Into The Past

Chapter 1

It was another average day in Titans Tower. Each of the titans were off doing their normal daily activities; Cyborg was working on the T-car, Raven could be found

meditating in her room, Robin was going over the list of criminals with the help of Starfire, and Beast Boy was hanging out in his room. It was just one of those

days where everything was peaceful and everyone was able to rest- Except Beast Boy.

Lately he had kept himself isolated from the team and spent more and more time in his room. Although it wasn't like him he insisted to the team he was fine and

just needed some time alone.

A little over a year ago the titans learned his real name, Garfield. For months they mocked him for the funny sounding name and although he laughed it off it

bothered him- Of course he never let that show. From time to time Robin would drill him on why he left the Doom Patrol, where he came from, and how long he

was with the DP, However Beast Boy wanted nothing to do with any of this and just ignored Robins prodding. He wasn't ready to tell them his story. About the

horrible things he caused, how his parents died, how the Doom Patrol was a mess, and how everything that happened was his fault. No, he wasn't ready.

Beast Boy had locked himself in his room earlier in the day and had been going through a few of his personal belongings. After the beast incident he had changed up

his room. He got rid of the bunk bed for a nice normal "big boy" bed, the room was no longer all green, and it was actually clean! His room finally looked as if a

responsible adult was living there. At the end of the bed he had a small trunk with some things he had collected over the years and there was a desk with a small

bookshelf in the corner.

"I miss you both so much." he sighed to himself as he laid on the bed with a book spread out. A picture was in his hands, In the photo there were two adults- Mark

and Marie, and a young blonde haired, normal skinned boy- young little Garfield. The Logan Family. That's who they were. World renown scientists known for finding

rare strains of viruses and cures. He smiled to himself as he looked through the book. More photos of the three littered the pages, from stories about raising their

child in the jungles of the world to when their young son attracted the rare sakutia virus and was "cured". Newspaper articles, lab notes, and small crayon scribbled

pictures were all pasted inside the old weathered book. A small tear escaped his eye as he turned to the last page "Logan family killed in tragic accident" read

the headline of the newspaper clipping. Beast Boy closed the book without even looking at the photo that was on the page.

He slowly made his way from the bed and over to the trunk where he put the book. "I'll check back with you in a few years, alright?" he asked to no one in

particular. Sighing he lifted himself from the floor. He missed home. The titans didn't know who he was, let alone where he was from. He still couldn't tell them, it

was just too painful. "Gotta get outta this funk" he said to himself, "Maybe I'll go play some MM4 to cheer-" but he couldn't finish. The alarm started to sound.

The titans gathered in the common room to see what the problem was, Most likely Cinderblock had escaped again or maybe even Plasmus. As they waited for the

distress call to come through a fuzzy message began to play "mmmbwaa hakuna Africa". The message played over and over. Beast Boys eyes were huge, "Crap!

Crap! Crap!" was all he could think. Puzzled Cyborg looked at the scanners "Hey Rob, I think you better check this out-This call is comin' from Africa.". It was

strange, the young heros usually didn't have calls from other countries. Figuring it was something important for them to be contacted Robin looked to the others,

"Pack your bags team, we're going to Africa". The titans nodded, Beast Boy was frozen in his spot and Raven seemed to notice "Whats the matter Garfield," She

said using emphasis on his name, " too scared to go to the big jungle without mommy and daddy?". Beast Boy tensed- and for Raven the comment was an instant

regret, the hostility and anger from Beast Boy was radiating directly at her "Don't you ever say things like that-EVER." Beast Boy yelled. For a second all he could

think about was pouncing in for an attack- She wouldn't know it was coming, he would pounce and attack her but then reality kicked in, She didn't know what

upset him and he couldn't let the beast get the better of him. "Beast Boy... What's your deal?" she asked, He just scoffed before storming out of the room. "Please

friend Raven, what is it friend Beast Boy is upset about?" Starfire asked, not sure with what had just gone on. For once Raven didn't know. "I'm not sure Star, I

have no clue what happened.".

He stormed into his room and locked the door before letting out a roar. Of all the places to have an incident it would be Africa. From what scrambled message came

through he knew they were in for some deep trouble. The tribes of Lamumba weren't the friendliest and with their voodoo villan-as the man had put it, around it

could be even worse. The titans didn't know what they were getting themselves into and Garfield knew it was not going to be an easy quick mission like he knew

Robin was thinking. As much as the transmission worried him the only thing he could think of was home. It scared and excited him. Looking over to his trunk he

carefully opened it back up and grabbed out the tattered book. "I guess I"ll be seeing you sooner than expected" he whispered as a tear fell down his face. He gave

the book a hug while trying to calm himself down. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for this..."

Cyborg while not involved in the earlier incident felt compelled to make sure his little brother was all right. The odd behavior of him wanting to be left alone recently

and this sudden outburst worried him. It wasn't like Beast Boy. He figured maybe the beast was trying to get out and he was having a hard time dealing with it, so

he decided to check in on the grass stain.

"You in there B?' Cyborg said as he walked into BB's room. He found Beast Boy sitting next to his trunk- hugging something. "Hey man, you alright?" the

mechanical man asked whilst trying to see what it was the green beans hand. Beast Boy, noticing the invasion just looked at him. "Just go away alright? I'm trying

to pack" the green titan spat, "Woah easy dude, it's just a lil trip in the T-Ship, what's got you on edge? Beast gettin' ahold of you? you've been awfully quiet lately

B, just worried that's all". The thought of someone worrying about him was something he was used to, he could sense the others worries and he did his best to

ignore them. "Yea, I'm alright, just tired lately that's all..." "Maybe this will be kinda like a vacation mission after we find whatever is wrong, We could all use it" the

metal man said. Beast Boy nodded in response, tossed the book he was hugging in the trunk and closed it. 'Alright Cy, sorry for earlier guess I just got a bit excited

that's all..." But he knew excitement was the wrong word. He was anxious and it was beginning to bug him. With a nod of his head Cyborg left him to himself and

he began to pack "Looks like I'll be needing the old list again..."

Hi guys! This is my first attempt at a fan fiction, not really sure how it all works but figured I'd try it out :) I look forward to all comments/reviews/suggestions for this fic :) thanks~