Chapter 4

Over the next couple of weeks, Hermione began to see encouraging progress amongst her schoolmates. Especially among the younger students. Everyone was treating each other better on some subtle level. And some of the students were forming real friendships. Malfoy and Hermione met regularly to talk about what was happening. And Harry had even been to a few of their meetings. The fact that Malfoy and Harry could be in the same room together without bloodshed was a miracle and boded well for the project at hand, Hermione felt.

The only issue was that Ron and his gang kept attacking the Slytherins. They were taking it reasonably well. But Hermione could feel the tension. Harry had tried 3 times to talk to Ron, but Ron refused to be reasonable. And the last time Harry tried to say something Ron refused to even hear him out. Harry seemed convinced Ron had gone off his nut.

But the day that Molly Weasley's howler showed up at the school to 'talk' to Ron about the rumours she was hearing was the day when Hermione got really concerned about Ron's mental/emotional state.

It happened in the Great Hall at breakfast, just like the first time Ron had gotten a howler from his mum. Harry and Hermione were sitting at a table eating and studying their N.E., all according to Hermione's wonderful study schedule. And Ron was sitting at the fire with his usual cohorts. They were whispering to each other and looking surreptitiously around them. Hermione wished she could be a fly on the wall. She was sure they were up to something.

The owl dropped the howler and Ron's face went white. Hermione almost felt sorry for him. He got up, apparently hoping to avoid a public scene by leaving, but the letter ripped itself open and Molly's voice could be heard shrieking across the huge room.

'Ron Weasley! What is this I hear about your vigilante against certain factions at school? I raised you better than to have you running around being prejudiced and violent. I have done my research well and have it from a very reliable source that you are acting like a common thug! And I just will not stand for it! This will stop immediately or we will bring you home, N.E. or no N.E.! I will be watching!'

The howler tore itself up and Ron sat staring at in disbelief. Then his eye fell on Hermione, who gave him a blank look. 'You!' he growled. He stood and pointed at her. 'You are the 'good authority' Mum is talking about, aren't you?' Harry stood now, too, just to let Ron know that Hermione was not alone. 'Oh, and there is the great Harry Potter, at your side as always!' Ginny, who had been sitting next to Harry also stood up, glaring her brother down. 'And you have turned my family against me! Hermione, how could you!' Ron said caustically. 'You won't get away with this!' And with one last malicious glare, he stomped from the room.

Malfoy was at the Gryffindor table in seconds. 'Merlin, he was pissed! Was it you, Hermione? Did you tell his Mum what he has been doing?' Malfoy's eyes were snapping.

'Yes,' Hermione said weakly as she fell back to her seat. 'I thought she could put the fear of god into him and he'd stop. But that was the old Ron. The new Ron is just made worse by what he sees as my meddling. What have I done?' Harry rubbed her back.

'Don't worry, Hermione,' Harry said. 'We'll protect you. He looked at Malfoy, who nodded staunchly.

'I know,' Hermione smiled weakly. 'But I am thinking of the Slytherins. What if he steps up his campaign against them, just because I made him angry.

'If he does,' Malfoy began. 'I don't think I can hold my housemates back from retaliating. They are really sick of patching up our youngsters.'

'I know,' Hermione moaned. 'Oh, this could all blow up in our faces if something doesn't happen soon.'

Malfoy looked dubious. 'Yes … but maybe he'll get himself caught. Maybe he'll get careless.' Harry looked at Malfoy incredulously.

'Yes, maybe he will…' Harry was clearly thinking.

'What is it, Harry?' Hermione asked. Malfoy was clearly interested, too.

'Well, you told Snape about what Ron and his gang have been doing, right?' Harry's eyes were alight.

'Yes…' Hermione answered questioningly. 'But he said he can't do anything until he catches them doing … something … wrong…' All of a sudden the light dawned in Hermione's mind. 'Of course!'

'Exactly!' Draco said, smiling.

