to hold on too tight. "this is going to be a bumpy ride, so... hold on!"

The boy went ghost, making Senka gasp slightly. He leapt into the air and took off,phasing through the ceiling to the kitchen floor. Jazz jumped as he became tangible and set the girl down on the couch in the adjorning living room. "Danny! Gosh, don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry, Jazz," He apologized, wringing out a steaming cloth. "Senka's going to be staying with us until her injuries heal," he explained.

"Senka? Oh," Jazz realized, walking over to the ghost girl. "I'm Jazz. Nice to meet you," the girl genius smiled nervously.

"Hello," Senka smiled back.

"Right... Well." Danny kneeled at the girl's side, biting his lip. "This is going to hurt...

So that's it for today, I have to go babysit. I'll see you next time. Review!