It starts with your inability to sleep. It's not that big of a deal at first, it really isn't. You just don't have time, you're really busy and sleep definitely isn't your number one priority right now.

You'll sleep tomorrow, you promise.

But then you don't, because, oh. A gig just opened, and you should take it – you have fans now, after all. And that's okay, you took a nap on the plane earlier. You'll sleep properly tomorrow.

But then they want you on Ellen, and you can't really deny Ellen.Especially not for something as stupid as this, so what harm is it to go another day without sleep? You'll be fine, you'll be fine. Tomorrow.

But, you're supposed to go see Chris tomorrow, and it's been months. He's your best friend, you're not going to cancel on him.

Even hetells you that you look like shit. ('Dare, when's the last time you slept? The bags under your eyes, god. You look like Oprah'.)

You yawn, and you shrug. You can't remember the last time you slept, to be perfectly honest – but that's not something Chris needs to know, so you don't say it out loud.

Instead you ask him what movie he wants you to put in – Tangledor Saw?

He shakes his head, disapproving, disapproving, and the next thing you know you're in his bed. He's tucking you in, but you just want to spend time with him, so you beg him to stay.

He rolls his eyes, and he huffs, like it's some huge chore his mother is asking him to do. Like there's some huge reluctance, but you know there's none there, because he smiles and crawls into bed with you, anyways.

You instantly find his warmth, and you're spooning softly.

It's the first time you can fall asleep in months.