I'm new to fanfiction and not sure I really know what I'm doing, but this idea popped into my head and wouldn't go away. It was going to be a short Christmasy one-shot, but apparently when I start writing I can't stop, so I broke it up into a few chapters. It's all written though, so the chapters will come pretty quickly.

Please let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Rookie Blue.

Chapter 1: Christmas Plans

Andy and Sam sat in their cruiser patrolling the streets of Toronto. It had been a quiet day and Andy looked out the window at the light snow falling on the Christmas decorations filling the front yards - no matter how small they were - throughout the city. It was two weeks before Christmas and Andy was suddenly reminded of that nagging question she wanted to ask Sam.

"McNally?" Sam noticed Andy had drifted off into her own thoughts. And to be honest, he thought she looked so content, but he was too hungry to let her stay in her own world right then.

"Huh, what?"

"Where do you want to go for lunch?"

"Oh, anywhere is good." Andy took a closer look at what street they were on before continuing. "Maybe that diner a few blocks from here."

As Sam drove up the street and looked for a good parking spot, Andy decided she had to stop overthinking things. She had to at least bring up the topic. I mean, we've been dating for a while now and the topic is going to come up at some point. It's only natural, she thought. To stop her hands from fidgeting, she became obsessed with the lint on her pants. If Sam noticed, he didn't say anything. "So Sam, uh, what are your plans for Christmas? Are you spending it with Sarah?"

Sam glanced over at Andy as he parked the car in front of the diner. "Sarah's spending a couple weeks in Paris for Christmas and New Year's. It's something she's always wanted to do and she finally treated herself. So, no, I'm not spending it with her."

He got out of the car and waited for Andy to join him, placing a hand at the small of her back leading her into the diner, before continuing. "Ollie invited me to spend the day with him and Zoe and the girls, but I don't know. I might just tell Frank I can work, give others with families the time off."

Sam noticed Andy looked disappointed by his response as they walked into the diner and found a table near the window. In a rare moment, he was having trouble reading his partner and wasn't sure what caused the sad look on her face. Andy fidgeted with the menu and didn't know what to think now. Ok, the first part made sense. Ollie's wife loved Sam and wouldn't want him alone on Christmas. But come on, working? Didn't he want to spend time with her, hadn't he even considered that?

Sam knew Andy spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with her dad. He remembered how excited she was when the calendar turned to December and she told him about all the holiday traditions she had with her dad. He would have loved to invite her to spend Christmas with him, but Sam knew Tommy McNally was the only family Andy had and didn't want to disrupt that bond.

Interrupting their thoughts, a waitress came over to take their order and that seemed to be the end of the Christmas discussion. When the food arrived a few minutes later, they were talking about how Sam would be riding solo the next day because Andy had to appear in court about a case where she had been the arresting officer. "Maybe they'll stick you with Gail or Dov," Andy smirked. She knew how much they annoyed Sam when he was paired with one of them.

"Please, don't even," Sam was clearly fearful her thought could come true. "But, you know, they do what I tell them to, unlike some other partners." Sam grinned, his dimples in full force, and Andy knew he was teasing her. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm just doing what my awesome TO taught me, you know, how to be a pain the ass," she teased.

"Just eat. We can't spend all day here," Sam feigned annoyance and Andy couldn't help but smile.

When they were finished, Sam pulled some cash out of his wallet to pay the bill and Andy decided it was now or never. "Sam, do you want to spend Christmas with me and my dad? We go out to dinner on Christmas Eve and then spend Christmas Day together, starting with breakfast and opening presents, and some other stuff," Andy blurted out, rushing through the words so she couldn't continue to overthink it.

A smile formed on Sam's face and he looked deeply into Andy's brown eyes. Andy hated when he did that – well, no, truthfully she loved when he looked at her that way with those intense smoldering eyes.

But when he did that she felt like he could see deep into her soul and knew what she was thinking or feeling before she did. And as usual, that look made her blush slightly.

It felt like hours had gone by for Andy, but only a few seconds had passed before Sam responded. "Are you sure your dad won't mind? I know this is a special time the two of you share together. You know I love you and I want to spend Christmas with you, but are you sure that three isn't a crowd?"

