Hi everyone! I felt in the mood to write, drank a lot of cola, and I am good to go now!
I hope you all will like this, since it's been some time since I last wrote something where I'd experiment with working the plot out along the way. I hope you like it!

~ Kitty


Laptop chatting

Harry looked down at the device in front of him; a black, shiny, new laptop. He hadn't even opened it yet. He hadn't seen any use for it. He thought back on the very first day of the sixth year, merely two weeks ago.

Dumbledore gave out the usual, boring speech. Harry couldn't care less, he had heard it before, and the new students had been sorted. "Also, this year, Hogwarts is going to follow the new technology. In the muggle world, computers are used by almost everyone, so since you all might get associated with the muggles in the future, it is a good idea to teach you how to use them now. All students get a laptop, a computer they can take with them, but they have to give it back upon graduation. It will be personalized, with a name and a password of your choice. They're charmed to never break and never need to be recharged. They will be handed out in your dorms by your head of house after the meal. Now, let's all enjoy the feast." The headmaster went back to his seat, and Harry looked at the food. Ron was stuffing his face as usual, and Hermione was lecturing him once again, on how to eat like a gentleman. Ever since the two of them became a couple, Harry had begun feeling like a third wheel, and he was slipping further and further out of the trio, creating a snogging duo and a lonely, abandoned solo.

Harry sighed. Maybe he could find something fun to do. The screen brightened when he opened the laptop, and he noticed the screen had only few icons. His eyes were caught with an icon, showing a speech bubble, separated in the four houses' colors. He read the text beneath it; HogwartsChat? He jumped in surprise when a small box popped up. It wanted him to make a username and a password. He looked at it for a while and started typing the desired text, grinning happily when the low beep showed, that the computer accepted his name to be "BleedingStag". He clicked in on the chat, curious as to what it was.


Harry looked at the names. 'Those two must be Slytherins. Only the Slytherins would choose a name with snake written in it,' he thought. He was ripped from his thoughts when a low clinging sound appeared. He looked at the screen. One of the guys had written to him.

SilverSnake: Why, hello there. Haven't seen you on the chat before, Stag.

'Okay, can't be a Slytherin,' Harry thought. 'Way too nice approach…' He looked at the nice greeting and smiled, before typing out an answer.

BleedingStag: Well, I haven't really tested the laptop's abilities yet. I didn't really feel the need to.
SilverSnake: Well, you can't be a Slytherin then. We all used most of the first evening to test out the laptops.
BleedingStag: For a Slytherin, you sure are being nice.
ComplicatedSnake: Well, we're allowed to be nice, aren't we?
BleedingStag: I guess, but still. I'm a Gryffindor, and you Slytherins hate Gryffindors, as far as I know.
SilverSnake: I hate to admit it, but there's only one Gryffindor I don't like.
BleedingStag: Oh, and who might that be?
SilverSnake: I won't say. If you're him, you'd get terribly offended.
BleedingStag: How can you be sure I'm a guy?
ComplicatedSnake: "Stag" is the male form of a deer. If you're female, I will be surprised you chose to write "Stag".
BleedingStag: Fine, I'm a guy. And you two?
SilverSnake: Male.
ComplicatedSnake: As male as I can be.
ComplicatedSnake: So, Stag, how come you are up so late? It's past midnight.
BleedingStag: I could ask you two the same question.
SilverSnake: I don't need much sleep, so I can stay up longer.
ComplicatedSnake: Same for me. Now, you answer too.
BleedingStag: Nightmares. I get them every night. And my closest friends have forgotten about me, so I have to deal with it alone. I'm used to it though.
ComplicatedSnake: Can't you ask professor Snape for a potion against nightmares?
BleedingStag: No offence, but that guy hates Gryffindors.
ComplicatedSnake: I'm sure, if you asked he'd help.
BleedingStag: I doubt he would. He uses any chance he gets to attack Gryffindors. I wonder what made him so hateful to our house. I always do my best, but I never seem to be good enough at anything, except when I'm paired with a Slytherin, then I might be lucky and not get scolded.
SilverSnake: I'm going to head for bed. I guess I'll see you both at breakfast? Even if I don't know who you are, Stag, I guess I'll see you there, right?
BleedingStag: Maybe not. I have a tough class in the morning, but after my friends "abandoned me", I haven't really eaten much.
ComplicatedSnake: I'll head for bed as well. And Stag, please do us the favor and get some food in the morning.
BleedingStag: I guess I can try. I will do my best, but I can't make any promises. I'll see you later. Good night, guys. I'll see you later, I promise.

