
I was asleep, deeply asleep, under millions of blankets that morning. I wanted to sleep in. I didn't want to see him at all today. It had only been two days since I'd broken up with Stiles. I missed him. But I couldn't let him know that.

My phone woke me up from the amazing sleep. It started blaring some stupid, overly-catchy, pop song at full volume.

I groaned and pulled the phone up to my face. I looked at the name through blurry, half asleep eyes. I sighed. Stiles. I threw the phone down to my feet and tried getting back to sleep. I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. Not at all.

He called. Again.

I grabbed the phone and answered it this time, fully ready to blow up at him. Why couldn't he just leave me alone. "What the hell do you want?"

"Oh, hey, baby."

I groaned. "What do you want?" Why did he have to call me baby? I wasn't a newborn and I wasn't dating him. He had no reason to call me weird names.

"Do you want a ride to school?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'll drive myself."

"Sophia, can't I just take you... today? I've driven you for the past two months. It's... weird not doing routine things."

I ran a hand through my knotted hair. "Did you really have to wake me up?"

He laughed. "I thought you'd be up."

"I was trying to sleep in. It's a Monday and I really don't want to go to school."

"Wouldn't your mom take you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Let me pick you up, please." He begged.

"Stiles, no. I don't want to ride with you."

"Why not?"

"It's... I just don't want to, okay?" I said, looking down at the blankets. I hated hurting his feelings but I had to. He flirted heavily with other girls while we were dating. I don't just forgive guys for that.

"Soph, I just want to talk. Give me just that much."

I sighed and got to my feet to get ready. "Give me fifteen minutes to get dressed." I hung up and went to get dressed.

Ten minutes later I was dressed in my best jeans, a simple gray tee, and my moccasin shoes. I ran a hand through my hair as I slid my phone into my back pocket.

I walked downstairs, expecting to see Stiles sitting on my couch.

"Sophia?" My mom called quietly from the kitchen.

I bit my lip and walked in. "yeah?"

"Someone called for you named Scott. He said he wanted you to pick him up before school. He said you two needed to talk."

"Oh, thanks." I mumbled, catching a glimpse at the clock. If Stiles didn't hurry up, we'd be late. I wasn't even sure we had time to pick up Scott at all. "I really have to go. Love you!" I left quickly. If I didn't, I'd be sucked into my mom's annoying chatter about something pointless and boring. I loved her and all but she wasn't a people person. She didn't know how to talk to anyone the right way. She was too quiet and shy. Unlike me.

I walked outside into the warm, spring air and Stiles pulled up ten seconds later in his blue Jeep. I sighed, thinking that this should be over soon, and got in the passenger side. "We have to pick up Scott."

"He called you, too?" He asked, looking over at me.

I avoided his eyes, looking down at my hands. "Yeah. Sometime this morning. Probably the same time you did."

He drove off, heading towards Scott's house. "I'm sorry I woke you this morning."

"I wasn't planning on coming to school at all." I mumbled sadly. I didn't want any kind of confrontation with Stiles. It was too early. I needed more time away from him.

"Why not?" He asked, throwing me away from my thoughts.

I sighed and decided to tell him the truth. I loved him at one point. If he wanted to be friends, I could work at it. I guess. "I didn't really want to see you after..." After I broke up with him Saturday.

His expression saddened deeply and he looked upset. I honestly felt bad but he wanted to know. "I can understand you being upset about that."

I finally looked over at him, seeing what I loved so much about him. He was wearing my favorite gray jacket and the jeans that made his butt look cute. I gave him a light smile since it was impossible not to when I was around him. "I was."

He drove up Scott's driveway and I sighed. We weren't going to get our private time to talk. Now that I think about it, I really, really wanted that time.


"Yeah?" I asked, running a hand through my dark hair.

"Do you ever think we could... get back together?" He asked in a soft voice.

I climbed into the backseat as the door opened, not having any more personal time left. My heart shattered inside of me. Now was the time we aren't allowed to be alone? Perfect timing, Scott. I move right up behind Stiles' shoulder and smiled unwillingly. "Maybe."

"Maybe what?" Scott asked as he shut the door, looking from both of us. Scott didn't know that Stiles and I had broken up. I didn't tell him at all. It seemed too... earlier. I guess. I just wasn't ready to admit that I wasn't dating Stiles anymore.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Nothing."

Scott turned his head and nodded at me. "Hey."

I leaned back, crossing my arms over my chest. All I got was a hey? Seriously? "Is there a good reason for why you called me?"

"And me?" Stiles added grouchily.

Scott sighed, looking uncomfortable. "Derek came over last night."

"Did you let him in?" Stiles asked, getting a little panicked.

"I-I didn't have a choice. He came through the window. He's scary enough as it is."

"Are you saying that because he's the alpha or because you're a baby?" I asked, not sign of humor in my voice at all. I was being serious.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Neither. But-"

"Stick up for yourself." Stiles said, giving Scott a slight shove. "You're a werewolf, Scott. Don't be so pathetic."

"I'm not pathetic!" He yelled, getting uncomfortable.

I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing, getting a smile of approval from Stiles and a look of irritation from Scott.