[A/N:] So this is probably the oldest and first Shizaya fic that I've ever finished ^^; I started it back in late summer this year and forgot about it until just this last month. So yeah... Characters might be slightly OOC, ((I'm not sure, if so, Sorry)) but either way enjoy I guess. Characters & Setting are not mine, just the plot. :)

You'll Have Regrets

Izaya knew his ways of loving were twisted. Loving humans only as experiments for his constant tests. The predictable beings did nothing other than take the boredom out of the young man's soul and any person that couldn't cure such boredom was a disgrace. Shizuo Heiwajima came to his mind when he thought of unpredictability. Though it had been a quality to admire, Izaya loathed the fact that he could never feel above the brute of Ikebukuro, but being considered his partner, his equal, was close enough to his satisfaction.
The two shared their hatred since the day they entered Raira Academy, for a reason that no one ever figured out. Izaya had always laughed to himself, sarcastically wishing to have made a better first impression on the blonde male. Ever since the raven-haired informant returned to his rival's beloved city, the two constantly played a game of Cat and Mouse. Vending machines raining down here and there, street signs being skewered into random buildings, all aiming at the same elusive target. Some of the chases would often times drain Izaya and tire him out, not that he would ever admit to that though. His conceited pride would never live him down if he surrendered to Shizuo. He would go to whatever circumstance necessary to keep his opponent from feeling victorious.

That certain circumstance didn't happen to occur until that one eventful day.

A walk through the mysterious city had been an everyday routine for the devious informant. Always looking for the one person that could ruin his day yet brighten it at the same time. "Iizaayaaa!" he heard from a distance. He was surprised that he had been the one to be found first, but he spun around to face his familiar challenger before darting off. A smirk danced across his face as his crimson eyes narrowed suspiciously, "Couldn't you greet me in a less barbaric way? Shouting is no way to make friends." Izaya laughed.

"Fuck off flea!" Shizuo growled.

"Now, now, there could be children around Shizu-chan, they don't need to hear your disgusting mouth." Izaya knew he had already struck a nerve in the ex-bartender by using that forbidden nickname.

"Shut the hell up!" Shizuo had started to march forwards.

"You're not to creative with words are you?" Izaya felt startled that his enemy didn't grab a random object before proceeding to chase him like usually. He stuck a hand in his fur-trimmed coat, ready to pull out his trade-mark knife for defense.

"You gonna run you parasite?" The bodyguard smirked as he still stalked forwards with Izaya cautiously taking a few steps back.

"I was thinking about sticking around but if you insist.. Catch me if you can Shizzy." with that, the lithe body sped off in the opposite direction hearing the well-known threat to stay out of Ikebukuro. After running for a great-distance, and dodging every heavy item that could easily kill with a good strike, Izaya finally stopped in an alley, expecting his predator to become even more furious with loss and give up for the day. He instantly regretted stopping when he inhaled a fresh scent of smoke through his nose.

"Lookin' for someone?" he could almost hear a triumph laugh in Shizuo's tone.
Upon turning around, Izaya instantly felt a large hand wrap around his throat and force him against the rough, brick wall. "Caught ya." mocha-colored eyes burned into crimson ones as Izaya gasped out and instantly went for his knife. Unfortunately for him, his hand was stopped by another hand clasping his wrist.

"Congrats Shizu-chan," Izaya choked out, "D-didn't think you'd ever be able to do it." A wicked grin appeared on the brute's face when he noticed the stutter from Izaya's speech. He wanted to be unpredictable? Fine, Izaya decided, two would play this game. Seeing it as no other way out, the informant quickly maneuvered his free hand behind Shizuo's head and pulled it down so their faces were centimeters apart until the smaller male closed the gap by pushing his lips against the other's.