Andy let out a small laugh and thought how that was the farthest thing from the truth. She recalled her conversation with her dad the week before.

"Ooooh dad, remember this one? I think I made it when I was eight." Andy pulled another ornament out of the box and brought it over to where her father was standing next to the tree.

"You were seven actually. It was when you went through your 'everything has to have macaroni on it' stage," Tommy chuckled, taking the ornament from Andy's hands. A photo of the two of them had been glued onto cardboard and pieces of pasta were placed around them in the shape of a heart. She had even glued some spaghetti over their heads and Tommy figured it was supposed to imitate their hair.

Tommy placed the ornament on the tree and then put his arm around his daughter's shoulders to pull her closer to him. He kissed the top of her head and said, "Thanks for helping me with the Christmas tree, sweetie."

Andy looked up at her dad and smiled. She always helped decorate his tree and couldn't imagine not being part of the process. Even though the week before she put up her own tree in her condo, there was something special about sharing this moment with her dad. She looked up and down at the small tree her father had placed in a corner of his apartment and remembered the Christmases of her childhood. They would visit the Christmas tree lot and her dad would allow her to pick out the perfect tree. She had very specific requirements, it had to be tall and wide and smell like it had just come out of the forest. Tommy never did understand what exactly that smell was, but Andy knew and rejected many trees because it lacked that special aroma. They'd spend a full day decorating their home for the holiday, something Andy always enjoyed doing with her father.

Andy placed the last ornament on the tree and started packing up the empty boxes. "Do you want to stay for dinner? I have lasagna I was going to toss in the oven," Tommy asked as he began placing the empty boxes in a closet.

"I'd love to dad, but I made plans to meet Sam for dinner. Why don't you join us?"

"Sounds like a great idea. I like Sam, he's good for you, you're good for him. And most importantly, he treats you right." Andy knew her father's last comment was a dig at Luke. He never had a kind word to say about him after what he did, not that Andy minded of course because she felt the same way. Tommy sat down on the couch next to his daughter and pulled her in for a hug. Andy smiled and knew this was her opening for what she wanted to ask her dad.

"I know on Christmas it's always been just you and me, but I was wondering…" she hesitated, looking for the right words. She didn't want her father to think their traditions meant nothing to her because that was farthest from the truth.

"What Andy, wondering….?"

"Well, I was wondering if you minded if I invited someone to join us. If maybe Sam could come with me." Andy felt like a teenager asking for her parent's permission to extend curfew or go to a party. "I mean, I totally understand if you don't, but I just thought I'd like to spend the holiday with my two favorite men."

Tommy grabbed his daughter's hands and smiled before speaking. "Andy, it's our time, our traditions, not my time. I appreciate you asking me, but you don't need to. It will be great to spend Christmas with the both of you."

Andy's eyes lit up. She truly wasn't sure how her dad would respond. It had been just the two of them for so long, she thought maybe he would think a third person would be intruding on their special time together. "Thank you, dad. I love you." She gave her father a huge hug. "Now, go change so we can meet Sam for dinner."

"Oh, and don't say anything about this to Sam yet," Andy continued nervously. "I haven't asked him and he may already have other plans. I don't know, so just, uh, let's just keep this conversation between us for now." Some things never change, Tommy thought. His daughter was still scared that Sam wouldn't want to spend time with her. After all they'd been though on the job and off, Tommy was amazed Andy still didn't realize how head over heels in love Sam was with her. He chuckled to himself as he changed his shirt.

Sitting at the table in the diner, Sam noticed a sparkle in Andy's eye and knew thoughts were running through that pretty head of hers. "No Sam, my dad would love for you to join us," she said answering his question. "I already talked to him about it and I'm pretty sure he was already expecting me to bring you."

"Ok then, I guess I should let Ollie know he won't have an extra guest then."

"I guess you should," Andy said smiling.

As they got up to leave the diner, Andy quickly glanced around to see if anyone was looking at her and Sam before stealing a kiss. She then leaned in further so her mouth was next to his ear and whispered, "I love you." Sam stood there watching her walk away. How'd I get so lucky, he thought.