'Yes,' Harry said, nodding. 'I think it's time we did a little planning of our own… We bait Ron and his cohorts and have Snape on hand to "catch" them.' Harry made quotations in the air with his fingers. 'See?'

'Brilliant, Harry! Utterly brilliant!' Hermione felt that there was some hope at last.

'Yes, not bad, Potter.' Draco's voice was less grudging, and more impressed. 'And I'm sure I can talk one of my house into being the bait. They would love the sneak factor!'

Hermione nudged Draco with an elbow and looked slyly at him. 'Why not you, Draco?' she asked with an innocent smile. 'You could do it.'

Draco coloured. 'That would be a little obvious, don't you think? I mean, I know Weaselby is stupid, but he might not trust things and fall into the trap if I'm involved.'

'He has a point, Hermione,' Harry said seriously. 'This needs to be planned carefully. Ron and his ever growing gang have managed to avoid being caught so far, even though there are rumours everywhere. Snape isn't the only teacher on guard either. But somehow, some way, none of the teachers has been able to prove anything or catch them in any way.'

'True,' Hermione countered. 'Ok. We have to be smart then. We will have to use a lesser known Slytherin. Someone Ron would not feel at all threatened by.'

'Right,' Draco said. 'I think it should be a first year. I know the very one. Adelman Ziskin. He's cocky and tough and mouthy. His father went to Azkaban for participating in the killing of Minister Scrimgeour at the beginning of the war. That ought to make Weasley see red.'

'He does sound perfect. All he would have to do is bait Ron a little … in some secluded spot … of our choosing of course,' Hermione said, She had a faraway look in her eyes as she formulated a plan.

'Do you think he'll do it?' Harry asked. 'This Adelman Ziskin?'

'Of course he'll do it,' Draco answered, an edge of command to his voice. 'I guarantee it.'

'Ok,' Harry said. 'Then, Hermione you had better see if Snape is agreeable to the plan. He may not be, you know. Putting students in danger and that sort of thing…'

'Oh!' Hermione wailed. 'I never thought of that. But he has to go for it. It's the perfect plan.'

'You can convince him,' Draco said airily. 'If anyone can, it'd be you.'

Hermione smiled at Draco's offhand compliment. 'I will certainly try.'

Hermione decided to approach Snape after class. The sooner the better, she thought. Draco had promised to speak to Adelman as soon as possible. And Harry was thinking on exactly how to execute this plan. For one thing, they had to find a secluded spot in which to enact it, and then they had to find a way to lure Ron and his minions to that spot.

So, directly after class, Hermione found herself standing in front of Snape's desk once again. He did not attempt to ignore her this time.

'Ms Granger, you seem to be making it a habit to bother me after class these days. Any particular reason why?' His tone was a bit harsh, but his face was not as hard as it had been in their past encounters. Something about that puzzled Hermione. So much so that she stood looking at him for a full five seconds before speaking.

'I'm sorry to bother you, sir,' Hermione began. 'But I think what I have to say is rather important. May I sit?' Snape nodded and magically moved a desk chair to the front of his own desk, indicating it with his hand. Hermione sat and proceeded. 'Draco, Harry, and I have been talking. And we think we have come up with a pretty good plan to catch Ron and his gang red-handed in their recent activities.'

Snape smiled a rather condescending smile. 'Let me guess,' he said nastily. 'You want to bait Weasley by setting up a Slytherin to provoke him into acting.' Snape's eyes bored into her, and Hermione felt her colour rising.

'Yes,' she said, barely keeping her tone cool. 'How did you know?' She could have pinched herself for how juvenile that sounded.

'Elementary, Ms Granger,' Snape let the smile drop. 'I knew sooner or later, if I did not manage to catch them on my own, you would want to force Weasley's hand.'

'Wow… Well, without further preamble then, what do you think?' Hermione tried to act as though the outcome of this conversation did not concern her much. She knew by the look on Snape's face that she was failing miserably.

'I think we would need to be very careful, or the whole thing could blow up in our faces,' he said slowly. 'I do not think it the best plan, but I think it is all we have got. I wish it did not have to be this way.' Hermione could tell he was choosing his words carefully for some reason. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask why, but she refrained.

