Loki doesn't see Thor for several days, so assiduously does his brother avoid him. When talk of a battle on the edge of Vanaheim arises in the halls of Asguard, Loki seeks Thor out in the fields beyond the Eastern wall, where many of the warriors would surely be training their mounts while they argued over who was to go and give aid their allies.

Wearing the guise of a fox, Loki lopes through the grass and finds his brother assessing a new mount. Loki trots right up to Thor before transforming back to his usual skin, so vexed is he by the fear that should Thor be given any warning he would mount his horse and flee sooner than speak to him. When Loki ses the look in Thor's eye as he appears, he is amused to see that Thor wishes he could do just that. His brother practically flinches at the sight of him.

He knows. Loki realizes that whatever spirits he'd had to drink that night hadn't been nearly strong enough to wipe clean the memories of what he'd done. This time, at least, Thor remembers.

"I would have words with you, brother," states Loki. It isn't in his nature to take so direct an approach, but he feels that in this case there could be no other way.

Thor looks over Fandral, the nearest of his comrades. Fabdral isn't looking at them directly, but he is close enough to hear. "No doubt you wish to accompany us to Vanaheim."

Thor is never usually one to dissemble or avoid a topic. He must be troubled indeed. "As a matter of fact I do, but I'm sure I already know your answer," replies Loki.

"Aye, the same as last time. Sorcery is no substitute for strength, little brother. You would do well to stay within the walls of our home."

"Were that what I came to talk with you about, I would have more words on the topic. Now, will you come with me or won't you?

Thor looks away. "I have nothing else to say to you, Loki."

Loki steps closer and lowers his voice. "I have bruises, dear brother. Interesting bruises, in the shape of your hand. Do you wish to see them?" This was a lie, but Loki moves as if to pull his tunic up from his hips.

"No!" Thor doesn't quite shout, stopping Loki's hand with his own. Loki is surprised to see genuine fear on his face.

"Then we must have words, brother. But not here." Loki hisses.

After what seems like an eternity, Thor finally nods his assent. He shouts over to Fandral that he will rejoin them at the evening meal. The afternoon is getting late, and most of the other warriors are already moving back towards the Eastern gate.

Thor mounts his horse and Loki shifts into the shape of a deer and leads him out towards the edge of the forest at the end of the plain.


Thor lingers near his horse after dismounting, checking the beast's tack, unable to meet Loki's eyes. This strange behaviour amuses Loki, but unsettles him too. His brother has always believed himself to be a good man, but now he knows himself to be as flawed and tarnished as Loki.

"I'm sorry," Thor says. It is as straightforward an approach as he could muster. When he turns, head bowed, towards him, Loki slaps him across the face.

"For what?" Loki demands.

"For using you most foully," Thor answers, his voice gravely with regret. "That night in the catacombs."

"And the night after the feast?"

Thor's eyes widen in surprise. "I thought that was a dream."

It may have well been, for Loki had been thinking of it as such ever since.

"I'm sorry for that too." Thor's head bows even further. "Will you tell anyone?" He asks wretchedly.

A bark of laughter escapes Loki, sharp and unbidden. The thought hadn't even crossed his mind. "I would be accused of seducing you, and likely banished. "

Thor's mouth pulls down at the corners in distress. He clearly enjoyed being the favourite son, but he had always resisted admitting how unfair that could be.

"I would confess. If you wished it of me," Thor finally offers. From the set of his jaw and the grief in his eyes, Loki sees that he is telling the truth. He had always hated him a little for his constant efforts to be noble, hated him all the more bitterly for the fact that he loved him for it too.

"I am so sorry, brother," Thor repeats, and Loki nearly slaps him again.

"Don't be. I didn't ask it of you," replies Loki. Though suddenly it occurrs to Loki just how much he might ask in return for Thor's transgression. This could be a great source of power in his life. He could ask for Thor to leave, or step down from the line of succession. He need never live in his brother's shadow again.

The temptation burns bright, but something else in Loki burns brighter. Something he needs even more than to humble Thor.

"All I want is a truthful answer. Will you give it to me?"

Thor nods. "Yes, I swear. Ask anything."

Loki looks Thor in the eye. "Do you only desire me when you're had too much drink?"

It was as though Loki had struck a fatal blow, so much pain does he see in Thor's eyes. Thor opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. For a moment Loki thinks he might go back on his word, before Thor finally steels himself to say, "I desire you all the time."

It is the answer Loki needed. He does what he has wanted to do since he met his brother on the field - he reaches up and draws Thor close for a deep kiss.

