AN: Okay, so this took me WAY too long to write, and it's not even good, so I have to apologize to you for that. I have no excuse, other than I didn't really know what I wanted to happen, and when I did, and I wrote it, it didn't seem right. BUT I know what's going to happen in Chapter 9, so that should be done sooner :P This might seem repetitive, but I swear, I'm not running out of ideas, it's all part of my master plan *evil grin* Anyways, all the usual thanks to my readers, reviewers and anyone who has alerted this or added it to their favorites. Keep 'em coming, they all make me very happy! Especially the reviews *hint hint* I love you all, even more so if you read all of this. Yup. Enjoy! :D

Burt stared at his son who was sat on the couch, up and dressed way too early for a Sunday morning. Kurt was wearing his favorite outfit, and was nervously playing with his hands.

"Where you going?" Burt asked. Kurt's head shot up and his eyes widened.

"J-just out with a friend," He said quietly, trying to avoid his father's gaze.

"On a date?"

"No," Kurt replied, shaking his head. "Just out. As friends."

"Cool," Said Burt, nodding and turning his attention to the TV. A care horn sounded outside and Kurt smiled, got to his feet and walked over to the door.

"I'll see you later, Dad." He called, grabbing his phone and opening the door.

"Have fun, kid." His father replied without turning away from the football on the screen. Kurt grinned to himself and made his way over to Blaine's car.

"Hey!" Blaine greeted, coming around to meet Kurt. He took in Kurt's appearance and his eyes lit up. Kurt noticed him grinning and cocked his head to the side.

"What?" He asked, unable to stop himself from smiling too. Blaine shook his head.

"Nice scarf." Kurt felt a blush creep up his neck and spread over his cheeks. He'd forgotten he was wearing the scarf that Blaine had given to him.

"Thanks," He said, stepping closer. Blaine laughed and opened the passenger side door for Kurt. He got in and did his seatbelt up as Blaine walked around and got in the other side.

"I hope you don't mind doing this, Kurt." He said, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. Kurt shook his head.

"Why would I?" He smiled. Blaine shrugged.

"Don't see why you'd want to help me. I don't deserve it." Kurt was speechless.

"D-don't deserve it?" He repeated. "Blaine, why would you say that?" Blaine shrugged again.

"'Cause I don't," He said, making it sound like the most obvious thing in the world. Kurt took one of Blaine's hands from the steering wheel and brought it up to his neck.

"You bought me a promise scarf." He whispered, dropping Blaine's hand. "I broke your nose, Blaine." He chuckled at that. "The least I can do is put some Christmas decorations up in your house for you." Blaine hummed and Kurt turned his attention to the other boy's hand, which was stroking his leg. Kurt coughed and Blaine turned to look at him, his face expectant. Kurt smiled and covered Blaine's hand with his own, stroking it gently with his thumb. Blaine pulled his hand back like it had been burned, returning it to it's previous position on the steering wheel.

"Kurt, God, I'm so sorry." He said, shaking his head. "I-I don't know what I was thinking."

"Don't worry," Kurt smiled. He brought his hand to Blaine's leg and began to mimic his actions. "I don't mind."

"Really?" Blaine asked. His voice had never sounded so hopefully.

"Really, really." Kurt laughed. They sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride. Kurt's hand remained on Blaine's leg, stroking it gently as he watched the world go by through the window. The car began to slow down and Blaine pulled in to a street Kurt thought he recognized, but there was no way he'd been here before. And then it clicked. Blaine had taken them here last night. He didn't realize at first, the place looked so different in the daylight, but you could clearly make out the litter on the floor, graffiti on every wall and the gangs of what Kurt thought were teenagers standing towards the end of the street. The car stopped and both boys turned to face each other. "Blaine, why are we here?" Asked Kurt, his voice quiet.

"I live here," Blaine replied, getting out of the car and heading towards the trunk. Kurt got out and practically ran to join Blaine, who was getting bags of Christmas decorations out.