'Well, Draco thinks he has found the perfect candidate to bait Ron. Adelman Ziskin.' She paused to let Snape assimilate the name.

'Ah, yes… Good choice,' Snape agreed. 'His father's crime would definitely incite Weasley's skewered sense of justice. And that boy has a mouth that never stops.' Snape seemed to be getting more comfortable with the plan now. Hermione felt pleased.

'Yes, so Draco says,' Hermione countered. 'We just need to figure out where to do this and how to get Ron there at the right time.' Hermione sighed. 'Any ideas?'

Snape sat for a moment or two pondering. 'Well, I think that's simple enough. Adelman can bait Weasley in the the Trophy room, where I will send him and his mates for one of their many detentions.' Snape said. 'Lots of places for the rest of us to hide in that room until the appropriate moment. Adelman may have to take a hit or two to make this thing iron clad…'

Hermione looked shocked. 'Are you serious, sir?' Snape nodded.

'Of course! I cannot stop Weasley and his gang by reporting that they only chased Mr Ziskin. That would get us nowhere. We are trying to prove that all the rumours we teachers have been hearing but could never verify are true. It seems to me that Mr Weasley and his friends are so far gone that the only way to stop them is to get them caught doing something expulsion worthy. If they are caught physically accosting Mr Ziskin, the rest of the Slytherins who have suffered the same treatment will feel safe to come forward, too. Headmistress McGonagall will have no other recourse but to expel any and all participants in such shenanigans.'

Hermione sighed. 'Yes, I suppose you're right. I don't like it, though.'

'Neither do I,' Snape said softly.

And Hermione knew that he was thinking that the Slytherins always had to take 'the hit'.

Hermione met with Draco and Harry shortly after her talk with Snape and told them what he had said. Draco reported that Adelman Ziskin had agreed to be the bait. He was in fact looking forward to it. Draco had already figured that Adelman might have to sustain some kind of injury and had told him so. Adelman was not worried, apparently. He just wanted to get the Slytherin tormentors caught and disabled.

The day was set for Wednesday … five days away. That gave Adelman time to make himself known to Ron. Adelman was instructed to do some little things that would cause Ron to make him a target. Hermione was amazed at Adelman's chutzpah. He played Ron just right. Hermione watched as he called Ron a 'ginger weasel' in the fourth floor corridor and made a very rude gesture to enforce the insult. He did it when teachers were present, so all Ron could do was glare at him. Then, the next day, Adelman pretended to trip and spill his orange juice on Ron's head at breakfast. Ron shot up, but mindful of the teachers at the teacher's table, could only pretend to accept Adelman's mockery of an apology.

Adelman kept up the pressure every day of the five before the big event, but always when teachers were present. He got reprimanded a few times, but that was it. Hermione felt the teachers were glad to see a Slytherin getting a little of his own back. Though, Headmistress McGonagall warned him he could 'get hurt' if he didn't find a new target.

Little did she know…

Finally, the night arrived for Adelman to really dig into Ron and his gang of thugs. Snape had indeed arranged for Ron and his cohorts to serve one of their detentions in the Trophy room, cleaning and polishing. Hermione, Harry, and Snape had hidden themselves behind tapestries and in alcoves around the room. Fortunately, it was a big room and full of shadows. Harry and Hermione had agreed to stay hidden while Snape and Adelman handled things. Snape told them not to show themselves unless something went horribly awry.

At 8 PM, Ron and his group arrived. They were rowdy and there was a fair bit of tension in the air. Adelman was slated to pass by the room in 15 minutes, pretend to hear a noise in the room, and stop to look in out of curiosity. Hopefully, all would progress quickly from there.

Hermione was hiding in her own space behind a tapestry depicting some famous Quidditch match or another. Her stomach was twisting and turning. She did not want anything to go wrong, but something about the whole thing made her edgy. She kept telling herself that with Snape there she need not worry. He would not let things go too far, but at the same time … she just could not shake this bad feeling inside.

