A/N: I do not own Glee.

Klaine, A Summer Down Under

Chapter 1: The Proposal

Blaine was sitting in the Coffee Shop, at one of the tables right up the back. Sitting on the table were two steaming cups of coffee, but the seat opposite him was empty. The cup in front of him was untouched, he was too nervous to drink. Instead he was wringing his hands and constantly checking the time on his iPhone.

Where was he? Blaine had asked Kurt to meet him here 20 minutes ago. Usually Blaine didn't mind if Kurt was late. There was always a good reason behind it; like a New Directions meeting, catching up on school gossip with Mercedes, or worst of all, a fashion disaster! But today was different. Today Blaine really needed Kurt to be on time. Sometimes dating a diva was extremely nerve wracking.

Just then he heard the sound of the door opening, and he looked up as Kurt walked in. Kurt was dressed immaculately in white jeans that clung to his legs in a mind boggling way. His white shirt was tucked into his pants showing off his stylish black belt, which matched his black vest. His tie was a startling colour of blue, matching his gorgeous eyes, and giving his outfit a splash of colour. His skin was pale like usual, but it seemed to Blaine, that Kurt was glowing. His hair was styled perfectly around his face, making him look like an always, Blaine left his eyes till last. He adored Kurt's eyes. They were such a gorgeous colour, piercing blue like the ocean, and they always seemed to sparkle with joy. Blaine felt that whatever happened, as long as he could look into those eyes, he would be okay.

As soon as Kurt saw Blaine his face lit up with a breathtaking smile and he made his way through the sea of tables toward him.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," Kurt sighed as he sat down in the chair across from Blaine. "I was just about to head out the door, when Rachel walked in. She and Finn were planning to watch a movie, but straight away she started talking about plans for glee club next year and she wouldn't shut up. So I had to wait till Finn distracted her with movie choices, till I could sneak out. Sometimes I really wonder what Finn sees in her. Anyway, so why did you want to meet me?"

Blaine smiled uncertainly. All the nervousness and anxiety, that had disappeared when had Kurt walked through the door, came rushing back.

"Well… Umm…. I have something to…" Blaine stammered, but before he could say more 'Hate On Me'started playing.

Kurt got his iPhone out of his pocket and checked the caller.

"Just a sec Blaine. It's Mercedes and I have to take this, we are planning the rest of the summer vacation together and I asked her to call me to work stuff out." And with that he got up and headed outside, taking his coffee with him.

As soon as Kurt walked out the door, Blaine let his head fall onto the table with a heavy thump. That couldn't have gone more smoothly he thought to himself. He had stammered like a middle school boyasking his first crush out on a date. He's supposed to be the calm one; nothing could faze him. Yet as soon as he had to ask Kurt a question he clammed up. Kurt had this power over him that he couldn't explain.

Then again this question was pretty important. It wasn't a marriage proposal or anything, but if Kurt said no, Blaine wouldn't see him for 5 whole weeks! Then a wave of guilt crashed down on him. Kurt had said that he was planning the rest of his vacation with Mercedes. If Kurt said yes to Blaine's proposal then it would ruin all their plans and Kurt wouldn't see his friends till school started again.

It seemed to Blaine that he was always pulling his boyfriend away from his McKinley friends. First he got Kurt transferred to Dalton so that he wouldn't see them during school, and now that he was finally back at McKinley Blaine was going to take the rest of the vacation away from them. Well, that is if Kurt said yes. He banged his head against the table again, even harder this time.

"Are you okay?" A voice said above him. Blaine looked up and saw one of the Waitresses standing next to him with a worried expression on her face.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but people don't bang their heads on the tables to much."

"Sorry, I'm just a bit frustrated at the moment" Blaine replied embarrassed. The Waitress smiled, her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Her smile widened, showing off her perfect teeth, and she flicked her bleach blond hair over her shoulder.

Oh god! She was flirting with him! Blaine had the urge to whack his head on the table again, but contained it with an immense amount of will power. Today was really not his day.

"No it's alright. Just working out some private issues. You know… Relationship problems." Blaine hinted.

"Well I'm really quite good with those," She replied, misunderstanding Blaine's hint.

Blaine sighed. He hated it when he had to be so abrupt, but he had hinted and he didn't have any skills with fending off unwanted attentions. Well, not from girls anyway. "I'm sorry, but you're really not my type," he said calmly.

The Waitress didn't look angry at the non-to subtle push off. She simply smiled and wrote something down on a napkin, before handing it to Blaine.

"Incase you change your mind," she told him and simply turned around with a swish of her hair and walked off.

She probably assumed that Blaine would watch her stylish exit, but Kurt was just coming in again at that exact moment, and all thoughts of the waitress, who's name he didn't even know, flew out of Blaine's head.

"What's that?" Kurt remarked, as he gracefully sat down again. Blaine looked down at the napkin that Kurt was talking about, and for a moment didn't know either, before he remembered.

"Oh it's nothing." Blaine said casually and reached for the napkin, trying to let it disappear into his pocket. But, being of a curious nature, Kurt was quicker and grabbed it first.

"So, so," Kurt smiled as he read the napkin. "Flirting behind my back again?" He teased, raising an eyebrow.

"No, of course not. Kurt you know I would never…" Blaine rambled, trying to sound hurt, while blushing a deep red.

"Relax Blaine, but seriously, whose number is this?" Kurt asked curiously.

"I don't know," Blaine replied sheepishly. "She never told me her name."

"Well at least it's a she, that's a pretty good start," Kurt laughed. "It means I have nothing to worry about… Well unless you're drunk. Are you drunk Blaine?"

"What of course not! Why would you ask something like that?" Blaine replied shocked.

