AN: Thanks for the reviews guys! All mistakes are mine.

The Curious Tale Of My Curiosity.

Chapter 56.

I tried to distract myself by finishing cooking, but as the minutes dragged by with no sign of Edward, my fears seemed to continue mounting.

Was our relationship as serious as I thought it was?

Was Edward just using me for a quick holiday fling to distract himself?

The questions whirled around my mind, causing my gut to churn and my mood to sour until I finally couldn't take it any longer.

"Keep an eye on things for a minute," I instructed Alice as I went off to find Edward.

I found him on the balcony connected to the living room, staring, pensively, out at the sky.

"Edward," I said softly.

He sighed, ducking his head down so that his hair fell in his face. "Please, don't, Bella. I don't need you to pity me, okay?"

My eyebrows pinched together in confusion. "Pity you? Why would I pity you?" I asked.

He turned around to look at me, his expression patronizing. "We both heard what Alice said in there, but I guess it was only a matter of time before you figured out that I was fucked up. I don't deal with my problems well. In fact, I generally like to pretend that they are not there. I never really grieved my parents death, and I'm constantly having to carry around this weight in my chest while I pretend that nothing is wrong.

"Before you I got high when it all gets too much, but you actually made it more. My problems don't matter when you're around and I'm finally happy, but for how long? Nothing lasts forever, and I don't want to loose you like I lost my parents. I don't think I could cope," he admitted, his voice tortured.

I didn't even hesitate. I just pulled him into my arms and held him, my own insecurities thrown away as I unveiled another layer to the mystery that was my boyfriend.

If only I knew how to fix him.

AN: Wow, who knew Christmas could be so depressing. Geesh, I'm starting to feel like the Grinch. Thanks for reading!