AN: I've never written a Klaine fanfic before, but thought I'd give it a try anyway. I know this first chapter is really short, but I have some pretty good ideas as to what I want to happen later on in the story. Please review, and let me know what you think at my brief attempt of this first chapter.

Kurt sighed and reached for his alarm clock. He really didn't want to go to school today. The first day back after summer was bad enough, but the thought of having to deal with Karofsky, or glee or anything else his life decided to throw at him just drained the little energy he had. He just wanted to curl up and go back to sleep, but knew that he couldn't. He switched off the alarm, and with a sigh, threw off the duvet and swung his legs out of bed. His eyes scanned the dimly lit room, though for what he didn't know. He decided a shower was his best bet, and so he walked over to his bathroom, hoping the hot water streaming out of the shower could wash away all of his emotions.

After showering, moisturizing and choosing a suitable outfit, Kurt had left his house feeling worse than he had when he'd woken up. He managed to drive to school, but couldn't bring himself to leave his car. So he was sat in the car park, watching students walking up the steps into school. The sight of Mercedes and Tina across the lot seemed to be motivating enough to get him to move. He wandered over to his friends, in absolutely no rush.

"Hey!" They greeted, their enthusiasm almost too much for him.

"Hi," He replied, hitching his bag up onto his shoulder. He could see Karofsky and a load of footballers walking towards them, and gestured to the girls to walk.

"You don't look so good." It sounded like a statement, but he knew Mercedes was asking him what was wrong. Kurt shrugged.

"Guess I need more sleep."

The girls threw each other suspicious glances, but decided not to pressure Kurt too much. He'd let it all out eventually, they just had to give him time. They linked arms before walking up the steps, through the doors and down the hall.

"I need to go to my locker," Kurt said. "I'll see you later." He freed himself from their grasp, and walked over to his locker, which was luckily not near to anyone's he knew. He fiddled with the combination for a moment, and then began to sort through his books. The loud bang on the locker next to him didn't even make him jump, and he continued to rummage through his bag. He couldn't be bothered with bullies this morning. But the next voice he heard wasn't menacing, or harsh. It was a soft, seductive whisper in his ear, the hot breath tickling his cheek.

"Hey, sexy."

Kurt spun round. The face he'd imagined to go with that amazing voice didn't even compare to the one belonging to the gorgeous boy stood in front of him. His skin was slightly tanned, his hair dark and unbelievably curly, and his eyes. God, Kurt could stare into those hazel-green eyes all day, but his own eyes had caught sight of the cocky grin spread across the mystery boys face. He realized he'd been staring, and tried to compose himself.

"What do you want?" He asked, giving the boy his famous bitch-stare.

"Other than you on your knees? Not much," He sneered wrapping his arm around Kurt's waist. Kurt flinched at the touch and tried to push the boy away, instantly regretting it. Underneath the boy's white, v-necked t-shirt he could feel his amazingly toned muscles. He chuckled darkly, leaning forward so all Kurt could see was his hazel-green eyes, now filled with cockiness. "Playing hard to get are we?"

"No," Kurt snapped. "I'm not playing anything, and you are not going to get me." The boy laughed again.

"We'll see about that," He whispered. Kurt closed his eyes as he breathed in the boys scent. He grinned before turning on his heels and walking away. "See you around, babe," He called over his shoulder, winking at Kurt has he did so. Kurt let out a deep sigh before leaning his head against the lockers. This was going to be an interesting year.