"N-nice place," Kurt muttered, hoping his voice sounded positive. Blaine grunted.

"It's a shit tip." He slammed the trunk and handed Kurt a bag, fumbling in his back pocket for his keys. Kurt took the bag and began to follow the other boy towards what Kurt guessed was Blaine's house. He said house, it was actually a very small bungalow, which looked a lot worse than the others on the street. Blaine fumbled with the keys for a few seconds before swearing under his breath and kicking the door with little force. Kurt was sure his jaw dropped when the door swung open with ease to reveal the dark room behind it. There was hardly anything in there. There was a double bed to the right underneath a boarded up window, and a small chest of drawers at the foot. Against the wall to the left a worn out sofa with a wooden coffee table in front of it, and Kurt also noticed a door on the back wall. "Go in," Blaine said, not looking at Kurt but down the street where the gang was stood. Kurt did as he was told and stepped inside, followed by Blaine.

"You really live here?" He asked. Blaine nodded. Kurt took in the room he was stood in. Something about the place didn't feel right. Maybe it was the way it was so clean. He'd been in Finn's bedroom, and couldn't see the floor, but the very little things Blaine had here looked organized. There were a few stains on the carpet here and there, which had obviously been attempted to been removed, and the bin in the corner was slightly overflowing, but apart from that it looked perfect. But Kurt's room was the same. No, there was something else about this place that just wasn't right. And then it hit him. The whole room was just so Blaine. Nobody else, just Blaine. Blaine's schoolbooks stacked on the drawers, Blaine's guitar propped up against the sofa, Blaine's sheet music spread across the coffee table, Blaine's shoes lined up against the wall next to the door. There was nothing in this room that didn't belong to Blaine. Kurt looked up and opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't.

"What?" Blaine asked, his eyebrows knitting together and his head leaning to one side.

"Where do you parents live?" Kurt asked, their eyes meeting. Blaine's eyes scared him. They were dark, and hate filled, even more so than they were when he had that man pinned against the wall yesterday.

"Not here," Blaine said, walking towards the door at the back of the room. Kurt stepped forward to try and figure out what he was doing. He could just make out a toilet, and realized that it must be Blaine's bathroom. He heard water sloshing and then Blaine came back with two bottles of beer, offering one to Kurt, who raised an eyebrow. "What?" Blaine asked, motioning for Kurt to take it.

"I thought we were going to do the tree?" Blaine sighed and flopped onto the sofa, shuffling the sheet music into a pile and putting the beers down on the table.

"We have to do that now?" He sighed. Kurt couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes," He replied. "The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can have some fun." He said, motioning to the beers. Blaine grinned wickedly and looked Kurt in the eye.

"Oh, we'd have fun alright," He winked. Kurt rolled his eyes.

"I thought you were gonna stop that?" He smiled. Blaine nodded.

"Right, sure." He said, his voice more serious. "Christmas tree." He got up and walked towards the bed laying down on the floor and reaching under it. He pulled out a box and smiled and Kurt as he showed him what it was. Kurt grinned excitedly and walked as calmly as he could towards the other boy, who was now pulling the tree out of the box.

"Where are you gonna put it?" Kurt asked. Blaine shrugged.

"Dunno. Where do you think it should go?" Kurt's eyes scanned the room for a place to put the tree.

"Over there?" He suggested, pointing to the corner next to the sofa. Blaine nodded.

"Sure thing, boss." He said, picking up the tree and walking to where it was going to go. Kurt got up and began sorting through the decorations when Blaine called him. "Kuuuurt."

"What?" He laughed, looking for the gold star the bought.

"Come here!" Blaine whined. Kurt got up and looked at Blaine, who was staring at the Christmas tree in confusion. He giggled and walked towards him.

"What's the matter?" He asked, although he knew the answer.

"I don't know how do this!" Blaine sighed. He looked almost embarrassed, but Kurt knew Blaine better than that.

"It's easy," He smiled taking the tree from Blaine and turning it upside-down. "Where's the bottom?" He asked.

