At last, I can finish a story! :D A bit sad to see it end and all, but you know how it goes! Enjoy the final Chapter!

Chapter 13:Love Beyond Life and Death

Ichigo looked at her, feeling confused. "Ex-excuse me?"

"Before the Door to the Afterlife is a Bridge of the Dead. One's spirit must cross it. As they do, their ties and memories of their time on Earth is stripped away. If they still have a regret or link, howling spirits below the bridge, damned to suffer forever pull them below." Ichigo's heart beat rapidly as the witch explained. "However, if I send you there...if his tie to you is strong, you can bring him back."


"But if you cannot, you will fall to the damned below and he will pass on. You will never be with each other." She finished and Ichigo dragged in a shaky breath, holding Shiro's cooling body in his arms. He looked at the pale body, the skin now turning an off shade of gray. "Well?"

"...I'll do it." He said and looked up. "What do I need to do?"

"Stay still." Ichigo's eyes widened when a hand covered his eyes. He heard Yoruichi mumble something in a language he didn't understand and fell unconscious. When he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by black, save for the large white bridge he was standing on. "You do not have much time..."

"Yoruichi?" Ichigo looked around anxiously. He heard ear piercing wails and started to look down.

"Do not look!" Ichigo's body snapped back and he shook. "They will drag you down. You must ignore them!"

"O-ok..." Ichigo whispered. He looked around and noticed that there were no other souls on the bridge. "Why is it so empty?"

"Each individual soul has its own bridge." She explained. "He is almost there, hurry!" Ichigo ran down the bridge, doing his best to ignore the howls and screams of agony from the souls below. After running for what felt like hours, he finally spotted Shiro. Shiro was wearing what appeared to be an Indian outfit, the wrap around him a deep blue and his pants dark red. His hair was long and flowing, gold bands decorating the snowy strands.

He...looks beautiful...he thought and shook his head. "Shiro? Shiro come back here!" He called. Shiro didn't stop his slow, steady steps. Ichigo tried to move further, but was held back. He looked down to see a brown, gnarly hand had grabbed his leg. He tugged and screamed. "Sh-Shiro! Stop please!" He felt more grab his arms and he struggled to stay standing. "Shiro please...come back!" He saw him falter and he felt hope fill him. "Shiro I need tell you something! I...I love you too...please...please come back..." When nothing happened Ichigo felt despair crawl through him. "Shi...please..." He felt the hands drag him to the edge pf the bridge, but just before he was dragged over the edge, a strong hand grabbed his arm. He looked up and saw confused golden eyes.


He knew he was dead, and had been walking across a bridge. His family was waiting, but as he walked, he felt like there was something he had forgotten...someone very important. He had then heard the screams, someone calling his name. Who...who is that? He wondered, but even asking the question to himself made his heart ache. He faltered when the voice begged, and then he heard them whisper 'I love you'. He then turned, and saw brown eyes full of despair and being dragged. It was then that his memory returned and he ran over to grab Ichigo's arm. "I...Ichigo?" He felt confused, why was the young man here? Did he die?

"Shiro?" Brown eyes were filled with hope and he felt the tan hand grip back. He pulled him back up and hugged him tightly.

"Why are you here?! could've been dragged away..." He whispered, running a hand through orange locks. "You could've been damned forever...I never would have seen you again..." He said, holding Ichigo as close as he could.

"I...I needed to tell you...what I felt." He said quietly. "I never got the chance...I was stupid and should've said it sooner." Ichigo sobbed, burying his face in Shiro's chest. "But you heard came for me..."

"Naturally. I mean, you're virtually helpless-ow!" He felt a fist punch him hard in the arm. He looked at Ichigo before grabbing him, holding his face in his white hands. "Tell me how you feel..."

"I...I love you." Ichigo mumbled, blushing. Shiro smirked and then kissed him softly. Ichigo hummed and wrapped arms around Shiro as he deepened the kiss. They broke for air and his face grew redder. "I...I feel so embarrassed right now..."

"There's only you and me here..." Shiro chuckled. Ichigo looked around and frowned.

"The bridge is is the door and voices." He said. Shiro looked around and frowned. They were surrounded by black.

"Well done, Kurosaki Ichigo." Shiro bristled at the voice. Yoruichi walked towards them and smiled. "Now I offer Shirosaki Ogichi a choice."


"Yes. Due to my spell, you were...shall we say misplaced in time?" She said. "Therefore, you can return to your time and take Ichigo with you...or return to his time and live there." Shiro turned to Ichigo.

"Whatever you wish I'll follow." He smiled.

"Ya don't make it easy..." He sighed. "I want to return to Ichigo's time. Ichigo belongs there...and his sister needs him. No matter where Ichigo is...I will go as well." Yoruichi nodded.

"Very well." There was a sudden burst of light and Shiro and Ichigo fell unconscious.

Three months later...

"I'm home!" Yuzu ran into the nice house, her empty lunchbox in her hand. "Ichigo? Shiro?"

"Hi Yuzu." Ichigo chuckled, giving his little sister a hug. "How was school?"

"Great! everyone's so nice to me and Senna visiting today?"

"She'll be here soon, so go get into some normal clothes ok? Don't wanna get food on your new school uniform."

"Yes big brother!" She giggled and rushed off, passing Shiro on the stairs. "Hi!"

"Hey little demon." He chuckled. Shiro walked towards Ichigo and kissed him, pulling him close. "Hey..."

"You feeling ok?" Ichigo asked.

"Well after being dead for a few hours, and so used to being forced into a cat form for so long...feels odd walking around as a human." He chuckled. "But i'm glad to see Yuzu healthy and running around...and see you smiling."

"Cliché. Can't you come up with better?"

"Clichéd to you was normal in my time." He chuckled as a knock sounded at the door. "Ah must be Senna."

"I'll get it!" Yuzu called, now wearing a bright yellow sundress. Ichigo followed and Shiro stood there, smiling. He had never felt happier, and hoped things wouldn't change.

The end

Whew I finally finished a fic! World must be ending...D: Well anyways, thanks for reading everybody!

Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo