A/N: Here's the last part (finally!) Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. I hope you will enjoy these last drabbles!

21. I am driving home for Christmas with a thousand memories

Kurt was drumming his fingers on the counter, his eyes scanning the airport while the woman behind the desk kept typing on her keyboard. He huffed and stopped himself from snapping that he needed to go home no matter how much it would cost. After all, he reasoned, it was no one's fault that his boyfriend had dumped him two days before Christmas or that the airport was closing because of the weather.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hummel, but the last flight for Columbus just got canceled. I'm afraid I can't help you."

Kurt swore in his mind and was about to tell the blond woman that it was okay and leave, when someone from behind him said, "Can't you find a car?"

Kurt turned around ready to scold the stranger about politeness but the words died in his throat when his eyes landed on a familiar face.

The man had a smirk on his face and was dressed in a military uniform. It took Kurt a moment to notice that, busy as he was to notice that Noah Puckerman hadn't changed a lot in the last five years. The smile that had made so many women fall at his feet in high school was still there but his shoulders were broader and there was a tiny white line marring his left eyebrow.

"Hey, Kurt," Puck said with a lazy grin. He adjusted the strap of his duffel bag and looked at the woman standing behind the desk from over Kurt's shoulder. "Could you find us a car?"

"Us?" Kurt asked but was ignored.

"We have a car rent service, of course." She typed quickly on her keyboard and after a moment gave Puck a smile. "There's still one car left." She looked between the two men and raised an eyebrow. "Will you two be sharing your ride?"

"It would be a shame to be headed to the same place and lose the change of catching up," Puck replied. He looked at Kurt for just a second and then he was handing over his credit card. "You're heading back home, right?"

"Yes." Kurt's voice was cold and he tried to put as much indifference as he could into his tone. Maybe Puck was helping him get home on time for Christmas, but that didn't mean he was going to forget the last time they had seen each other.

After Puck got directions to go retrieve the car, he started walking away and Kurt fell into steps besides him but they didn't talk until they were sitting in their car, Puck behind the steering wheel.

"Thank you," Kurt said in that same tone of indifference.

"We're just sharing the drive, no big deal." Puck answered offhandedly. His eyes darted to Kurt for a moment and he ended up asking, "How are you?"

"I'm great." Kurt glanced at him and then tried to sound disinterested as he asked the same question.

"I've been close to not being here a few times," he said and Kurt knew he didn't mean just back in the States. "But I'm still here. They actually discharged me because I have a splinter in my shoulder that they can't get out." He paused and looked back at Kurt while he added, "I'm back home for good."

Kurt nodded thinking back about their last fight and spending the last five years pretending not to care. 'It's like you don't even care about us,' Paul had said while he gathered up his things and broke up with Kurt. And as much as Kurt hated to admit it, Puck had always been a ghost for every relationship he had.

"I'm glad," he whispered without looking at Puck.

"I figured, Christmas was the perfect time to come back and settle in a normal life again."

"You'll be staying in Lima, then?"

"I don't know. Is there any place else where I should look for an apartment?"

Kurt stopped feigning indifference and coldness. He kept his eyes on the road while he said, "New York is the perfect place for a brand new start."

22. Meet me under the mistletoe, let's fuck. It's Hanukkah, so meet me by the menorah, let's get drunk

Puck wandered around the house half-drunk. Sugar's home was huge and her Christmas party was probably the best Lima had ever seen. He stumbled a few times and greeted people he barely knew. New Directions were scattered around the place, mingling with football players and Cheerios.

"Did you see the mistletoe, Puck?" Sugar's cheery voice made Puck want to rip his ears off but he managed to put on a smile because this was still her party.


"Go find someone and make out!" She patted him on the back and then ran away. A moment later someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a bedroom.

"What..." He was cut off when lips connected with his. It took him a moment to realize who was kissing him but when it finally registered in his mind, he smirked and kissed back.

"I was looking for you," Kurt murmured pulling back.

"I thought you weren't coming."

"I sneaked out. I had to bring Finn too, but that's a small price to pay to see you." Kurt's hands slipped under Puck's shirt and his fingers started running up and down his back. "Did you see that Sugar hung mistletoe at every door?"

Puck laughed. "Did she?"

"Yes. I almost pulled inside the wrong guy, by the way." Kurt kissed him again, this time going deeper and letting Puck's hands slip under his shirt. "Dad said that we should take a break because we have been fighting more than usual," he added, pulling away and enjoying the feeling of Puck's lips on his neck. "It's why I couldn't come tonight." Kurt licked his lips and tried to suppress a loud moan when Puck pulled the collar of his shirt away so he could have more room. "He thinks we can't keep our hands to each other if we are anywhere together."

Puck chuckled and pulled away from Kurt's neck to look at him. "He's right."

"I know." Kurt kissed him again and then pulled him towards the bed. "I missed you," he whispered while Puck settled between his legs. He watched as the lips of his boyfriend curved into a small smile and he let his fingers trace it. His eyes fell on the nightstand and he started laughing.

Puck frowned and was about to ask what was going on when Kurt turned around beneath him and pointed to the side.

"She put a menorah too!" Kurt laughed again and then looked back at Puck. "Looks like it's our room."

23 - Struggle to survive the Christmas night when zombies came to town. Christmas night of the living dead

Puck ran as fast as his feet would carry him but the snow was slowing him down. On either sides of the streets the Christmas lights were still on but trails of blood were visible up the porches and across the snow.

