The Mark of Athena

Annabeth 1.

From the moment she saw San Francisco Annabeths head was clouded with questions. Will Percy remember me? If he doesn't, does he already have a girlfriend at camp? Will he want to come back to me if he does? What if he doesn't? What will happen then?

Even as they came into Camp Jupiter she felt herself getting scared. This wasn't supposed to be what she was feeling. She was supposed to be excited. She was finally getting to see Percy again. If the Romans haven't killed him first.

As soon as they landed they were surrounded by demigods. Some with murderous looks on their faces, others with curious ones. She looked around but caught no sight of Percy. Was that bad? More and more demigods kept pouring in. Still no sign of Percy. Now a girl with black hair, a purple cape, and two dogs, one silver the other gold, came to the front riding a Pegasus.

"Hello Greek demigods from Camp Half-blood. We have decided to hear your story before we decided your fate. Please come down so we may converse."

Warily we all climbed down from the Argo II. Suddenly the girl looked around. "Where is Percy and the others." She muttered to herself. "We need both praetors present to listen to their story." Annabeth noticed that Jason winced a bit when he heard the praetor comment. She wondered what that was about. But her spirits were lifted when she found out Percy was for sure still alive. Suddenly Percy and two other demigods came through the crowds. One was a boy with Chinese features, a buff body kind-of like the Ares kids, and a baby-ish face. The other was a Caucasian girl around the age of thirteen. Percy was wearing one of those purple cloaks.

"Hello I am Reyna praetor of the twelfth legion and as I am sure you know this is Percy who is now our newly appointed praetor. He is also the only reason you are all still alive."

Then a piercing shout rang into the air. "Trickery! Deceit! That is all that will come from these Greeks. We must destroy them now before it is too late! We must act now!" A skinny boy holding a teddy bear and a dagger came through the crowds. "Destroy the-!" Percy stepped up to the boy and hit him over the head so hard he crumpled to the ground. "He needed to get some sense knocked into him" he said to the gapping crowd. They all laughed.

The girl, Reyna, then said "In an hour's time there will be a senate meeting to hear your story and then discuss your fate. You are all dismissed." The crowd obeyed and went back to what they were supposed to be doing.

Annabeth hurriedly walked over to Percy and started punching him. "WHY. DIDN'T. YOU. CONTACT. US." She said. "I missed you too, Annabeth." He said with a crazy grin on his face. "You remember me?" "Of course."

The Chinese boy came up next to Annabeth and stuck out his hand. "So you must be the famous Annabeth. We have heard so much about you. My name is Frank and this is Hazel. We are friends of Percy's." Annabeth took the hand and shook it surprised at how gentle the grip was. "It's nice to meet you Frank. You too, Hazel."

As soon as she said that a bleat came out of nowhere. "PERCY!" Grover came out of nowhere followed by Thalia and Blackjack. Percy went over to them and high-fived Grover, then hugged Thalia, and patted Blackjacks mane. Percy then came over to where Annabeth was standing. "Percy this is Piper, Leo, and Jason. They helped me find you." "Nice to meet you." Jason was staring at Percy's purple cloak. Percy noticed this but didn't say anything. Percy turned to Frank and Hazel and told them to show Grover, Thalia, Piper, and Leo to where they will be staying.

As soon as they were alone Percy pulled her close to him and kissed her. "I missed you wise girl."