Some Situations

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice

A/N: woot another one. Sorry it took a bit my computer got a nasty virus. Well it's three o'clock in the morning so forgive me if this sucks. Anyway someone mentioned that they'd like one about Wally and Rob so here it is!

Chapter two: In the End

Robin shoved at Wally's shoulder urging him to go forward. The door to the space craft is closing and Robin's leg is useless, bleeding on the metal floor.

"Go wally," Robin says giving him another small shove. "You can make it! Just leave me." The Ginger looks at the younger in shock. Robin was telling him to leave him to die. Now the speedster can see tears dripping from under his mask. Robin's shoulders are shaking and Wally sees what he has forgotten: Robin is still a child.

Wally reaches out and wraps his arms around his friend drawing him to his chest. Robin pushes at his chest.

"No! Wally goes! Leave me," the ebony cries. "I lost Bruce! I lost the team! I can't loss you too! GO!" Wally sinks to the floor and hugs him tighter.

"Well I don't want to loss you," Wally says. "And I'm not letting you die alone." Robin stares up at him for a moment before completely breaking down. He clutches at Wally, choking on his own sobs.

"It's okay Rob," Wally whispers.

"I'm scared," Dick whispers.

"Me too," Wally says. The beeping of the bomb ends and the explosion sounds. Wally presses Robin's head to his chest. Silently whispering: Best bro's man, always.

Break line

Dick shoots off the table sweat dripping from his face. He looks around and sees mount justice, his team and Bruce. Dick lets out a cry and throws his arms around Bruce's middle. Tears pour from under his mask as he clings to his mentor. The dark knight looks down at his ward in guilt and misery slowly pulling his cape around the boy.

"Rob," a voice pulls Robin from his hiding place under Bruce's cape. He sees Kid Flash staring at him wide eyed. Wally is at his side in a millisecond (gotta love super speed) and steals him from his father. The two embrace Wally feeling deeply protective over his little brother because that's what they are brothers in every sense of the word.

A/N: I might do a second part to this one.