She looked at the clock mounted above the doors to the Trophy room. She had a perfect view of it from where she was hiding. It was 8:15. Ron and his crew were tossing trophies around and hooting and hollering like hooligans. Suddenly, Adelman's blonde head popped up behind a crack in the doors. He appeared to take in the scene before him for a moment and then…

'Oy! Aren't you tossers supposed to be cleaning those damn trophies? What? Are you to stupid to know you're in detention? Hahahahahahahaha!' He pulled a distinctly repulsive face. Hermione was impressed. 'What a bunch of hopped up prats! Acting like a bunch of rum drunk monkys! No idea why ANYONE would be afraid of you!' Then he stepped fully into the room seemingly to show that he was not afraid.

Ron threw down the rag he had in his hand and bellowed. 'I've had all I'm going to take from you, you Slytherin filth!' His 4 cohorts, two of which were Dean and Seamus, had fallen in behind him, apparently ready for action. Adelman just stood his ground.

'What you gonna do, then, boys?' he shouted tauntingly. 'Polish me to death? Hahahahahahahaaha!'

Zing! 'Reducto!' Ron yelled. The spell hit Adelman square in the chest. He flew back and hit the doors with a crack. Then he slid to the floor, momentarily stunned. Hermione gasped, her hand to her mouth, as she watched the ruffians rush toward the fallen Adelman, spitting with rage. Ron picked up the smaller boy by the front of his robes and pinned him against the doors. 'Not so damn cocky now, are you snake shit! Got you right where we want you now!' Hermione was terrified! Where was Snape why was he not stopping Ron? She knew she was supposed to stay hidden. But maybe something had happened to keep Snape from appearing. And where the hell was Harry?

Ron was slamming Adelman against the doors over and over. Hermione could hear the breath leaving his chest forcefully. She could stand no more. She stepped out and just at that moment saw Snape doing the same. But it was too late. Snape shouted at Ron to 'cease and desist roughing up the boy', Ron spun around with Adelman still in his hands and his eye fell immediately on Hermione. The look of shock on his face turned to a nasty kind of knowing.

'You set me up, Hermione!' Snape's eyes shot to Hermione. He was furious.

'Ms Granger, I told you to stay hidden!'

It took that split second of inattentiveness on both their parts for Ron to drop Adelman and whip out his wand and direct it at Hermione. 'Sectumsempra!' he yelled. 'You traitorous bitch!' Harry jumped out of his hiding place behind a suit of armour.


Ron's body shot back and knocked his friends over like a bowling ball to bowling pins. Hermione crumpled to the ground. Searing, tearing pain ripping through her. She could feel the warm blood oozing from her torn skin. She felt faint.

She was not aware of anything after that, except for Snape's hands on her … gentle but sure … his voice murmuring a counter spell … his eyes flashing with what seemed to be fear and … something else…

She could hear Harry rounding up Ron and the other ruffians. She wondered if Adelman was alright… then she went mercifully unconscious.

When Hermione opened her eyes again, she was in a bed in the hospital wing and Harry was with her, holding her hand and looking very pale. 'Hermione!' he gasped. 'Thank god!'

'Where's Snape?' she rasped. And she felt surprised at her first words. Harry looked slightly puzzled, too.

'He was just here. He has been here the last twenty-four hours. I sent him to get Madam Pomfrey. You were restless and I thought you needed something for pain. Hermione nodded. Her body felt like it was on fire.

'How bad am I?' her voice was small, her eyes wide.

'Not bad,' Harry said unconvincingly. Hermione nodded again. She would not press.

Just then, Snape returned with a vial of potion clutched in his hand. He moved to Hermione's side without a word.

'Where's Madam Pomfrey?' Harry asked.

'She is tending to Adelman just now,' Snape said as he lifted the vial to Hermione's lips. 'Are you in pain?' he asked almost solicitously. His eyes held that unnamable something again.

'Not much,' Hermione lied. She did not want to worry Snape further. Harry looked knowing. 'How is Adelman?'