When they part, Thor stares at him with eyes wide. "Brother... what, why?"

Loki laughs. "Why? Thor, you great fool! Were you so drunk you didn't notice how much I enjoyed those nights together?"

Thor looks down sheepishly. "I thought I'd imagined that."

Loki tips his chin back up. "Well, let me show you again so you might be sure," he says, kissing him again.

Loki is dismayed when Thor pushes him away.

"No, not here," says his older brother.

"There is no one here to see, save Heimdall, but it is well known he keeps his own council on such matters." Loki's thoughts are addled with lust. He wants his brother now, but to his growing worry, Thor holds him back.

"No. Anyone could see us. The very sky might see us."

Loki swallows his bitter disappointment. So that is how it is to be. Thor is still ashamed. They can only come together in dark, ugly place where no one could bear witness. Well then, so be it.

Thor takes his hand. "Come with me, Loki," he says, and leaving his horse to graze in the field, leads his brother with some haste into the forest.

Thor pulls Loki through the woods until he finds what he is looking for.

It's a tree, old and proud, with high branches that bow and hang down to the ground, creating a wide leafy curtain around its trunk. Thor leads his brother past the green curtain.

Here, the leaves shade them, casting pale green light dappled with gold. The tree gently reclines, and its base is covered in soft-looking moss, as inviting as any bed. They can't see outside, so surely no one would see them in here.

The place within is perfect and hidden, exactly like what they were about to do.

They kiss again, and then race to shed their clothing. Thor finishes first, then pushes Loki down into the crook of the tree and pulls his pants off himself. The moss at Loki back is springy and sweet-smelling. Thor leans down against him and

they melt together for a few long moments, kissing and touching each other languidly.

"We have no oil," Loki observed with disappointment.

A smile quirks the end of his brother's mouth. "We may not need it," Thor says. Kissing his way down his brother's chest, he finds Loki's manhood full and leaking against his abdomen. He licks a drop of seed from the tip before taking it into his mouth and sucking on it with obscene enthusiasm.

Loki moans and lets his head fall back. He thought he would have had to beg and please to get his brother to pleasure him so. He wraps his fingers in Thor's hair and watches his head bobbing up and down while he searches for just the right combination of licking, sucking, and stroking. When he finds it, Loki gasps and arches up.

"Too good, brother, too much... you'll make me..." But Thor doesn't stop, and soon Loki spills helplessly into his brother's sinfully eager mouth.

While Loki sprawls back satedly, Thor spits Loki's seed into his hand and uses it to coat his erect length. Then he wraps Loki's legs around his hips and leans forward to plant kisses on his chest.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," Thor murmurs into Loki's collar as he brings his manhood up to Loki's entrance.

"Suck me? Ahh..." With a gentle push Thor is inside him, and Loki's silver tongue stills.

"Oh yes. At mealtimes I often thought about ducking under the table and taking you into my mouth. All wines seem dull, so much did I thirst for the taste of you." Thor takes up a long pace, pulling out near to the tip before plunging back in to the hilt. Over and over again.

Loki smiles at the image Thor described, but doesn't reply, so lost is he in the pleasure of being taken so by his brother. He doesn't know how Thor can speak while doing such things to him.

"Whenever you deign to step into the sparring ring to practice with your spear and your daggers, all I can think about is throwing you down and taking you in the dust."

Ah, that could explain why Thor doesn't want Loki fighting with him. They would have words about it later.

"At night, I think about sneaking into your bedroom and having you in your sleep," Thor continues with his lurid confession. "And I have wanted to follow you down into those catacombs for ever. So you could call my name while I took you against one of the desks, or the wall, and no one would be around to hear. I have wanted you, brother, in every way possible. In every place possible. Up against the East wall and the West wall, high in the towers, down in the cellars, and on every stairwell in between."

Loki moans wantonly. His brother's words shock and arouse him in a way he's never experience. As fiercely as Loki desired his brother, it never occurred to him that Thor could want him even more.

Though he didn't think he would, Loki spills again, dragging Thor's completion along with him.

After filling his brother with seed, Thor pulls out to let it drip down onto the moss. Loki unwraps his legs from around Thor's waist, and they lie panting, holding each other,

"And so you shall have me, brother," assures Loki, running his fingers through Thor's sweat-dampened hair. "In every way possible, I promise. Though we may have to show more discretion about where we choose to meet."

Thor smiles at him. It's as bright as the sun after a long, grey winter.