Disclaimer: Go back and read the other ones. I don't own the characters, Marvel/Disney do.

A/N: Well I've been gone a while, huh? Long story short I've been having (and still have to some extent) tech issues with my laptop. Reading/ reviewing other stories wasn't a problem (let us all hail the mighty smart phones) but I didn't have access to Word. Combined with the fact I had a tad of writers block and some stuff going on in real life and this story kind of took a back seat. I feel really bad about that, especially after having once been going the pace of one chapter a night.

I sat down to write the next chapter and it ended up coming out as "The End". Not my intention, but the more I thought about it, the more I began to think that the multi-verse was a good (chapter before the) ending point. I also have another Spidey related project cooking in the back of my brain that I'd love to get started on this summer (this one actually has a plot!). I don't know how much time I'll have once I start college, so I figure its best I get the frame work done first and I ought to free myself up for devoting some time to that. (There's also a silly little one shot I've been thinking about that I might post first).

But before any of that I have a LOT of people to thank. I really, really, really, cannot thank my reviewers, especially my repeat reviewers enough (Jonza, L-Dog Z, krista12, jordylilly777 JasonTDK, and justbin being those guys). You guys are the best. As always thank you to everyone that reviewed or favorited last chapter (dragonxros333, I'm…An Innocent Bystander, grape500, Kung-fu Blaziken, Morcalivan7, RoronaZoroIsNeverLost, solitare, SpideyFan4Life, spottedweed, StellaMarshal, The Master Insaniac, Twi-Red-Ruxi, Villagetav, Jonza, nick zambuto, and L-Dog Z). Please scream at me if I missed anyone.

Lastly, to the new people coming into the fandom after the Amazing Spider-Man: welcome and I hope you guys stick around. :D


Well I really don't have much more to say to you guys-shocking I know-other than it's time to go out and get some experience. Practice first and be as prepared as you as can be (reading through this a few more times might be of use to you).

If you have access to one, clock in a ton of time on a training sim like the Danger Room. (You X-Kids still call it that, right? I've been having trouble keeping up with all the constant world changing disasters that these things to be different). Have your friends/mentors/teachers/team mates/homeless guys you found on the street point out what they think you can improve on. And then work like crazy to improve in those areas. I cannot stress enough how much I wished I had actual training and experience before getting my butt kicked on the field my first few times around. Once you're really, really comfortable in your practices then try some field work. Although truth be told, the field is where you're going to learn the most.

Now, remember your first villain isn't going to be Glacticus. Start with muggers and work your way up, that way you can get a feel for how things work in the non-training sim world without as much risk (plus if you prefer street level crime you're going to be handling this exact type of thing all the time anyways; so you might as well start now).

As was previously mentioned, listening to your team mates and/or mentors is important. This might come as a shock, but they actually have a tendency to know what they're talking about. Try not to be afraid of asking them for a hand if ever you feel like things just get too big for you handle. Take me for example. Six of my worst enemies together and acting all sinister? I can handle it. Twelve of them? Time to get saved by Big Damn Heroes Inc. Considering you're just getting started it's perfectly okay for you to call in back up for one super villain. Like I said, you're not going to go defeating Glacticus on your first time out.

Also as previously mentioned, make sure your equipment and your ride works. I really don't want to sound like a broken record, but falling from the top of skyscrapers is not fun.

Avoid tearing up the city with excess collateral damage; Damage Control is good at what they do, but they usually have more than enough to deal with. So reign it in my fellow super-strength having friends. Rubble just isn't aesthetically pleasing.

Remember that civilian safety ranks above getting your guy. Always. So if it's a choice between catching a falling cable car full of innocent people and stopping Mr. Evil Guy from getting away, the cable car wins (granted, I don't know where you would find a cable car in New York or why one would be falling).

No one's expecting your first time out to be pitch perfect, no matter how prepared you are, so if not everything goes right, don't be discouraged or decide to up and quit. It's important to remember to be true to yourself and what you're fighting for. You'll do fine. And as you'll get more experience you'll be more than fine, you'll be great. But first's things first, there are some professors ready with a test on what you just read (…and you thought I was joking about that).