'Drink your potion,' Snape ordered gently. 'Adelman will live. One cracked rib and a concussion. But he is feeling pretty good about his part in all this. He is talking nonstop about it, in fact.' He tipped the vial and Hermione dutifully swallowed the thick dark liquid.

'I'm sorry, sir…' Hermione began. But Snape's eyes looked hard. It was obvious he was angry with her for not staying hidden as he had asked, but he was torn by his concern for her well-being as well. 'Wretched spell,' he murmured as he finished pouring the potion into her mouth. 'I wish I had never come up with it…'

'Am I very torn up?' she asked, trying for a light tone. Snape shuttered his face.

'Not very.'

'That makes liars of both you and Harry,' Hermione observed. Snape looked at her and then at Harry.

'Alright, then,' he said in a firm tone. 'The truth of the matter is that Sectumsempra is a spell whose effectiveness depends on the intent of the caster. Apparently Mr Weasley had a lot of intent to harm you. The cuts from the spell … well, some of them … went as deep as the bone. And even some of your internal organs were mildly afflicted.' Hermione's eyes widened. Snape blew out a breath. 'You could have died, Ms Granger, very easily. You are still not out of danger even now.' His eyes were shadowed now. Hermione heard Harry's sigh.

'You mean … I could still die?' she asked with a surprisingly steady voice.

'Ms Granger, I will not let that happen,' Snape said in a tone that brooked no argument. 'That is what I want you to concentrate on. I will not let you die.' His eyes were piercing. She felt her heart lighten at his words. She found that she trusted him. She believed that she would not die on his 'say so'.

'Alright,' she said meekly.

'Is the pain better?' Snape asked, as he stoppered the vial and laid it aside.

Hermione felt almost pain-free and suddenly sooooooooo tired. 'Yes,' was all she said, and then she slept.

The next few weeks saw Snape spending a great deal of time with Hermione. When Hermione was finally declared out of danger, Snape's visits were only hampered by his classes. He brought Hermione her assignments and helped her to complete them. When they were not working, they talked and read from potions journals and other books on subjects of interest to both of them. And … Hermione finally got a chance to properly apologise for her deplorable behaviour in the Shrieking Shack when Snape had supposedly died. Snape was surprisingly mild about it all. It was as if he had forgiven her already.

Ron and his gang of thugs had indeed been expelled and the Aurors had visited Hermione to ask her for her statement on what he had done to her. She had asked them to let it go, but they said that was impossible. He was being held at the Ministry. Ron was to be brought up on attempted murder charges. She must say what she knew on the matter. With a saddened heart, Hermione gave her statement. She worried what would happen to Ron. And she worried because she did not want to stand against him in court. She and Snape talked a great deal about that. He promised to be there when she testified. And he would likely be testifying, too.

She knew this had to be even more of a trial for him. He had told her about how someone, he still did not know who, had found him in the Shrieking Shack and had done all that was possible to save him, up to and including disapparating him to St Mungo's for treatment. He had, of course, had to stand trial for Dumbledore's murder and other assumed crimes, but Harry had provided the memories that Snape had given him, and those memories had exonerated him.

He had hated the whole courtroom atmosphere. He had known that if they had wanted to, the ministry officials could have found a way to detain him. But Harry had insisted on fair treatment, and no one was about to go against the wishes of the boy who lived … twice.

It had taken Snape a long time to reconcile himself to the fact that Harry Potter had ultimately been the one to save his miserable life…

Hermione felt privileged to have Snape's confidence. But it really puzzled her. Why was he being so friendly to her? Why was he allowing her such confidences? Arguably the most intimate details of his life? She didn't dare ask him. But still she pondered these things in her heart.

Until one day when she and Harry had a talk…

It was shortly before she was to be released from the hospital wing. She was in fact to be released the very next day, and Snape had insisted on seeing her to her new quarters. Headmistress McGonagall had arranged for a more private setting in which for Hermione to recover. And Snape had made it clear he would help her to them.

