Reviews are welcome.

An Unexpected Meeting

The end of the meeting was signaled with the straightening of paper and closing of folders. Chairs scraped on the floor as the members of the United Kingdom left the room, wanting to get as far away from a certain Englishman before he could offer afternoon tea. They had all, on occasion, been the victim to this well-meant invitation, and their poor stomachs suffered for at least a week afterward. Except the Scot, he could stomach just about anything. But, as he put it, "Just because I can eat it, doesn't mean I want to". Among those dashing for the door was Liam, although his pace was brisk his shorter height and the fact he couldn't be bothered fighting for first position put him behind Scotland. Wales slowed slightly so he was in step with the Irishman.

"Awful meeting wasn't it? He really can talk can't he?" Wales asked, attempting to start conversation.

"Och aye. Thought he'd never shut up", Liam grumbled. "I swear his voice gets more and more like a drone each time".

"He might be a robot", the Welshman asked, grinning wide. "He certainly does act like one at times. It's scary".

Liam was about to respond, but feeling the warm sunlight on his skin, all he could think was 'at last! Freedom!' Stepping out of the doorway, he gave a small wave as his brothers headed off to their own cars. Sighing with relief, Liam pulled out his hat, which was shoved in his pocket, and placed it on his head with a content smile. Yes, this certainly was better. He never felt complete without his trademark grey cap on his head, however it was strictly business attire during meetings.

"Someone's in a good mood today", came a calm and all-too-familiar voice. Leaning against his car was the one man he was in no real mood to see today. Seán, or the Republic of Ireland.

"I know you want me to join you again, but following me to Arthur's house? Really? Should I be getting a restraining order?" Liam asked, eyebrow lofting slightly. To be honest, it was creepy that he even knew he was here.

Seán rolled his eyes, stepping away from the car slightly. "I didn't follow you. I called your house, and your answering machine said you were going to be here. So I thought I'd come for a visit", he said, shrugging.

Huffing, Liam looked to the side slightly. He had forgotten that he had done that. The intention was that any nation wanting to contact him understood why he wasn't answering, not fly over to England. And although he wasn't willing to admit it, he was just the slightest bit pleased. Deep down. Very deep down. "So you decided to come over here? To England? You would never do that for no reason. What are you up to?"

Shrugging, the other Irishman looked at him with a very smug smile. "Came to visit you, eejit. What do you think? Did you miss me?" Opening his arms, Seán was expecting some sort of hug. Liam, instead, just looked at him oddly. Sighing, he pulled the resisting Northern Irishman close, even though he was pushing to try and stop him. Leaning in, Seán kissed him softly, feeling smug as the resistance came to an abrupt stop. Liam stood in stunned silence as this happened, hands dropping by his sides. His face flushed a dark scarlet, highlighting the mass of freckles on his face, eyes looking around wearily should someone be watching. Somewhat hesitantly, he began to kiss back.

Seán gently broke the kiss, smiling at him wide. That smile, although intended to be friendly, just annoyed Liam. Raising a hand, he shoved the Irishman's face back hard.


Seán took a step back, rubbing his face in stunned silence. Really, it was more surprising that he hadn't expected that. Clearly, at that moment, the luck of the Irish was most certainly not on his side. Looking at Liam, his mouth opened and closed a few times, still in shock.

"What did you kiss me for, damn eejit?" Liam asked, arms crossed. His brows had knitted together in a frown, jaw set. All in all, he was not a happy looking Irishman. Seán lowered his hand away from his face, giving a weak smile. "You can't go around kissing people dammit!"

"I wasn't going around kissing people. I was kissing you. A bit different don't you think?" Seán asked, tilting his head ever so slightly.

Letting out a clearly annoyed huff, Liam looked to the side slightly. While that may be true, he didn't want to admit out loud that he may have enjoyed that just the slightest bit. Internally, Liam was trying to resist admitting that to himself. Love wasn't for him, and if his history was anything to go by, anybody who was unfortunate enough to be in love with him, and loved in return, was doomed to die. Why the hell am I thinking of love right now? he wondered, keeping his face blank to hide his rapid thoughts. "How exactly is it different?" Liam asked after letting silence hang over them for a few moments.

"Well, ah. I only kissed you didn't I?" Seán said, looking slightly unsure. Liam nodded slowly, his memories keeping him from being completely there in the moment. Reaching out, the other Irishman gave him a slight shake, feeling he was beginning to lose Liam. "Liam? Hey Liam? You alright?"

Shaking his head, Liam pulled himself back to then and there. "Yeah. Fine. I guess I just had a bit too much of Arthur's tea or something", he murmured. "I swear he puts something in that leaf water". Smiling wide, he got into his car, slamming the door shut behind him. Seán just stood by the side, head tilted ever so slightly as if waiting for something. Winding down the window with an annoyed sigh, Liam leant out slightly. "Och…. Alright, you can have a ride". Grinning wide, Seán dashed around the passenger side of the car, getting in next to him. "Don't look so damn happy about it". Seán shrugged, grin still on his face. Even after all these years, things never seemed to change.

Seán knew his brother extremely well, and knew that even though he acted like he didn't, he liked the kiss.

But knew better than to say anything.