Me: Okay guys, I've got my hair in a ponytail.

Eiri: That means she's got an idiotic idea...

Me: Shaddup. Anywho- Yes, I've got a GENIUS idea!

Eiri: Psh.

Me: *Glares* Anyway, I was inspired while watching a Disney movie- yeah, I watch Disney. xP- It was Beauty and the Beast, so I was like, "OMG! Gravitation parody!" And this is in no way connected to Raita Amaya's story, although I LOVE her version! So here we go!

Chapter: 1


Shuichi smiled to himself as he pulled his boots on, grabbing a basket that sat on a table nearby and humming to himself as he opened the door and stepped outside. He opened the book in his hands, not really needing to look ahead of himself- he'd traveled this path since he was a child. The path, that is, to the library of course. As he flipped a page to, Cinderella, the pinkette felt all of the townspeople's stares land on him. Used to it the boy kept walking and hummed to himself while turning a cheek to their rude whispers and snickers.

Though he'd already finished the book twice, the boy just couldn't put it down- the idea of a woman rising from the abuse of her stepmother and stepsisters and becoming a fine Queen was just so appealing. Shuichi wondered, would he ever find a princess of his own? One who would look past his girlishness? His pink hair and violet eyes? His slim body? Although dreaming about this was all the boy ever did, he couldn't bring himself to believe it could ever be reality. Who would ever love him other than his father? He wasn't manly in the least- he wouldn't be able to fight off other men- or God forbid, beasts to protect his beautiful woman. Hell, he'd probably run away with his tail between his legs!

Shu sighed and flopped the book closed. Suddenly a man stood before him, smiling an obnoxious smile and staring at him with those sickening eyes. Although annoyed inside, the pinkette smiled and said, "If you don't mind, I have to go-"

"Ha! What could be more important than spending time with someone as dashing, as moi?" Taki boasted, putting a burly hand to his chest.

Shu huffed. "I really-"

Taki narrowed his eyes and bent down to the boy's eye level. "Surely you're not turning down a wonderful conversation with me for," He looked down at Shuichi's book, disgusted at the sight. "For a few more boring books?" He snatched said object from Shu's hands, making the boy growl slightly. He held it open with two fingers, dangling it in the air, "It doesn't even have any pictures- how can you read this rubbish?"

Shu snatched it back, "Some people use their imagination. And yes, I'll have to turn you down on you're... tempting offer. Goodbye." Shuichi snapped as he glared at a few girls nearby who were whispering about him.

"How strange he is... men and women alike would die to be by Monsieur Taki's side!" A blonde, busty triplet whispered.

"If I were him, I'd be the happiest person alive!" Another said in disapproval.

"Oh, Taki's so cute!" Another said while pressing her hands to her cheeks adoringly.

Taki balled his fists, glaring at being turned down. One day, one day he would win over Shuichi! He was just simply too handsome to resist!

Shuichi furrowed his eyebrows, setting his book in the basket he was carrying and stomping slightly ahead. "I can't believe him! So obnoxious..."

"Ah, hey Shu!" He heard a voice call. Turning around, the pinkette instantly brightened up. "Hi Hiro!" Shu waved and walked up to the older man with a huge grin on his face. This, this one boy, was the only person in town who could even remotely understand Shuichi. He, and another certain someone.

Hiro plucked a freshly baked biscuit from the tray he was holding, being the baker's son he always had bread and sweets to spare for his best friend. Handing it to Shu, he smiled and as the boy was digging around in his pockets for change, said, "Don't worry about paying- it's on the house."

Shu grinned, making the brunette blush at his dimpled smile. "Thank you Hiro" And with that and a glomp, the pinkette was making his way to the library, munching on a warm and fluffy biscuit.

Shuichi opened the door to the library, happy to have finally reached his destination. "Ah, hi again!" The librarian greeted the boy with a wave of his hand as he stepped off of the ladder and wiped his hand on his apron, leaving marks of dust on it.

"Hello, Monsieur Tatsuha! I've finished the book again- it's so wonderful! Sorry it's overdue!" The boy said while rubbing the back of his neck and handing it to the older man.

Tatsuha held the book in his hands, giving a lopsided smile and saying, "You really like this book, huh?"

"Oh, it's one of my favorites." Shu explained with a far off look of adoration.

"... Then, it's yours!" The librarian said as he held it out to his favorite visitor.

Violet eyes widened as the boy exclaimed, "Really? You mean it?"

"Of course." Tatsuha chuckled.

The teen took the book in his hands and held it to his chest, "Thank you so much!"

"Oh," Tatsuha said with a look on his face as if he'd forgotten something, "That's right- it almost slipped my mind. While I was dusting a bookcase I found something I thought you'd like." The raven haired man climbed a latter next to him and and plucked a book from the very top shelf, rubbing it down with his apron, for it was rather dusty. "Here."

Shuichi curiously took it, setting the other book in his basket and studying the cover. "The Book of Lost Things." He read out loud. "Do you know what it's about?"

Tatsuha looked down with a small smile. "Actually, it was Diana's... I've never read it." At the mention of his deceased sister, Shuichi frowned. "She liked the same things as you, she talked about that book all the time. When she died I kind of just... forgot about it. It must have gotten shuffled in with the library books."

"I can't wait to read it." Shu smiled. "I'll check it out!"

"Keep it- I know you'll take care of it." Tatsuha grinned.

Shuichi kept unusually silent before hugging the man and beaming at him, saying a thank you and taking his leave. "Shu..." The librarian chuckled to himself, glad that such a person took the time to visit the library of all places every single day.

A certain pinkette held his new book open, sitting on the side of a fountain nearby and setting the book in his lap. Opening it, he blew away all of the dust that had gathered around its pages.

"Chapter 1

Once upon a time- for that is how all stories should begin- there was a boy."

Shuichi sat there for hours, sucked into the wondrous story. "Hey there." The boy was yanked from his book, annoyed.

"Yes, Taki?" Shuichi said in a monotone voice.

"I was just thinking," Shuichi scoffed and thought to himself, "There's something new." "That you'd be so much happier by my side- and away from that loon-"

The boy slammed his book shut, glaring and standing. "My father is not a loon." Before stomping away, more than ready to read at home in silence, near a crackling fire with a side of Pocky- yes, Pocky, one of his father's most genius inventions.

So... how did you like it? My inspiration just sparked back up out of nowhere. Please review, hope you liked it. :]