'But why would he do that?' Hermione asked Harry. 'I am sure he has better things to do than that.' She shook her head.

Harry was looking at her incredulously. 'You're kidding, right? I mean, you are aware of Snape's feelings for you. Are you not?'

Hermione gaped at him and spluttered.

'Apparently not,' Harry said grimly.

'Feelings? You are implying Snape has … deeper … feelings? For me?' Hermione's voice squeaked. Her cheeks held more colour in them than they had in weeks.

'Hermione, really!' Harry said. 'Do you think a man spends all the time Snape has spent with you if he doesn't have 'deeper feelings'? I thought you were intelligent!' Harry looked disbelieving.' Look. I was there when you were initially injured. You should have seen him. He looked frantic.'

'That was just his guilt at Ron using Snape's spell against me.'

'That's what I thought, too.' Harry replied. 'But I observed him in the initial stages of your recovery. He took care of you with the tenderness of a nurse. He spoke gently. I even caught him holding your hand a couple of times. For god's sake, Hermione. Open your eyes! Snape has fallen for you.'

Hermione felt her heart jolt. What Harry was saying was a shock to her system.

But in a strange way, it made sense…

'How could that happen? I mean … how?' Hermione's eyes were pleading.

'Well, I think it is partly to do with what you did for the Slytherins. I mean because you befriended them and spear-headed the effort … I think he came to trust and then admire you. I don't suppose he thinks he has a chance with you, though.'

'Why not?' Hermione asked. Harry looked at her knowingly.

'Why not, indeed?' Harry replied. 'Do you think you could return his feelings?'

Hermione fell into thoughtfulness for a moment. 'Why not? We are both intelligent and have a lot of the same interests. We get along fairly well. I don't see why it couldn't work…'

Harry nodded. 'I agree. But what if he won't speak? What if he is just too unsure of your response and he does not speak?'

'Are you suggesting that I should speak?' Hermione asked guardedly.

'I am suggesting that if you want him, it may be the only way to get the job done.'

'But, Harry…'

'Hermione, this is no time to lose your Gryffindor courage. You may have to go after what you want. I think you will have to be willing to do whatever it takes.'

'Maybe,' Hermione said reluctantly. 'We'll see.'

Harry smiled. He just knew…

The next day, Hermione felt nervous about Snape coming to get her. Now that she saw what Harry saw, she didn't know how to behave around him. And she didn't know what to do about Harry's suggestion that she be the first one to speak of a possible relationship between them. She had not shared with Harry how she really felt about Snape because she felt embarrassed. But, truth be told, since she and Snape had been spending so much time together she had developed deeper feelings for him, too. She had thought she hadn't a prayer of him ever reciprocating, but now she saw that she had been blind. This exhilarated her as much as it made her feel scared.

Could it really work out between them? The age difference was one consideration. And neither of them had a great deal of relationship experience… What if it all went wrong? Hermione was deep in thought when Snape entered the cubicle, so she didn't hear him. He cleared his throat to get her attention. Hermione looked up quickly, as she sat in her school robe at the foot of her bed.

'Good morning, sir,' she said quickly. Snape looked amused.

'Good morning,' Snape answered. 'Are you ready to relocate?'

'Yes,' Hermione said, indicating her carpet bag with all the belongings she had used while staying in hospital. She was unaware she was fidgeting with the edge of her sheet.

Snape looked mildly confused. 'Are you alright? Perhaps you are leaving too soon.'

'No,' Hermione said softly. 'I guess I am just feeling a little tired.'

Snape's eyes narrowed a little. 'I see. Well, perhaps you need to rest a little more before we go. I could come back in a little while.'

'No, let's go now,' Hermione said with a shaky smile. She could not meet his eyes somehow. Snape was non plussed.

'Alright,' he said. And his voice had lost some of its warmth.

iOh, no! Hermione thought. I've upset him…/i She forced her eyes up to greet his, and she saw there what looked like hurt. iDamn!/i

'I'm sorry, professor,' she said sincerely. 'Everything really is alright. I just am not used to all the activity after all this recovery time.' Snape seemed to relax a little.