He ran and ran. He could still remember waking up from his nap and looking outside the window and seeing zombies walking slowly towards his home. His mom and his sister were nowhere to be seen and he was going from one friend's house to another but with no luck.

He glanced behind from over his shoulder and saw Kurt lying down in the snow. He felt his heart stop beating because a moment before Kurt hadn't been there and because he looked very much dead. Going against his instinct, he stopped and turned around quickly reaching Kurt's body.

Puck knelt down in the snow and turned his boyfriend over and felt himself screaming Kurt's name over and over again.

Suddenly a hand gripped his shoulder and started shaking him. Puck opened his eyes and found himself back in his house a worried face looming over him.

"Are you alright? You scared the shit out of me," Kurt whispered.

Puck looked around himself. He was still lying on the couch in his living room. He was safe. He sighed heavily and said, "I had the most fucked up dream ever."

"You were on a date with the Duracell bunny again?" Kurt asked raising an eyebrow.

"Worse. There were zombies outside my window and no one was alive and you were lying in the snow dead and..."

Kurt's cool hands cupped his cheeks and made him look up into worried blue eyes. "It was just a dream. I'm okay. Everyone's okay. Your mom and your sister are still grocery shopping and Finn will be here in a few minutes to pick us up."

Puck took a few deep breaths and nodded. His eyes darted to the window though and, clearing his throat, he asked, "Could you check if..."

"Sure." Kurt smiled softly at him and got up from the couch. He padded over to the window and looked outside. There was snow piled up on the sidewalks and the cars were driving slowly up and down the street. He looked back at his boyfriend with a reassuring smile and said, "Everyone's okay. No zombies in sight."

Puck heaved a sigh of relief.

24 - I saw Daddy kissing Santa Clause underneath the mistletoe. Last night I saw Daddy tickle Santa Clause underneath his beard so snowy white

Sarah put her hand over her mouth and stopped the surprised yelp that had almost escaped from her throat. She had come down to watch Santa put her gifts under the tree but what she found was her daddy kissing Santa.

She watched as Kurt pulled back and tickled Santa under his beard with a smile. "You're so ridiculous with this thing. When you're old I forbid you to grow a beard."

Santa laughed and replied, "You will change your mind. I'm going to start growing my beard from tomorrow."

Kurt shook his head and kissed Santa again and Sarah couldn't take it anymore. She stormed down the stairs and kicked Santa in the shin.

"What the..." Santa trailed off when his eyes fell on Sarah.

"Stop kissing my daddy! He loves my Papa!"

Kurt's eyes widened and he uselessly opened and closed his mouths a few times.


"I don't want your presents!" Sarah yelled and then looked up at Kurt. "Daddy, why did you let Santa kiss you?"

"I... it's not Santa," Kurt blurted out. He looked at his daughter and then back at his husband. "Santa was... was very busy, baby, so he asked..." He turned around and forcefully yanked Santa's beard. "See? It's fake! Santa Clause was busy so he asked your Papa to help him out."

Puck nodded and Sarah looked doubtfully between her dads. "It's true. There are some dads that work for Santa."

Sarah squinted her eyes in a way that reminded Puck of Kurt. "You mean that you are a special Papa?"

Kurt nodded furiously. "Exactly. Your Papa works for Santa."

Sarah thought about it for a few seconds and then raised an eyebrow. "You mean that Sasha's father doesn't?"

"Nope, just a few special dads," Puck said. He pulled of his hat and his beard. "We need to dress as Santa Clause so if a kid wakes up, we look like Santa."

Sarah nodded and then said, "Okay." She gave her fathers a big toothless smile and added, "I want my presents, then." And before her fathers could add anything, she turned around and ran up the stairs.

"That was close," Kurt whispered.

25 - It's Christmas and we are in love with the way that the soft snowflakes kiss us

Puck took aim and threw the snowball. Kurt, having been hit square in the chest, fell backwards. Puck waited for the boy to get up again but a minute and then two went by. He frowned and walked over to the fallen boy.

Kurt was lying in the snow with his eyes closed and his brows knitted into a frown.

"Kurt? C'mon, I didn't hit you that hard." Puck said but got no answer. He crouched down next to Kurt and extended his hand to shake him but Kurt's eyes flew open and he grabbed Puck's wrist tagging him down and rolling on top of him.

He was laughing, the snowflakes melting on his eyelashes and on his hair. "I won," he announced triumphantly but Puck couldn't answer because he was still too busy staring. "Puck? You didn't hit your head on a hidden rock, did you?" He frowned and bent down a little. "Puck?"

Kurt was about to call his name again when he felt lips connecting with his own. He blinked several times trying to understand what was going on because Puck surely wasn't kissing him. He pulled back a little and found Puck still staring at him. "Puck?" This time he spoke the name in a soft question.

"Damn, you're hot," Puck said.

And then Kurt laughed and shook his head and got up. He extended a hand to Puck and said, "You must have hit your head."

"No, no," Puck retorted even as he grasped the extended hand. "I mean, you're usually hot but right now I just want to like kiss you all over and get my hands everywhere."

"Are you..."

"I'm not kidding." Puck frowned and stopped walking, tagging on Kurt's hand to get him to stop as well. " It's freezing," he commented making Kurt frown in confusion.

"I know. I was headed inside."

"Do you want to make out and get the blood flowing again?"

Kurt blinked again and again and when Puck just kept staring at him intently, he broke into laughter. "That was... that was the worst pick-up line ever."

Puck smirked. "Did it work?"

Kurt shook his head but said, "We need to sneak past Finn, though." He turned around then and tagged Puck inside.