Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters 'cept for the one's I created. :3

The September Before the Last

I shouldn't be alive. I should be dead. Just like the rest of their victims. Those sick monsters' that kill without remorse or even a second thought… Three Finger, Saw Tooth, and One Eye are way more terrifying than Satan himself. By now, I know almost every single way to kill and eat humans. I am untouched here…The asylum isn't at all and shouldn't be considered a home to me, even though I've lived here all these years. Alone and yet not. These creatures know I'm here, they have since…what they caused.

I know nothing of Saw Tooth or One Eye's past. But Three Finger's has everything to do with mine. Joshua was born a cannibal and will stay that way for the rest of eternity. My mother was raped seven years before she had me, by my uncle. (Pa told me so) When she was six months pregnant with my older brother, she got into a car wreck. The doctors told us the baby was fine. Liars… My baby brother, Joshua, Three Finger…was born…a mutant…inbred…cannibal…freak…

Our mother died when I was only a year old, he eight. Since we lived in the woods, hidden from civilization, it was kind of difficult to escape. From birth he couldn't talk only grunt, groan, and laugh that sinister laugh. Three months into living alone with him he ate his own finger. Even though he was a complete psycho, I still love my brother.

Not even a month later, they were able to escape. All of them. I've been here since I was 15 years old, when Pa gave me to him because he was getting too old to care for me. Yay… I don't know what the date is or anything, and I haven't spoken English to anyone since Pa lemme go. My luck had run up as a few years ago …until a group of college kids came…