Disclaimer: The characters in this story are not mine, they belong to CBS or...whoever wrote them. I just like stealing them for snippets of stories.


Tony leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling while the team worked in the bull pen around him. Click, click, click. McGee's fingers tap-tapped at his keyboard, Gibbs answered a call on his cell phone and Tony didn't hear any of it. His hands supported his head, his mouth half open in thought as he reflected on the meeting that had occured only a few moments before.

Ziva had stood beside an open window in their hotel room where they had apprehended an assassin. Ziva had disarmed the killer within two minutes of being in the same room, and after he'd been led off by McGee, She had stood so calmly, her hands at her sides and her eyes full of emotion Tony couldn't identify. As he had neared her to ensure she was unharmed, she looked up, holding her hand up to stop him. Suddenly his stomach had lurched and he felt this uneasy feeling in his gut. She was hurting, but not physically.

He'd stepped forward, engulfing her feminine figure in his muscular arms. "What is it Ziva?" He had asked, feeling an intense desire to bring physical harm to whomever had hurt her. Little could he be prepared for the words that fell from those beautiful lips.

"Tony...you remember the night Gibbs...got shot?"

He had nodded looking down into her eyes, so confused as to where she was going with her reminder. She had shown up at his doorstep in tears, feeling guilty that Gibbs had taken a bullet for her. He had comforted her, and they had gotten...intimate.

His stomach lurched again as he counted the weeks...the time that had passed since that eventful evening. She pulled back away from him, confirmation of her fears in her eyes as she felt the way his body stiffened with the thoughts that ran through his mind.

"Tony, I'm pregnant..."Pregnant...pregnant...pregnant...

Tony would have liked to have said that he had reacted in the best way he could have, but his reaction had been anything but the right one. It had been the only thing he could do. Instead of reassuring her that everything would be ok, instead of telling her he'd stand by her, instead of pulling her into the comforting hug she so obviously needed, he had simply dropped his arms and turned around, walking out of the room and leaving her standing there in the window, silhouetted by the sunlight shining through the curtain.

He hadn't seen her since, and she had not returned to work afterwards.

I'm going to be a father. Is it really mine? Of course it's mine... Ziva isn't the sort of woman to...

The bull pen had grown silent, and Tony leaned forward to see Gibbs staring at him with a frown on his face, and McGee absent from his desk.

Gibbs tilted his head slightly. "Problem Tony?" Gibbs asked, walking toward his desk.

Tony shook his head. "No Boss."

I'm going to be a daddy. A son... a daughter.. I hope she has her mother's eyes...

Gibbs' frown only deepened, but he walked toward the elevator. "Whatever you did Tony, fix it." He said as the door closed with a ding.

Tony took a deep breath and rose from his chair, rubbing his hand over his face for a moment, before heading toward the elevator himself. He had to find Ziva.

He tried calling her cell. Ring, Ring, Ring. Nothing.

Baseball games. Football... driving lessons..

Bing The elevator beeped as he reached the garage and made his way toward his car.

Vrooom The garage echoed with the sound of someone starting their vehicle. Tony climbed into his shiny sports car, and turned the key in the ignition. His own car roared to life as he backed out of the parking space and made his way out of the garage, wondering where he would find her.

He didn't expect it to be as easy as it was. Her car was in the parking lot to her apartment, so he parked and went up, wondering what he would say. Wondering how she would receive him.

Telling her she's beautiful, just like her mom...

Thunk, Thunk His fist hit the door, knocking twice. He waited...listening for the faint woosh of footsteps he never heard coming as the door clicked open. She stood there, her eyes red, her cheeks stained with tears and his heart melted. He wished Gibbs were here for the ever familiar, most often necessary, slap to the back of the head. Instead he heard the Crack that usually came with it in his head as he mentally slapped himself.

"Ziva..." He said softly, as she stepped back away from the door and he stepped in after her, closing the door behind him.

I'm an idiot...how could I just walk away from her?...

Ziva reached the living room of her apartment and turned around to face him, as he once again walked forward and enveloped her into her his arms, holding her close.

We are a perfect fit. She fits so well in my arms, and I love the smell of her hair...the brown of those beautiful, expressive eyes, that sassy attitude...

She looked up into his eyes, and saw there the confirmation she had looked for earlier, the reassurance that he'd be there for her through all of it and tears started falling afresh as he leaned down, softly kissing each one away as he held her close to him.