THIS IS A STORY BASED ON THE TWO ESPADA I LOVE MORE THAT ARE ULQUIORRA AND GRIMMJOW NOW TOGHETER WITH ICHIGO AND OTHERS VS A NEW ENEMY (warning: you'll find a character called Diablo Sangre...I don't own him...I took him from Hollowpantera's story cause I liked him too much)

Grimmjow: "a story about me? Wow..."

Ulquiorra: "and me Trash!"

Grimmjow: "grrrrr"


Grimmjow: "grrrr"

Ulquiorra: "yes, I'm very sorry" (bows and walk away)

Prologue: aizen's been defeated by kurosaki during his last battle and got sealed off by Urahara. While aizen is gone, a new enemy is approaching the human world and ichigo and friends must find defend their home but someone really unexpected comes to help them...

Cap.1: HEYENA JEAGERJAQUEZ (aspect of death: jealousy)

It was a normal day of school for kurosaki and co.

"hey I'm going ok?"

"yes ichigo, make sure you come back at 19.00 or else i'll give a kick in your face as yesterday" said Isshin.

"yeah, right", (as if you could) ichigo thought...he had felt strange. After the beating of Aizen, things were quite strange, not a hollow in sight (and that was strange enough), and no more perils.

Ichigo stopped in a road thinking when was suddenly interrupted in his toughs by "something" that run over him at Sonido Speed in the sky.

It was a girl, light blue hair and her reiastu was high enough to make him turn around but what was strange was that her reiatsu was...was just like...A HOLLOW!


ichigo said under his breath as began chasing the girl around; when he got a little closer to her, the girl suddenly stopped as ichigo stopped too and took a fighting stance as she turned around and said "finally...I was getting tired of searching for you...are you Ichigo Kurosaki?" and ichigo "who wants to know?" he asked unsheating zangetsu,

"I'm not here to fight"

She said in a calm tone, "and who are you?" ichigo asked confused, hands still on zangetsu, since she didn't reply he went on "you have a hollow's reiatsu, are you an arrancar?"...still not answer...

he was about to run into her when she revealed a tattoo on her right high-back revealing a thing Ichigo didn't want to see..."AN ESPADA?" ichigo said backing away charging his getsuga tensho at her while she removed the hand from her shoulder and looked at him calmly with no intentions of attacking...ichigo was breathing faster and faster as he was about to release his attack when he eared a chuckle "what's so funny?" he asked and this time she replied "you're really hot-tempered as he said!"...ichigo now was confused "who said what?" he said with a confused look on his face..."I'm getting tired of this!" he said "just tell me who you are and who said that to you!"

"Fine" she said "my name is Heyena jeaguerjaquez, the current 3rd espada in heuco mundo...and yes sister in death of Grimmjow jeaguerjaquez" ichigo was speachless..."wait...sister in death?"

"Yes, when an espada born, he got a new name and surname...we are sister and brother in death since he died at the same time and way I was..." she said calmly "and my aspect of death is jealousy".

"right...I guess I why are you here?" he asked finally re-sheathing Zangetsu now that he understood she really didn't want to fight but he maintained his guard up since,,,,guys, she was an Espada after all.

"I'm here because a new treat is heading for your and ourworld so they send me here to tell you this...I need to go to Soul society and tell the shinigami Capitan Yamamoto the reasons I have come here but before that, I got to speak to Urahara Kisuke...theytold me to search for you..." she said now walking towards ichigo without evil intentions...

"They...who?" ichigo asked with curiosity