Author's Note: This is another romance story I came up with. It is a Goku and Pan romance but this time it is set in an alternate universe where they are not related. A very dark story but I hope everyone will enjoy it! As always review and comment!

Planet Vegeta:

He had been gifted and cursed with the ability to see the future. He knew this moment would come, the moment that would decide the fate of his race, his son, and himself. The galactic tyrant Frieza scoffed at Bardock's attempt to stop the monster from destroying his race. Bardock was no match for the massive attack and as he took his last breath he saw the future and it concerned him.

He could see his son locked away in a dark and silent room like he was some kind of animal. The look in his son's eyes were emptiness. It was a state most unbefitting of a saiyan warrior and as a father it broke Bardock's heart to see it.

"Kakarot…sorry…" He whispered sadly as he closed his eyes in death.

With a bright display in the vastness of space Planet Vegeta along with most of the proud saiyan race disappeared from the universe. Two of the few survivors were mere babies flying through space, a male and a female, Kakarot and Naka. Their destination was the same blue planet, Earth.

Planet Earth:

After a week of traveling through space the small space pods landed on the peaceful planet Earth. The small alien baby boy began to cry as the light of the sun creaked into his space pod as the door slowly opened. The powerful cries could be heard for miles.

The cry of the infant spooked the forest creatures that surrounded him. Luckily for the child a kind elderly man heard the baby's pleas. The peaceful hermit slowly approached the strange alien craft. He peaked down at the small child and a warm smiled appeared on his face.

Kakarot hushed his crying and smiled back at the gentle man. He reached his little arms up to him wanting to be picked up. The elder man made his way into the crater, picked up the child, and carried him gently back out of the crater. Kakarot was so happy to have someone hold him, he felt safe, and protected again.

"Hey there little guy! My name is Gohan!" The old man said in excitement.

Goku's tail wiggled in happiness and Gohan laughed, "Well would you look at that, you have a tail! You're an odd little guy aren't you? Well that's okay I'm a bit odd myself."

Goku giggled and had a huge grin on his face. Gohan examined the baby closely and said, "Let's see now…I guess you can come live with me. How about I call you Goku?"

Kakarot smiled at the mention of his new name showing his approval for it. Gohan and Goku locked eyes and for a moment the world seemed to be filled with nothing but joy. Then it all shattered.

Goku heard a loud bang and sickening crack like something ripping through muscle and bone at an incredible speed. Gohan's eyes closed in pain as the kind old man began to collapse. He landed on his back and Goku fell on his chest. Goku looked at the corpse of the man who had made him laugh and made him feel safe even for a moment. The little saiyan began to cry and pounded on the man's chest hoping he would respond.

He had little time to grieve as he felt a cold hand snatch him up. Next thing he knew he was being held tightly by a man in some kind of special military armor. Many other soldiers surrounded him. Goku knew these people were the ones who had just killed his new friend.

"I can't believe it! An alien baby! This is the greatest discovery ever! He'll make a fine specimen! Alright men clean up here!" The soldier who held Goku ordered.

"What about the old man, sir!" Asked a lower ranked soldier

"If he's still alive then he has seen too much. Dispose of him. We can't have any witnesses" He responded.

One of the soldiers nodded and point his gun at Gohan's head. Goku reached his hand out and made a whimpering sound like he was begging the soldier to stop but then bang, blood splattered all over the ground, and Goku's cries filled the air with sounds of sadness and loss.

In the cold northern regions of the planet the second space pod had landed. The tiny baby girl cried but her voice was almost blocked out by the harsh northern winds. Luckily for her a kind single mother and her two young children, a brother and sister, heard the pleas of the saiyan infant and rushed to her aid.

The mother gently picked the baby up and wrapped her warmly in a thick cloth.

"Mamma, are we going to keep her?" Asked the curious little boy.

The woman nodded and smiled, "Of course we are. She's an orphan. Everyone needs a family, even this little angel."

The little girl smiled, "I'm going to have a new sister!"

The mother couldn't help but laugh at the excitement of her children over the prospect of a new sibling.

"I think I'll name her…Pan!" The woman decided.

As the small family turned to head home they were faced with a group of soldiers. Soldiers from the same army that kidnapped Goku. Without warning the soldiers shot the mother and her two children leaving only Pan alive. Just as they did to Goku they kidnapped the baby girl. Pan was horrified at the sight of her deceased new family. She cried loudly as the soldiers disappeared with her on a military plane.

Two saiyans were about to face a nightmare that would last for years to come.