Lydia storms into her room, piping mad.

Lydia: That's IT! I've had it! I'm sick of being the butt of everyone's jokes! I'm sick of Clair! I'm sick of my life! (Gets an idea) So maybe, it's time for a new life. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE! (In the Neitherworld) Good, he's not home. (She digs through the cabinet and finds the New-U cologne) Perfect! *She goes back to her room with it* Time to make a change. (She sprays herself. Her clothes turn into a red jacket. Her hair changes. Her face gets meaner and she gets shades. She has become her new self. She looks in her mirror and smiles) Oh, yeah. Who's bad? I'M bad. And I'm gonna STAY bad. But if I'm gonna complete my new life, I gotta spread this around. (She leaves her room. Her mom sees her)

Delia: Lydia? What on earth are you wearing?

Lydia: My new look. You like it?

Delia: No, I do not. Go upstairs and change this instant!

Lydia: I got a better idea, YOU change. *Sprays her*

Delia: What a nasty daughter I've raised…

Lydia: That's right. Now for dear ol' dad.

She walks into the living room.

Charles: L-Lydia?

Lydia: 'Sup, pops?

Charles: What happened to you?

Lydia: The same thing I'm gonna do to you. *She sprays him*

Charles (Now calm and brave): (Chuckles) Lydia, you may LOOK tough, but no one's scared of you.

Lydia: You won't be sayin' that once I come for you…after school.

At school, Lydia burst through the doors and walks down the hall like she owns the place. Everyone stares in shock and awe.

Bertha: Lydia? Is that you?

Lydia: Everybody's been asking me that lately. You all sound like a bunch of broken records. And it's tickin' me off!

Prudence: Lydia, we've never seen this side of you before…

Lydia: Yeah, well, I thought it was high time for a change, you know? Speaking of.

She gets out the New-U.

Bertha: What's that?

Lydia: Something that'll change your lives.

She sprays them.

Prudence (Cool and confident): Wow, look how cool I am.

Bertha: Wow, Lydia, you're lookin' kinda hot right now.

Lydia: What? You a lesbian?

Bertha: Hell, yeah.

Lydia grabs her and kisses her hard.

Lydia: You and I are gonna go good together.

Clair: Like, Oh, my, gawd! I knew you were a FREAK! But this is, so totally, too much!

Lydia grabs Clair by the coller.

Clair: Like, put me down you…

Lydia: SHUT UP! There's gonna be some changes around here! I'm in charge now! Got it? Or do I have to pound your face in?

Clair: N-No! I, l-like, got it…

Lydia: Good. (Let's go) Oh, and before I forget. *Sprays her* Ha ha ha! Now, THAT'S a good look for you!

Clair (Nerdy and awkward): Ah! I'm a nerd! I gotta get outta here before anyone sees me like this!

Lydia, Prudence and Bertha laugh.

And so Lydia sprays everyone she knows, completing her new life as the local tough, biker babe.

Back in Lydia's room, Beetlejuice appears.

Beetlejuice: I can't BELIEVE she took the New-U! I gotta find her!

He flies to her school and sees her giving a beaten up Clair a wedgy.

Beetlejuice: Lyds!

Lydia: Huh? Yo, 'sup, Beetz?

Beetlejuice: I wish you wouldn't call me that... What were you thinking?

Lydia: I was thinkin' I got tired of bein' pushed around.

Beetlejuice: But I improved on the formula so that it can't be washed off, it's permanent!

Lydia: Good! Ain't no way going back to that old life! I'm staying like this forever!

Beetlejuice: Well...if this is what you really want. Ah! I just thought of a way to make money off this!

Lydia: Cool. Now, I gotta get my ears pirced two more times and get ready for my date with Bertha.

Beetlejuice: ... I don't even wanna know...

The end.