Ryo was the first one up the next morning and he quickly and gently wakes Serena, they had to get back to Earth with the Starlights and start Kayura's training. They have breakfast first and then Serena transforms, as she needed to be Eternal Sailor Moon in order to make the journey. They reappear in the Outer's Manor and Hotaru smiles, " Welcome back to Earth, Fighter, Healer, Maker. "

Seiya detransforms and looks at Kayura, " So, you're the new recruit, I'll be helping to train you as well. "

Serena drops her transformation and leads the way to the arcade, they would need to get Kayura up to speed fast, and she needed Artemis to do something for her, " Artemis, I need you to start looking for the other scouts of this system, I know Molly is Sailor Psyche. "

" Understood, Serena. We need to get then trained up so that our dimension is still protected. " Artemis says.

Serena nods at this and then they were off, heading into the back room of the arcade. Serena fires up the training room, " All right, for now we are just going to get you used to transforming and fighting as a scout, which means using your powers. "

Kayura nods at this and Hotaru starts off, " Saturn Planet Power! "

Kayura watches the transformation process, " So my phrase would be similar to Saturn's, right? "

" Correct. " Serena states.

Kayura pulls her transformation wand, " Pluto Planet Power! "

Soon the new Sailor Pluto stands at the ready and Seiya sighs, " My turn, Fighter Star Power! "

Once Sailor Star Fighter is ready she works on Pluto's hand to hand skills for an hour, and then Saturn works on her staff skills for an hour, " Due to wielding the Ancient's Staff you have very good staff skills, you plain hand to hand skills need a lot of work though, in case you get separated from your weapons. " Serena says from the control room.

Sailor Pluto nods at this, " The guys can help me with that. "

" True, as they primarily fight hand to hand before bringing out their weapons. " Serena says, " Now, time to use your powers, you need to get a feel for them before you go into battle. I got thrust into this with no idea what to do and got ridiculed for it. "

Sailor Pluto nods and lifting her staff she goes through the motions for her first attack, " Pluto Deadly Scream! "

Saturn looks at her, " Serena, set up some fodder youma for her to practice on. "

Sailor Pluto hits her target seven times out of ten, " On to the Chronos Typhoon, okay. "

Sailor Pluto tosses the staff part to Saturn and holds the Garnet Orb up, getting ready to launch her second attack for the first time, " Chronos Typhoon! "

Two hours later they were done and Kayura is introduced to Andrew and she fills up on ice cream, " Now I know why you eat the way you do, it keeps you in power. " Kayura says to Serena.

" Precisely. " Serena mutters.

" So, exactly how long will we be dealing with the problematic dimensional crossers? " Seiya asks.

" Well, hopefully between Rowen and Taiki we can find their base and send Hota-chan in and wipe them all out. " Serena replies.

" We still need to set up a schedule of patrols and get the guys acquainted with Juuban. Fortunately Yaten agreed to go on patrol with Cye and Kento with Kale following them unseen. Artemis is reactivating Sailors Psyche, Eos, Nike, and Dike, they will most likely come with us when we leave, as they are your true court. " Hotaru says.

" We will still need to find the other Sol system scouts, we can't leave our home dimension undefended. " Serena mutters.

" Very true, do you remember any of the others? " Seiya asks.

Serena and Hotaru both have to think about this, " Sailor Nyx, she was the leader of the hime's true guard. "

Serena's eyes light up in remembrance, " The Sailor Constellations, they can stay here. Of course, finding all of them is going to be a nightmare and a half. "

" If only we had Luna, but she's a traitorous bitch. " Hotaru mutters.

Meanwhile, Yaten is leading Cye and Kento through Juuban, and eventually ends up winding their way through the park, as it was and still is a high traffic youma area. On the other side of the park Artemis has just awakened Molly as Sailor Psyche when a youma shows up. Everyone clears out and Molly grips her transformation pen, " Psyche Soul Power! "

Sailor Psyche glares at the youma before her and raises her right hand above her head, " Psyche Stinger! "

The attack lands and Sailor Psyche was already on the move. Yaten, Cye, and Kento take off when they hear the sounds of battle. Transforming on the way, Star Healer notices the new scout harrying the youma, " Who are you? "

" Sailor Psyche. "

" Star Sensitive Inferno! "

Cye launches an electrically charged punch on the youma and backs away quickly, Artemis had revealed that a lot of youma could drain an individual's energy. " First day on the job? " Kento asks.

" Yeah, and I'm getting a crash course. " Psyche states, " Psyche Scatter-shot Stinger! "

This attack allows them to regroup and keeps the youma contained temporarily, " Nice. " Healer says.

Psyche smiles and then leaps up into a tree, the others following her lead instantly, " Armor of Torrentā€¦ Tao Shin! "

" Armor of Hardrockā€¦ Tao Ichi! "

" Psyche Scatter-shot Stinger! "

" Star Sensitive Inferno! "

The youma dodges both attacks and Kento twirls his naginata above his head, " Iron Rock Crusher! "

Cye looks around, " Kale, we're going to need a clean-up crew, call Kayura and Serena, they'll be able to fix the damage. "

The Warlord of Corruption does as bid before leaping into the battle, the youma dodging the swing of his no-datchi. " Super Wave Smasher! "

" Star Sensitive Inferno! " Healer calls out, sincerely wishing she had another attack.

The double attack is a glancing blow to the youma and Kento groans, " I am really starting to get annoyed. What does it take to take this thing down? "

" Well, it isn't one of ours, so it has to be a youma. " Cye says.

" I noticed that the monsters had changed. " Psyche says.

" Black Lightning Slash! "

This attack lands and the youma just smiles at this. Suddenly a magenta ball of light comes hurtling at them along with the cry of, " Pluto Deadly Scream! "

" Death Reborn Revolution! "

" Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss! "

" Star Serious Laser! "

All four attacks hit and the youma is smoking, " Call Rowen, we need the data computer! " Sailor Moon calls out.

Kale disappears from the battlefield to do so, " Silence Wall! "

" Chronos Typhoon! "

" Eos Burst! "

The youma stumbles back, " I am the scout of the dawn, Sailor Eos! Prepare to be vaporized! "

This scout's uniform is a yellow, red, and orange version of Phobos and Deimos'. The wings looked like they were on fire, " About time you crop up, girl. I was starting to think none of you were interested. " Psyche quips.

" Artemis had to find me and then convince me of the truth. " Eos replies and lashes out with a nasty back kick that sends the youma sailing.

Psyche's uniform looked like Venus' only she had red bows front and back. Sailor Pluto moves to engage the youma, trying to ascertain a weakness before help arrived, they couldn't allow this fight to go on for much longer. Sailor Moon's eyes harden and she summons her katanas from the Silver Millennium, she would not lose. She charges into battle reminiscent of Ryo, but then again he trained her. Sailor Saturn follows her leader and they keep the youma off balance with Sailor Pluto's help. Any time the youma got away from them the others were able to keep it contained until it unleashes a devastating attack in all directions.

They all went flying, Sailor Moon flying into a tree and not moving, Psyche hit a park bench and drops, Cye, Kento, and Kale all got buried under a bunch of debris, Pluto ended up part way through a tree. Eos moans from where she had ended up, the only one having enough time to try and turn the momentum to her favor. She gets up and calls out, " Eos Flare! " The other armor bearers just reaching the park see the light of Eos' attack.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ronin Warriors or Sailor Moon. I do own Psyche and Eos however.