First of all, I want to apologize for not posting anything for how long? *looks at story* ^^' never mind.

I want you to know… that I gave it up firstly because I get easily bored, secondly because actually constantly writing something is hard…. and thirdly, because the plot outright sucked. I'm going to tell you about it: Tsuna was supposed to be the hybrid of Akio's beloved one, and Primo. I'm not going to tell you anymore because… *huge grin* I've re-invented the plot!

Now, the problem is that TsunTsun will be multi-tasking… which makes it even harder to write. I'm gonna try, though, for the sake of whoever is still interested in this story. And… if the new plot can ever be really put together, it's likely it'll turn into a 1827 or an 8027.

*le sigh* I gotta talk this with Thabbytte…. which now changed her name in Gray. -.-'

Tsuna: *comes storming in the room* You stupid, good-for-nothing writer! Where were you these past years?! *positively angry*

Mid74: Err… *thoughtful look* Vienna, London, maybe Rome?

Tsuna: *swings fist around* You know that's not what I mean! Baka! You'll never apologize enough for discarding this!

Mid74: *poker face* Well played, TsunTsun… well played indeed.

Tsuna: *dark face* You…know what? *throws hands in air* I give up.

Mid74: ^^ That would be for the best. Guys… also, tomorrow on the 16th I start high school, I'm learning Japanese and I'm going to be like, occupied a lot. We, as in me, Thabbytte, Cyan and even Lucy are on devART. Look us up! We're darkchan74, K.R. Gray, ThatCyan and lucyninja98. Also, try to pester Thabbytte. She has a book to write with some cool characters, but she fears making the plot… meh, I can relate. My first book went down the drain as well.

Hibari: *stalks in room* Herbivore, what are these… these lines? *shoves script in mid's face*

Mid74: *takes script* Hm…hm… everything's in order. Why?

Hibari: Then why is she dead?

Tsuna: *perks up* She killed some of your beloved as well?

Mid74: I'm sorry, but I'm currently not working on the plot. If you have complaints, you can either write them down and formally hand them to me, or try to wake me at 3 to talk about it. *bad poker face*

Hibari: *pissed off* Kamikorosu.

Mid74: Uh….Gray! *runs away*

Tsuna: *stares after the two* *sighs* Well… remember to pester this lazy author. She's been writing a lot of requests and stuff. The finished ones are on DevianART… she also has another two requests to finish, a small story and two Christmas specials, all not including this. *booing sounds* I don't wanna do this anymore… OTL

Yamamoto: *pokes head through door* Tsuna! Food's here! Want to eat?

Tsuna: *looks up* Coming! *rushes out the door* *comes back* Oh, Gray-san? Are you coming?

Thabbytte99: *muffled voice* Yeah…wait a bit. *drops camera to the floor, images tilts* Say, where's mid?

Tsuna: *shrugs* I don't know and I don't wanna know.

Thabbytte99: Agreed.

~~~~Meanwhile in the garden~~~~

Mid74: *running like crazy* Leave me alone you Namimori otaku!

Hibari: *even more pissed off*

Mid74: Hieeee! T_T Someone save me!