What he expected to happen was to catch Shizuo off guard and slip away, but if anything, it was himself that had become off guard. The blonde responded by pushing back with equivalent force. Izaya had thought it was odd how well their lips seemed to fit together, but he almost found it to be addicting. It wasn't long before the two broke away for oxygen, both looking dazed at one another. Izaya could taste the slight nicotine on his lips, and remembered that the neanderthal-like man smoked. When the raven's senses had come back, he immediately broke from the iron grip and tried to run but was quickly stopped when Shizuo grabbed his hood and spun him around to brush their lips together once more. "You should probably get going." The ex-bartender warned after breaking apart once more.

And so their unusual relationship had begun, it had been far from a normal one. With little tenderness and a lot of arguing. But shockingly enough, Izaya still could never figure the blonde out. He never imagined to see that the barbaric male actually had a soft side every so often. It was a side of Shizuo that had been extremely rare to see.

A side that Izaya had fallen for.. But again, there's no way he would admit to it. There's no way Izaya could be in love and besides, Shizuo would either think he was lying or laugh in his face for actually loving one person instead of 'the whole human race'.

"You're bleeding." a voice called out, wrecking Izaya's train of thought.

"Oh, hey Shizu-chan." Izaya looked over at the frowning blonde before he resumed his work.

"Didn't you hear me?" a concerned tone pleaded for Izaya's attention to answer the question.


"You're fucking bleeding! Geez can't you even tell when you're injured? Sometimes I think you'd die without me around." Shizuo got up from his spot on the sofa and walked over with a band-aid for Izaya's cut finger, the other not even remembering when or how his finger had started bleeding.

"Actually I think I have a better chance dying with you around." the raven-haired man laughed, observing Shizuo's procedure of putting the bandage on.
A pair of lips warmed the middle of the informant's hand while a blush warmed his face. Each chance that those coffee-colored orbs gazed softly into Izaya's own eyes, he felt as if his heart would melt on the spot. He closed his eyes to prevent said heart from oozing out. "Izaya," Shizuo's tone had been gentler than before, "look at me."

A blood-colored eye peeked open to see the blonde male now at eye-level with himself.
"Shizuo.." a whisper barely escaped his lips.
An eyebrow was raised upon hearing his first name, but Shizuo still continued to focus on the other, it was as if he was examining every move.
"Do you.. you know. Have any.. regrets?" In all seriousness, Izaya smiled slightly anyway.

"Regrets? Not many..." the ex-bartender looked away from him.
Izaya brought his attention back by pulling him in another embrace.

"One more question." He knew that Shizuo was becoming impatient very quickly.

"Spit it out already."

"Do you.. well, I don't know how to put this," Izaya laughed a little.

"What the hell is with you and weird questions?" the brute grumbled.

"Do you love me?"

"There you go again with weird questions," Shizuo stood up and began to pace around the room, "Why do you even think of these things?.."

"The strongest man in Ikebukuro can't handle a few 'yes or no' questions?"

Shizuo glared and sighed, as if accepting the challenge, "No. I don't love you..."

Common sense told the raven-haired informant to be expecting that answer, yet he still felt so crushed, like the whole sentence had just punched him in the stomach.

"But," Shizuo continued, while looking up at the ceiling, "I regret that I don't love you.. I don't want this to end or anything... I just," he paused, "Goddammit, you know I'm not good at these sort of things!" he yelled at the ceiling, but Izaya knew the curse was directed towards him. Shizuo sighed, "No matter if I love you or not, I just want to stay with you. It might take awhile, but I think I could grow to love you one day... Happy? Now enough with these questions." He ran a hand through his tousled blonde hair before sitting back down.

Izaya just sat beside him with a wide smile before laughing to break the silence, "The day you love me will be the day you catch me again huh Shizu-chan?" he watched as Shizuo pulled out and lit another cigarette.

"Yeah whatever." he grumbled and became confused when Izaya stood and walked towards the door-frame, "Well then, I'd better start running." he smirked.

[A/N:] ...so? Good? Bad? Leave it as is? Add another chapter? I won't know unless you review I guess.. ^^;