Now I have troubles staying on task, as you can see by the many unfinished stories. I have typed at least three chapters of each so They are continueing and none should be left undone. I told myself that when I finished two stories I could post this one. I have been waiting to post it and I am so excited for this one. I promised to finish at least two commitments and now I get the reward! I hope it's just as much a reward for you as it is for me!

I do not own Criminal Minds

Reid shuddered,"So he is killing based off of songs on some sort of playlist?" The rain pelted them from above. He rubbed his arms and looked down. The rain suddenly stopped and he looked up in surprise. Morgan was holding a loarge black unbrella over his head.

"And this list just jumps all over. There is no connection between songs." Morgan read off the file.

"Other than that they all mention Death." Reid looked at the body sprawled over the grave. It was strange. This body had been placed in a graveyard. He had never seen this done before. It was sprawled as if he was just dancing.

"Transmit your radio, Radio, respond if you're alive. Give me a sign of life. I need to say to you, say to you. What does that mean?"

"It's a song that has something having to do with death. over 80 percent of music has the words or something to do with Death. 50% of that are about suicide, 20 percent are murder and 10 Percent have a referance in some way to death or dying that can be missed if not listened to with a critical ear. Even most love songs refer to death." Reid smiled.

"Dance or Die! Family Force 5! He's posed as if danceing. That's it." JJ smiled," I love thier music."

"What connection do these have in common?" Hotch whispered.

"The last song was Time of Dying by Three Days Grace. both bands have a number in thier name." Morgan offered.

"The probability of that being the connection is..." Reid started but a smiled from Morgan made him stop.

"What connected the first song to the second? Also a number?"

"No... It wasn't a number. "

"The first victim drowned and the song was Heavy in your arms by Florence and the Machine. The clue was ,' he took me to the river where he slowly watched me drown' so we can assume that the murders are based on the songs. " Rossie muttered," And a large clock busted by the hand of the second victim and this one dancing in a cemetary."

"What is he pointing at?"

"I thought he was just posed to look like he was dancing." Prentiss frowned.

"No. He is definately pointing." Morgan said. Suddenly he jumped over the small wall behind the grave they were at. he picked up a small concrete angel. Reid was glad he had found a clue but was sad that his cover was gone. He shivered as the rain hit him again.

"Concrete Angel! Martina Mcbride!" Prentiss shouted.

"That's just implied death. " Reid whispered. Saddness creeped over him. That song was about a little girl...

"We have to assume the next victim will be a child. Morgan, call Garcia and ask for her to cross referance any schools in the area." Hotch commanded

"Can do." Morgan moved over to stand next to Reid as he made the call and Reid huddled under the unbrella gratefully.

"Goddess of the machine. Speak and fear."

"Hey babe." Morgan whispered. His voice was different than normal. Since everyone else had left already, Reid was the only one there to notice. He looked up and Morgan just smiled.

"Oh, Morgan uh..." She said flustered,"Make a wish and it will be granted."

"I need you to crossreference the schools in this area. We think the next victim may be a child. Hurry and fax it to the station."

"Will do."


"That was different." Reid smiled. Morgan shoved him out into the rain then pulled him back and started to walk. Reid followed close behind.

"Can you keep a secret?" Morgan smiled even wider.

"I guess. I don't really gossip."

"I asked Garcia out on a date last night. She said as soon as I get home safetly we will get something to eat together."

"Wow." Reid smiled and shivered.

"You alright?"



Run! Just Run!

From What?

That! Just run from That. If you get away from it then you will be fine.

I can't run anymore. I'm tired.

Yes you can, and you will. Sadly, you will keep running. You always run. You are just a weak kid. Only one person believed in you and he is now gone. You have to deal with it.

I have dealt with it.

Prove it.

I have to run... That's coming.

By all means.


Reid awoke and looked around. That was the first night that he had actually not had a nightmare. Suddenly the lightning flashed out his window. He rubbed his eyes and grabbed his gun. There was a shadow outside his window. A human.

He brought it up to eye level and moved the curtain just as another bolt struck in the distance. Nothing. He looked over his windowsill. Nothing... He picked up the phone and dialed.


"Yes, Kid?"

"I.. is there another bed in your room?"

"Yes. They gave me two twins."

"Do you mind?" He whispered.

"Come on over. Nightmares?"

"I think so."


The next morning the rain hadn't let up but the list of schools came flooding in anyway. They all read about the schools in the area. Only two were close enough to really concider but they would post officers at all the schools just in cse. The team would stake out two schools that fit into the unsubs mindset.

"This one is out of the question." Morgan sighed.

"Why's that?"Prentiss asked.

"Because these children are gifted. Thier parents all pick them up at a certain time or thier student gets demerits. There would be no time unless the killer would enter the school, which the likelyhood of surpassing the guards is about 15 percent. then they would have to commit the murder before the school went on shut down."

"That sounds like prison more than school." JJ said.

"With worse food." Morgan grinned and Prentiss tried to hide her face. Suddenly Reid jumped up and pointed to the window.

"There is someone out there!" He ran over to the window and threw the curtain open and found nothing. Again nothing.

"There is no way. this rain is way too thick. they wouldn't be able to see a thing. the only way back there is over two fences." Rossie said.

"I swear it. I saw them last night."

"That's why you called me. I would have come to look if you had just said." Morgan shrugged.

"I didn't think it was a real person but it is. I just saw them again."

"There is nowhere for them to hide. You've never liked storms so it's probably just the lighting." Prentiss sighed.

"I'm not crazy." Reid spun around on her.

"I know. Sorry." Prentiss put her hands up.

"Ok, so we each are going to be split into two teams at the school most likely to be hit. We have three hours until they are let out. I want you there in two. Go get some rest." Hotch stood and left the room, followed by the others. Reid hesitated.

"What is it?" Morgan asked.

"I'm not crazy."

"We know, Reid. We know."