Author's note: This is a story with some major Percabeth and Thalico action. Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico are all the same age and are in the same grade. They live in a small town in Florida named Sebastian… Sorry to everyone who liked it when they live in New York… But they don't go to Camp Half-Blood. They're just like normal teenagers.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

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Chapter 1

The Kick-Off Classic football game. Tonight at 7. The first football game of the year and everyone is going to be there. It's like a tradition.

I hear the distant sounds of drums coming from the courtyard. The drum-line plays every morning we have a home football game, so the students will get in the spirit. I walked into the courtyard, and then, across the pavement, I see my best friends standing in their own little group. Percy, Nico, and of Thalia talk as they wait for me. I casually make my way over to them and join in on the conversation. "No way bro, we are totally gonna beat South Fork!" Nico explains to Percy. "Hey Annabeth!" Percy turns and greets me. The black haired boy looks at me with sea green eyes. I forget where I am for a few seconds, but suddenly I'm brought back to reality. Thalia shakes my shoulders, attempting to get my attention. "Annabeth! You okay? You looked lost for a minute…" "Oh, um sorry, I'm just tired is all. What were we talking about again?" I ask, and unfortunately, it sounded like I was in space… "We are talking about your party…?" Thalia tries to remind me. "Yeah, pool party and movies. My house tomorrow night. Be there at 6. The only people who are coming are you, Percy, Nico, Charles Beckendorf, Grover, Silena, and Juniper." I explain to Thalia, but Nico looked more excited. "PERFECT!" she squeals. Percy and Nico look at each other, nod, and then turn back to us girls, like it was some sort of code for "You thinking what I'm thinking?" "Annabeth your party is going to be awesome!" Nico says. The first period bell rings. We all say our goodbyes and head off to class.

I walk into History and start today's lesson. As I work, I find my mind elsewhere. Thinking about my birthday tomorrow, Percy, little things like that. You can't like him. He's your best friend. Ever since the first day of seventh grade. Don't ruin that. Don't throw that away. I tell myself. I'm so lost in my own little world that I don't even hear the bell ring. Following my classmates, I trudge along to second period.

Hours pass, and so do the classes. Walking through the crowded hallways I see the football jocks. Their extra-large jerseys sag without padding. Seriously? Can you like, WALK? I'm going to be late for chemistry! I yell at the football players in my head. Finally, after what seemed like minutes of walking behind slow people, I reach class. The room filled with lab tables and chemicals brings a smile to my face. My favorite class. Taking a seat, I smile at Percy, who is already smiling at me. I don't know what else to say to him but hello.

We have our periodic table test today, and I studied all night. Percy even called me and I helped him study, which didn't go too well. Mr. D starts class and hands out the tests. I sneak a peek at Percy, who laughs, then mouths the words "Eyes on your own paper." I try suppressing a laugh when he winks at me, but I wind up finishing the test with plenty of time to spare. Soon, everyone is done, except Percy. Just before the bell rings, he finally finishes it. Mr. D takes the test, gives it a confusing look while saying, in his raspy voice, "Someone didn't study…" My jaw drops and Mr. D shakes his head, adding Percy's test to the pile. Class ends, and the bell dismisses us.

While walking out the door, I playfully bump into Percy's side. "Hey what's that for?" he laughs. Shaking my head, I tell him "Oh I don't know, Mr. I didn't study!" Again, my best friend laughs. "Whatever, Ms. know it all!" "You are such a seaweed brain," I mumble in between laughs. As we walk through the crowded school hallways, I imagine what it would be like if I could read his mind. What he thinks of me. Pulling me out of my thoughts, he speaks up again, "Hey, you going to the game tonight? If you are, do you wa-" I cut him off, already knowing what he was going to ask. "Of course I'll go with you." "Okay awesome.. I'm pretty sure Thalia and Nico are coming too. I'll ask him. And you ask Thalia." I smile, thinking about what tonight's going to be like, and say "I can do that." We have to get to class. Saying goodbye, we hug and part our separate ways.

The rest of my day goes a little like this: Think about Percy. Go to cooking class. Think about him more. Go to English. Write about him. Go to lunch. Eat with him, Thalia, and Nico. Think about him again. Go to art. Draw a picture of his name. Go to algebra. Fail a test because of my dyslexia, and think about Percy more. I sound like an idiot don't I?

"Hey Thalia!" I say just before class gets out. "Annabeth!" she replies. We hug. Then I realize that asking her if she is meeting us at the football game is pointless. I already know the answer anyways, and she is. I am so excited for the game tonight, and for my birthday tomorrow. The final school bell of the day rings. Cheers roar through the hallways as everyone loads their transportation home. And like everyone else, I go home and prepare for the Sebastian River High School Sharks to defeat the South Fork High School Bulldogs. Bring it on.

I finished my homework and find myself with nothing to do, so I call Percy. It rings once, twice, maybe I should just hang up. I tell myself. "Hello?" Too late. "Hey Percy!" I say. He responds with a quick "Hey Annabeth!" Great. Now I have to make something up. "My mom won't let me come over before the game, but I can meet you there. You know… She's being her normal self again…" I trail off. My mom doesn't approve of my friendship with him at all. She hates his dad. He hates her back. They both wanted the same job but my mom (with her amazing leadership skills) got the job instead of Percy's dad. They've practically been rivals ever since. "That's alright. I'll meet you in front of the stadium later. Sound good?" Sounds perfect, I want to correct him, but instead I just say "Yep, that's good." He speaks up as I smile like an idiot, knowing he can't see me. "Annabeth, what would you say if one of your friends… oh I don't know… had a crush on you? WHICH ONE OF MY "FRIENDS" HAVE A CRUSH ON ME? I want to ask him.

He's cut off by a beeping noise.

Staring at my phone screen.

Reading the words "call failed".

Thinking of who he could've been talking about.

Dialing his number again, only to find no answer.

Only one person on my mind as to who it could be...

My best friend, Percy?