Warnings/Disclaimer: Don't own Bleach, Tite Kubo does. Warnings include mild OOCness, and some mild hurt/comfort. It's really just some thoughtful confused Ichigo talking with a gentle unnamed Shiro. Just something light to read because i've been missing Ichigo and Shiro :)


Hear but don't listen


Oi, King. I know ya can hear me. But just actually listen for once, ne?

The unexpectedly soft tone was what really startled Ichigo enough out of his daze, and the orange head knew his inner Hollow felt it when the substitute shinigami's attention genuinely drifted inwards.

Yer sad.

The Hollow's voice was saturated with gratitude at Ichigo's inwardly listening ear, but the two little obvious words themselves confused Ichigo more than the genuine gratitude ever would. Well yeah he was sad, he would've thought that was obvious by the monsoon currently pouring down in his inner world. What was the point of reporting the obvious again?

Yer sad… but I dunno why… I mean, yer banned from Soul Society while they take forever to discuss what we already know is gonna happen, but why's that gotta make ya sad? I don't get it, King.

Ichigo frowned into the crook of his elbow, replaying the sentences in his head in a way that made more sense since the Hollow himself was uncertain. He was sad because he was banned from Soul Society and because they were deliberating the continued usefulness of his existence, but if he already knew that it was just for paperwork reasons and he would remain alive, why was he sad again? Maybe it was because if it was actually necessary to be pushed into talking about and putting him down on paper, somebody wanted him executed. Maybe that creepy clown-faced twelfth division captain wanted to dissect him or something. The thought wasn't reassuring.

Why are ya so sad still, King? I'm still 'ere, which means all the other Hollows are still there, and more are gonna be made everyday, so ya'll still fight and protect like ya always do. Wars are settled faster then they're started wit'you around, so that's not really a problem. Yer happier when there's a war anyways. It makes ya feel useful.

If Ichigo wasn't so confused with himself, he'd bristle up defensively at the implication that he enjoyed the damage and death wars caused, but… it was true. He did like feeling useful. If he could protect, it gave him purpose. Why was his Hollow talking to him like this anyways? So gentle for someone of his sadistic character; without sneering jabs meant to hurt and offend.

And even if ya ever do get bored with mundane Hollow-huntin', ya still got me and the ole'man, though he's pretty young in bankai too yanno. Ya can come spar with us anytime ya wanna stretch yer muscles a little bit past the max again. Like the good times, yeah? Ya got such a life, King. Why're ya sad?

The knot that had tied itself in Ichigo's chest ever since a week ago of Soul Society's announcement of deliberation quite suddenly unknotted, and Ichigo could only be more confused. What about his Hollow's statement just then had relaxed him? He didn't understand and it didn't make sense. This was so out of character…

Oi, King. It stopped raining. Does that mean yer not sad anymore?

Ichigo really didn't know enough to answer, and he never answered before anyways. But at least this time he heard and actually listened, and he felt better.


Just like Ichigo and his inner Hollow had expected, Soul Society officially declared Ichigo beneficial to the balance of the worlds and allowed him to remain living as he currently was- an ally to Soul Society. There wasn't a huge burst of relief (though there was a little one) and Ichigo didn't grin any wider than he normally would, and even in the commotion of celebration at his official status, Ichigo spared a thought towards his inner Hollow before getting swept up in the joyous mass of his friends- who had also been accepted as beneficiaries.

It was about another month later that the inner Hollow spoke again and Ichigo heard and listened, reminded of his own promise to himself that he would answer the Hollow now.

Oi, King?


There was a brief flare of surprise from the Hollow, as if he still hadn't expected Ichigo to answer- the orange head didn't blame him.

Ya answered…

Yeah, I did. What did you wanna ask?

There was an empty pause in the mental void that the two being shared, but then Ichigo felt a distinct bubble of contentedness drift across their unlikely connection.


Yeah… I dunno the point of this, but I may or may not add onto it later on, but I thought it was a soft and gentile little thing that only took me about a half hour to write. I'm supposed to be working on an essay, and I will after I've posted this, but yeah… :) enjoy it?