Deja Vu



Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, Tiva or any of the other characters. If I did, Tiva and McAbby would have been together respectively and Jenny wouldn't have died in Season 5.

Summary: Tags to 9x11-Newborn King. Tony flashes back to when he and McGee raced to Gibbs and Ziva's rescue and how they have to do it again when the role of protection detail was reversed for Ziva. Tiva/McAbby pairings. Rated K.

Tony raced down the road towards the gas station where Abby, Gibbs and Ziva were more than likely being ambushed by the Mossad hit men. After Ziva had cut all ties to Mossad, Eli David had been furious with his daughter. And now he was after Ziva, wanting revenge. The look on Tony's face was one of determination. Determined to save his surrogate father, his sister, and his partner, Tony sped down the snowy road. He hit a slick patch and managed to keep the car from careening off the road. McGee braced himself as Tony corrected the car and then looked over at Tony. McGee studied his surrogate brother's face and remembered the conversation several years ago in the Navy Yard.

"You love her, don't you Tony," stated McGee as they climbed into the car, about to save Gibbs, Ziva and the pregnant Marine.

"Who, Wendy? No I don't," said Tony.

"I was talking about Ziva," said McGee. "You love Ziva."

"Of course I love her," said Tony. "She's my best friend, and my partner, and I have her six."

"That's not what I meant, Tony and you know it," said McGee as Tony started the engine and they sped out of the Navy Yard.

"I can't live without her in my life," said Tony. "I just hope we're not to late."

"If I know Ziva, she's got it covered," said McGee.

Little did Tony know how right McGee had been. And when they had reached the gas station and saw the dead Russians, the two had raced inside the garage and saw Gibbs standing outside the broken down Mustang. The pregnant marine was no longer pregnant as she lay sleeping in the backseat, and Ziva sat in a chair cradling the newborn baby girl.

Tony's heart had raced at the sight of Ziva holding a newborn, and then it dawned on him, that was what he wanted, a wife and family, and he wanted it with Ziva.

They got help to arrive at the gas station, where mother and child were taken to the hospital. The Russians were transported back to NCIS for autopsies, Gibbs and McGee fixed the car and Tony and Ziva took the other car and drove to the hospital.

Later that day, Tony had second guessed about going to Wendy's house and decided against it, opting for Gibb's house instead. He and Gibbs went to Layla's for dinner, and Tony saw that Gibbs had invited Ziva as well. When they talked about the previous night's events back at Tony's later, Tony confessed to Ziva about seeing her with the baby, and his reaction. Ziva silenced him with a kiss that would change everything.

They reached the familiar gas station and Tony stopped the car. McGee and Tony got out and drew their weapons. McGee saw the knocked out Mossad agent that had appeared to have been ambushed laying on the ground near his vehicle and picked him up and handcuffed him.

"Where's the others?" Tony asked.

"Inside," said the agent. Tony pointed his gun out as he surveyed the room. Two more men laid dead this time, and the room looked like it had been a big gunfire battle.

"Ziva," whispered Tony. "ZIVA?" he cried out this time. Gibbs stuck his head out from the garage.

"In here, DiNozzo, what took ya so long?" asked Gibbs as Tony.

"Where's Ziva?" cried Tony as he ran in. Abby stood by the open door of the Mustang, a huge smile on her face.

"Backseat, Tony," said Abby, who saw McGee enter the garage with the Mossad agent. Gibbs took the Mossad agent from McGee, and Abby flung herself at McGee, showering her husband with kisses. Tony went to the back of the Mustang and saw Ziva laying in the backseat, her hair all sweaty, half of it drooped in front of her face, holding a bundle of blankets in her arms, the real reason why Mossad was after Ziva.

"Zi," whispered Tony, as he carefully climbed in the car and crouched next to his wife of ten months.

"Hello my little hairy butt," yawned Ziva as Tony kissed her. "Meet your daughter, Caitlin Abigail DiNozzo."