'Well,' he said in a more normal tone. 'I got the new uPotions Journal/u yesterday by owl post. We could get you settled for a nap, and later look it over together. Or…' and he averted eyes, pretending to be engrossed in some non existent lint on his robe sleeve. 'I could leave the uJournal/uwith you, if you wish to be alone.'

Hermione smiled a small devious smile. 'Oh… of course… you must want at least one night to yourself, sir. I have taken up so much of your time lately.'

Snape seemed taken aback by that. 'No. I only meant that if you are tired you might wish to be alone.' His eyes were on hers. His face was unreadable, but Hermione was pleased to realize that she could read him well anyway .

'Well, if it's really up to me, sir, I would be glad for you to read the Journal with me tonight.' She softened her tone and looked him straight in the eye as she issued the unmistakable invitation. Snape smiled a little.

'Alright, then. It shall be as you wish,' he said. And Hermione could see he was clearly pleased.

Snape treated Hermione with kid gloves as he saw her to her new apartments and helped her to settle in. He was extremely solicitous, and Hermione found it endearing, if a bit overpowering.

'You needn't hover, sir,' she laughed. 'I won't break.' Snape chuckled a bit, too.

'I know. I am just trying to help.' He put her bag down on the floor next to her bed. Hermione's new room was quiet and simply appointed. She loved having a fire place instead of the old rickety stove in the girl's dorm. It was lit and crackling away. She stood warming her hands before it.

'Perhaps you are ready for that nap,' Snape said.

'I am indeed,' Hermione countered. 'I think I will sleep until lunch.'

'Alright. I will check on you then,' Snape said as he headed to the door. 'Rest well.'

'Thank you, sir.' Hermione said. Suddenly Snape turned and looked at her strangely.

'You know, I think we have been on equal terms since the war. Perhaps we should drop the 'sirs' and 'professors', at least when we are alone.'

Hermione felt her heart leap. 'What would you suggest I call you then?' She wanted to be sure…

'I think Severus will do,' he answered softly. 'When we are not around other students.'

Hermione coloured a bit. 'Then you should call me "Hermione"'. Snape bowed a little bow.

'Rest well … Hermione.' And then he was out the door.

Hermione was exhausted but thrilled. She went to her nap thinking anything was possible now…

Hermione's nap was cut short when Harry came by around an hour before lunch. She let him in looking disheveled and disoriented.

'Sorry, Hermione. Did I wake you?' Harry asked.

'It's alright, Harry. Come on in.' Hermione said groggily.

Harry chuckled. 'Look at you… in your own quarters! How lucky are you?'

'Pretty lucky, I guess,' Hermione answered with a small laugh of her own. Too bad I had to get injured to get it.' Her face clouded a little. 'How is Adelman?'

Harry smiled again. 'From all I can see, he is doing just fine.' Harry laughed again. 'He is telling his story to anyone who will listen, eating like a horse, and generally driving everyone around him crazy. I'd say he's made a full recovery.'

Hermione laughed and felt immediately better. 'Good. Then all is well.'

'He is none the worse for the wear, believe me,' Harry affirmed. 'How are things with you and Snape?'

'Well, Harry, subtlety isn't lost on you,' Hermione gasped, but she was smiling still.

'No, I guess not,' Harry agreed. 'I think you should know that you have apparently softened him up a bit. He is not his usual acidic self in class. Kind of miss the old Snape,' Harry quipped.

'I bet you do,' Hermione beamed. 'We are fine, if there is a 'we'. Severus will be here to check on me at lunch and again tonight after supper to read the Potions Journal with me.'

'Severus, eh?' Harry wiggled his eyebrows at her. 'Does he call you Hermione?'

Hermione reddened. 'Yes…' she said shyly. 'We agreed to be on a first name basis when we are alone.'

'I see,' Harry said teasingly. 'Well, what do you think of my crazy ideas now?'