"The what?" said Blaine. Kurt laughed again.

"Go look in the box," He smiled. Blaine walked over to the box and came back with three triangular pieces of plastic.

"You need these?" Blaine asked, frowning.

"Yes, Blaine, or the tree wouldn't stand up."

"Oh," He replied. "Didn't know that," He admitted running a hand through his curly hair.

"Hey, it's okay," Kurt soothed, holding his hand out. "Come here, I'll show you." Blaine smiled and moved in closer, handing the plastic pieces to him. Kurt took one and showed Blaine how to slot it into the bottom of the tree. "Now you try," Kurt said handing the tree to him. Blaine took the tree and slotted the other two in, smiling when he did.

"Now what?" He asked, sounding as excited as Kurt felt.

"Stand it up," He explained, watching as Blaine did so.

"Yup. Tree's standing."

"Now we pull the branches down."

"P-pull them down?" Blaine asked. "But I don't wanna break the tree!" He pouted, sticking his bottom lip out.

"It won't break, look. Start at the bottom," Kurt said, kneeling next to the tree. "Just take the branch, and pull it down." He smiled at Blaine as he showed him what to do. "Easy, right" Blaine nodded and kneeled next to Kurt, carefully pulling down branches. They worked in relative silence, until one of them started signing a random Christmas song, which the other would join in on, and usually ended up dancing around the room to. After about two hours, the tree was up and decorated, gold star and all. Blaine smiled and stepped back, admiring their work.

"It's amazing," He grinned. "You're amazing, Kurt."

"You did it too!" He laughed, hoping he wasn't blushing as much as he hoped he was.

"Yeah, but I just did what you told me to," Blaine said, holding Kurt's shoulders and looking deep into his eyes. "You are amazing," He whispered. Kurt shook his head and giggled at the way Blaine was looking at him.

"Oh my God!" He cried, looking at his wrist. "Blaine, I've got to be home in half an hour!"

"Shit," Blaine mumbled, running his hand through his hair. "Come on, I'll drive you," He said, taking Kurt's hand and walking towards the door. Kurt smiled at the gesture and followed Blaine out of the house and in the direction of the car. Kurt could hear voices calling and then he felt Blaine tense. The shorter boy stopped dead in his tracks and squinted in the direction of the voices. "Kurt, turn around," He said, dropping his hand.

"Blaine, I can't, I've got t-"

"Kurt, I'm serious, turn the fuck around and get back in the house!" Blaine's voice was loud, and his tone scared Kurt. He began walking back, when he realized Blaine was still stood there.

"Blaine!" He called, "Blaine, come on!"

"Just go," He called back, without even looking at him. "Go Kurt."

He walked slowly back, arriving at the door and giving it a gentle shove. He sighed when the door stayed shut and turned to tell Blaine he couldn't get in, but Blaine wasn't there. He looked around desperately for Blaine, but couldn't see him anywhere. Panic began to burn inside of him, as he realized he was alone, and the sound of the voices were getting shoved the door again, but it stayed closed. He whimpered as he heard screaming and the sound of glass breaking. He pushed the door as hard as he could, desperate to get away from the cries that were filling the night air. He heard more glass breaking and then the voices stopped. Kurt's eyes widened as a figure began to walk towards him out of the darkness. He shook his head and continued trying to get inside, but again his efforts were useless. He was scared, so he did the only thing that made sense to him.

"Blaine!" He shouted, hoping he could hear him. "Blaine!" He looked around for anything that wasn't the figure quickly approaching him. "Blai-" His cries were cut off by a hand covering his mouth. Kurt winced as he tasted blood and he struggled to get free.

"God, Kurt, calm down!" Whispered a familiar voice. Kurt breathed a sigh of relief as he realized that he wasn't being attacked. He wrapped his arms around Blaine and buried his face in his neck.

"Thank you," He mumbled against his skin. Blaine chuckled and kicked the door.

"Come on you, in." He said, pushing Kurt gently inside.