Harry smiled at the laptop, and closed the window. He had learnt now, that not all Slytherins were jerks. He looked at the time; half past two am. He got up and went to take a shower. At least he could look clean when he went to class.

Harry walked towards the Great Hall, wondering if he could see the two newfound friends there. All of a sudden, he was ripped out of his thoughts, and fell backwards on the floor. "Potter," the other said evilly.
Harry really wished he didn't have to endure Draco Malfoy today. "I'm heading for breakfast, so leave me alone, Malfoy," he said back at the blonde.
Draco grinned, and Crabbe and Goyle grabbed Harry's arms and dragged him towards the Potions classroom. "Well, well, Potter. I'm just making sure you get to class on time. You should thank me." Harry kept struggling, but after some time, he finally gave up and let them drag him off.
Snape was sorting a box at the teachers' table when they walked in. Draco went over to the table he was assigned to, and his two fellow Slytherins dumped Harry on the floor next to him. "Malfoy, explain yourself. Why are you dragging Potter into the classroom?" Harry winced at the cold tone Snape's tone changed to when he mentioned Harry's last name.
Draco grinned as Harry slowly got up from the floor. "I just made sure he came to class on time, sir." Harry was about to protest, but Snape just ignored them and continued sorting the box. Crabbe and Goyle went to their table, and soon more students started flooding into the classroom. It was too late for breakfast, so Harry had to endure until lunch.

Harry sat down on his bed and turned on the laptop, sighing happily. The day had been long, and he really needed to talk to his two new friends, since they seemed good at cheering him up.

Weasel [P]
SmartOne [P]

RedOne: And then they blew up in their faces! It was classic!
RedTwo: And their hair was blue and green for a month.
SilverSnake: That sounds amazing. Poor Ravenclaw girls though.
SilverSnake: Stag, you're on!
BleedingStag: Well, I promised, didn't I?
BleedingStag: What does the "P" mean?
ComplicatedSnake: It means the people are on, but in a private conversation, so they won't answer you.
BleedingStag: Well, that's cool.
SilverSnake: The twins just told us about a trick they made some months ago.
BleedingStag: "The twins"?
RedOne: Yes; I'm Fred Weasley…
RedTwo: …and I'm George Weasley.
BleedingStag: Awesome. I know both of you, so you don't need to be so formal.
SilverSnake: Stag is a Gryffindor too.
RedOne: Really? Might we know your name?
RedTwo: If you know us, you also know we won't bite.
BleedingStag: I know you don't. I am more afraid that the two snakes will bite if they know who I am.
ComplicatedSnake: Did you remember to get breakfast, Stag?
BleedingStag: No, sorry. I had a small problem this morning, which made me unable to attend breakfast.
RedOne: Well, if you need help with the problem, you can always come to us, and we will help you!
RedTwo: We always help our friends!
[SilverSnake invited to Private: ComplicatedSnake, BleedingStag]

Harry looked at the invite and smiled. He could get the things off his chest, and at the same time avoid Fred and George recognizing him. He instantly accepted the invite.

SilverSnake: Now, Stag. Your house mates can't recognize you, so you can tell us about the problem.
BleedingStag: No offence, but a bloody Slytherin managed to block my way, and when I was finally released, I would be late for class, if I tried to go get breakfast.
ComplicatedSnake: That's not very nice. You should tell professor Snape. He's head of the Slytherin house, so he could punish them.
BleedingStag: Today, when I had a Potions class, he yelled at me three times. If I didn't know better, I'd say he wanted to kill me.
ComplicatedSnake: I doubt that's what he wants.
BleedingStag: No offence, but that man is a mean jerk.
SilverSnake: No he is not! I know him well, and he is not mean! He is just having a hard time socializing. He's stronger when it comes to intelligence, but he's not that strong when it comes to socializing.
BleedingStag: If I should make a guess, either you ARE Snape, or else you are related to him, Silver.
SilverSnake: Silver?
BleedingStag: Yeah. ComplicatedSnake can be shortened to Snake, and to make it easy to recognize you both, you will be Silver.
SilverSnake: I will take that as a compliment then. Thanks.
BleedingStag: It was. And you're welcome, Silver.
BleedingStag: Anyway, I need to get off now. I have a Potions essay for tomorrow, and I have Quidditch training in half an hour, so I need to go get ready. I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe even tonight!
ComplicatedSnake: See you later, Stag.
SilverSnake: See you, Stag.

Harry smiled at the screen and shut down the computer. He had to go to the Quidditch field soon, or the team would kill him. He got up, got his Quidditch robes on, and headed for practice. It was the first training session of the season, but he still couldn't afford to be late.