A/N: HELLO! Well, this idea just popped into my head. Since I have two chapter stories that could use updating, do I have time to be starting another story? No, no I don't. I don't care.

Here's the idea for this one: it's basically a bunch of drabbles from the villain's POV about Camelot when it's taken over. They will include times in season 3 (Morgana and Morgause) and season 4 (Morgana, Agravaine, and perhaps even Helios), so spoilers. Tell me what you think in a review, please and thank you!

This seemed like a good one to start with!

"Taking Camelot was the easy part." ~Morgana Pendragon/le Faye, 4.12

Keeping Her is the Difficult Part

The throne was like a magical thread attached right to the center of Camelot— the city itself, filled with vitality and energy. Morgana noted this the first time she sat there.

And when Morgana sat in it, she fancied Camelot knew and resented her. It recoiled. It would not accept her for queen. It would not let her remain on it. It rejected her.

She did not like that. Angry, she determined to make it accept her, no matter what it took. It would obey her. Be hers.

Despite her resolve, she did not remain queen long.

Camelot ousted her.