
His phone rang in the middle of the night.

"Caine." he answered.

"Horatio? Help me please?" her voice said filled with pain.

"Alexx? What happened, where are you?" he asked.

"In a ditch off the side of the highway. The baby is coming Horatio. My leg hurts so bad right now." she said.

"Where's Henry?" he asked.

"He's dead right next to me. Someone called the police but I need you here with me." she then screamed out in pain.

"Alexx? Okay okay calm down. Tell me where you are." he said.

"We were on I-95 right before the exit at Waverly Place. It hurts Horatio." she said.

"I know Alexx just hang in there for me I'm in my car I'm on my way you just hang in there for me." he said.

"Okay." she said.

He heard her groan in pain again which he figured was probably from the contractions.

He got on the highway and found where she was. He went down to her car seeing her. She had blood trickling down her forehead and her swollen belly protruded through the seatbelts.

"Horatio!" she yelled out tears streaming down her face.

"Hey sweetheart I'm here. Don't worry I'm right here." he said.

The ambulance truck came along with the police and fire department.

"They are going to get you out okay and I'm going to be right here with you. Okay?" he said trying to keep her calm.

The paramedics and rescue got her out the car and loaded her onto the stretcher.

"Horatio! Don't leave me please!" she cried.

"I'll be right behind you Alexx don't worry. Just stay calm alright?" he said squeezing her hand.

He jumped into his car and followed the ambulance to Miami Medical hospital. the doctors scrubbed him up and he rushed into the delivery room.

"Okay Alexx I'll need you to push right now." the doctor said.

Alexx was screaming in pain. Horatio grabbed her hand and smoothed her hair back. "It's okay Alexx come on let's get your little girl out she want's to see her mommy."

She pushed down with all her might and he was amazed by the strength the small woman had.

"Okay I see her head. We're almost there Alexx, almost." the doctor said.

"Come on Alexx. She really wants to see you. Help her do that. Push Alexx." he whispered in her ear.

Her sweat soaked hair was curling and plastered to her forehead. She pushed down again.

"Almost thereā€¦ Yes! We got her! Alexx you have your baby girl!"

Alexx let out a joyful sob and collapsed back onto the pillows exhausted. They laid the baby girl on her chest and she looked down with watery eyes at her little crying, wrinkly, bloody baby girl.

"Jamila Alanis Woods. We got our little girl Henry. We got her." she said closing her eyes.

They took the baby off her chest and delivered her placenta.

"Good job Alexx. You did great. Henry would be very proud." Horatio said kissing her forehead.

She smiled a tired smile, her warm brown with a hint of gold eyes lighting up as they brought her baby girl to her.

"Hi Jamie." she said kissing the baby's forehead.

Jamila had Alexx's curly dark brown hair it seemed and her nose. Those tilted tip eyes too. But her lips were Henry's all the way.

Horatio watched as Alexx nursed her baby smiling as the maternal side Alexx had with everyone took over.

"Alexx I'm going to go see if the team is here yet. We have a new member." he said.

He walked into the waiting room just as the team walked in.

"How is she?" Tim Speedle asked.

"She's fine a cut on her forehead and a broken ankle. Henry was killed instantly. She had the baby; little girl." he explained.

"Damn I don't know if I should be happy for her or sad. What's the baby's name?"

"Jamila Alanis Woods. Jamie for short."

"Aww that's beautiful." Calleigh Dusquene said.

"Guys, I think we should come tomorrow when she's rested and everything. This is going to be very hard for her." Natalia Boa Vista said.

They all agreed except Tim; he wanted to stay.

"Come on Tim. It's for the best." Calleigh said.

"Okay." he reluctantly agreed and they left.

Horatio went back into the room to find Alexx dozing off with the baby.

He gently grabbed the baby away from her and sat in the rocking chair burping her.

She let out a loud burp and he brought her back down. Her eyes opened and he smiled; she did look like Alexx.

"Hey there Jamie. I'm your Uncle Horatio. Your daddy's not here anymore but he's an angel now and he's watching over you. Since he wont be here I will and I'll be the best daddy you could ever have because I know that that's what your daddy would want me to do. I'm going to be there for you and your mommy. I promise to love you like my own and I will never leave you I promise." he said. He laid Jamie down in the bed and lowered Alexx's.

"I promise Alexx. I wont leave you." he said pulling the blanket over her shoulders.

He turned off the light and laid on the cot.

Alexx opened her eyes and smiled softly having heard the whole thing.

"I know." she whispered before closing her eyes and falling asleep.