'I see that you could be right, Harry. I think Severus cares for me.'

'And what about you, Hermione?' Suddenly, Harry was all seriousness. 'Do you care for him?'

'Harry…' Hermione stalled. 'Yes. I believe I feel the same way about him.' Her voice was so quiet it was barely audible.

'Good,' Harry said. 'He is a fine man, Hermione. I am glad you've found someone who is worthy of you.'

'Thank you, Harry,' Hermione said sincerely. 'I'm glad you approve.'

Harry left a few minutes later after properly admiring her new space. Hermione felt her head was spinning. She wondered how she and Severus would finally out their feelings to one another. She wondered if it really would have to be her who spoke first.

Snape came to see Hermione promptly after dinner. Hermione was amazed at how glad she was to see him. He tucked her into a chair before the fire and read Potions Journal articles to her for about an hour. Hermione felt content listening to his voice. She felt grateful to have someone to share one of her passions with.

The room was dark except for the fire and the candle Snape had charmed to hover over his reading material. It was very intimate and it felt safe for confidences. Hermione felt she wanted to speak to Snape about her feelings, but she couldn't quite get herself to do it. She was working so hard on her own thoughts that she forgot to pay attention to Snape's reading.


'Hermione … Hermione…' Snape's voice was low but insistent. Hermione was snapped back to attention. 'Where did you go? Are you feeling too tired to continue? Should I go so you can go to bed?'

'No,' Hermione said a little too quickly. 'I was just thinking about some things.'

'What were you thinking, Hermione,' Snape said quietly. 'What is the Muggle saying? A penny for your thoughts?'

Hermione felt her face grow warm. 'My thoughts are worth more than a penny,' she said in an attempt to deflect him.

'No doubt they are,' Snape agreed. 'Would it help to know that I have been thinking a lot lately, too?' Suddenly the room was charged. Hermione sensed something important was about to happen.

'You have?' she answered softly. 'What about?'

Snape shifted in his chair. 'Mostly about you … and about me.'

Boy, had Harry been wrong. Snape was not too afraid to speak apparently.

'Really?' Hermione tried to sound encouraging without sounding over eager.

'Really.' Snape was not fooled. Hermione could hear the smile in his voice.

'What about us? What have you been thinking, Severus?' Hermione tried not to choke with the emotion she felt rising up inside her.

She heard Snape moving and saw him leave his chair. Next thing she knew he was kneeling before her in her chair. 'Can you not guess, Hermione?' His eyes were holding hers lovingly. His hands had stole to her lap to take her small hands in his own.

Tears sprung to Hermione's eyes. 'Severus,' she whispered.

Snape held her hands firmly. 'Are you surprised, Hermione? Or is it offense that you feel?'

'No!' Hermione protested. 'I am not offended at all. I feel honoured. And… I feel the same way you do.' Snape moved closer.

'And what is it that you feel, Hermione? Exactly.' His voice was a caress. His hands were warm and loving. 'Tell me.'

'I love you, Severus,' Hermione said slowly.

Snape suddenly moved in toward her and his lips caught hers an instant later. Hermione melted into him, and let her lips mold to his. She pulled her hands out of his and put them on either side of his face as he kissed her. When he pulled away she saw the love in his eyes.


'I love you, too, Hermione. '

Hermione felt her heart soar. How incredible that in all that had happened she had found love with Severus Snape. She had lost much, but she had found all she had not even known she was looking for in him. How had it all happened?

Snape was watching her face, and he must have employed a bit of Legilimency because his next statement could not have been more perfect.

'Don't question, Hermione,' he said. 'Just know that we are both where we belong now. It really isn't prudent to wonder too much about it.'

Hermione felt his lips on hers again, and she decided he was right.

When love comes, however it comes, it is a miracle. And, many times a miracle cannot be defined or even understood. The heart wants what the heart wants. And sometimes it sets to work on getting it in mysterious ways…

Hermione had a feeling that with Severus, this was only the beginning of the surprises they were to find along their way.

And she found she was more than fine with that.