"Well, I remember an incident where you thought you were bisexual after a kiss with Rachel Berry…" Kurt remarked, unsuccessfully trying to repress the grin on his face.

Blaine sighed, if he could change one thing in his life, it would be that kiss, and Kurt knew it. He loved to tease Blaine about it at every opportunity available. Then an idea flashed into his head how he could get back at Kurt.

"Of course, I'm not drunk." He replied, suppressing a grin. "And I know exactly how to prove it to you."

"Really," Kurt replied intrigued, leaning closer. "How…" He started to ask, but was cut off by Blaine, who had leant over and kissed him.

The kiss was beautiful, short and sweet with a light tinge of coffee. When Blaine pulled back, he looked up at Kurt with a guilty puppy dogface. Kurt smiled back.

"Not saying that, that wasn't great or anything, but how does that prove that you're not drunk? If then it supports the opposite." Kurt laughed.

"Touché," Blaine smiled back. "But you really can't blame me. You were just way to tempting, sitting there. You brought it on yourself."

"I don't mind being to blame, as you surely know, but let's get back to the point. What did you want to talk about before we got so off topic?" Kurt asked curiously.

Blaine sighed and looked down at his hands. This was it. "Well, every year during the Summer Holiday's my parents take me someplace different. Last year it was Japan and the year before that, parts of Europe. The trips usually lasts 6 weeks, 5 weeks there and 1 week for travel."

"Does this mean I won't see you for the rest of vacation. There are only 7 weeks left now!" Kurt interrupted anxiously. Blaine looked up for second. Kurt's face was blank. He quickly looked down again and started kneading his hands. What if Kurt said no? Or worse he was offended by the question?

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." Blaine continued. He had started this, and now he had to finish it, no matter what Kurt's reaction may be. He would beat himself up all summer if he didn't ask him. "My parents usually have to work a bit during the holidays, so they let me bring friends along to keep me company. So Kurt…" He looked up slowly. Silently trying to convey to Kurt, through his eyes, that he really wanted him to say yes. 'Will you spend the holidays with me and my family?"

Kurt's face was completely stunned. Blaine had no idea what he was thinking. As the silence grew, Blaine pictured all the different ways Kurt could reject him. He could scream at him, or make up some stupid excuse that was obviously a lie. Maybe Kurt would laugh thinking the whole thing was a joke. The possibilities kept coming, becoming more and more absurd as time passed. Then he couldn't take it any more.

"I'm so sorry Kurt." He blurted out. "I didn't mean to offend you. I know that you want to spend the holidays with your friends. I shouldn't have asked. I just…"

"Blaine!" Kurt interrupted, catching Blaine's hands that were gesturing wildly, as the boy attached to them blabbered on.

Blaine looked up at him like a puppy that knew he had done something wrong.

"Of course I'll go with you. Now stop waving your hands around like a complete idiot. You'll knock your coffee and spill it all over yourself." Kurt lectured, surprised at Blaine's idiotic behaviour.

"What, but what about your friends? You said that you were planning the holidays with Mercedes?" Blaine asked, astounded.

"She'll understand. Plus we go to the same school again. We can do everything we were planning when we get back." Kurt shrugged, sipping at his coffee.

"And what about your family? Burt and Carol will want you home with them." Blaine fretted. He had spent all of last night telling himself that Kurt would say no, to prepare him for the rejection, but now that Kurt had said yes he was so astounded that he couldn't believe it.

"Well I'll have to check with them of course, but I don't see any reason why they would say no. They trust you and they like your parents. I can ask them now if you want?" Kurt suggested, taking out his iPhone from his pocket.

"No, you should ask them in person, and when my parents are around for questions and stuff. We're coming over tomorrow night for dinner aren't we? That would be a perfect time. Then you could give them all the information they want." Blaine rushed in hurriedly. He wanted to do this right, and to him right meant being as responsible as possible.

Kurt smiled. "You're such a private school boy."

"Well I don't want to give Burt any reason to even think about using his shotgun." Blaine replied cheekily. Smiling at Kurt with complete and utter relief. He had said yes! This was the best day of his life. Well, their first kiss may just be better, but only by a little.

He was gazing lovingly at his boyfriend when he saw the clock on the wall behind Kurt's head.

"Crap, I told my mum I'd be home in 10 minutes. We have some guests coming tonight and she told me if I was late one more time she would take away my Harry Potter books!" Blaine said frantically. He got up and leant over to give Kurt a quick kiss before he left.

"You're such a Harry Potter geek," Kurt teased.

"So are you," Blaine laughed. "Don't try to deny it, I'm your boyfriend and you can't keep secrets from me. Plus I found your secret fan boy stash, behind your Vogue collection on your bookshelf last time I was over."

Kurt blushed and laughed in reply, making a mental note to stop leaving Blaine alone in his room. Next time he could find Kurt's Blaine scrapbook, which had every conversation they had ever had together, including texts, documented. Not to mention all the collages, poems and scribbles, which, if ever found, would be something Kurt could never live down.

Blaine looked at Kurt, guessed that he was thinking about his secret scrapbook, and smiled. He had found that a month ago, squished between the wall and Kurt's bed. He loved that Kurt had made a scrapbook, and he had already started making one of his own.

Blaine grabbed his black leather jacket from the back of his chair, zipping it up on his way to the door.

He was just about to open it, when Kurt's question made him turn around.

Kurt had stood up and partially followed him to the exit, a very curious look on his face.

"Umm, Blaine. Where are we actually going in the holidays anyway?"

Blaine smiled.

"Australia." He replied, before walking out of the coffee shop and swinging himself onto his motorbike. Leaving an opened mouthed Kurt behind.