Title: Run

Summary: "Granger, you've been the only thing that's right in all I've done." In the mist of war can two people fine the path they were always meant to find? AU of Deathly Hallows takes place right after HBP.

Disclaimer: Thank you J.K Rowling for creating the world and characters of Harry Potter. I do not own Harry Potter. All characters and situations in this story are all based on the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I think I covered everything.

Chapter 1

Dying Hope

Louder louder

And we'll run for our lives





Draco walked the dimly lit halls of his family home. The days since he had arrived back nothing was the same death eaters littered his house coming and going as they pleased. It was sickening. Stopping to look out the window he saw it was raining looking more closely he saw several figures emerge from the shadows, one of which he recognized as Snape. They were coming closer to the house and Draco felt curious of why he was back here he hadn't seem him since that night. Running down the hall as quietly as he could be he came to a corridor where he knew they would enter. Draco stopped abruptly as he heard the door open and the whistle of the harsh early summer rain invade his ears he slowly pressed himself against the wall in the shadow to conceal himself from his "guests".

"Any news?" The one man asked. Draco recognized the voice to belong to Yaxley. He was a taller man with blunt features that would give any small child nightmares.

"The best," Replied Snape in his silky confident voice. Draco never understood how he could be so calm and almost seemed board when talking to anyone. It was a trait that Draco wished he had better mastered.

"You sound confident that your reception will be good?" Yaxley fired back.

"I know when the Potter boy will be moved so I'm more then confident," Snape said assertively.


"And that information is classified until the Dark Lord arrives on Tuesday." Snape countered knowing he would be in good favor with the Dark Lord after his Intel would be shared with him. Draco on the other hand felt like he was going to be sick he didn't know Voldemort would grace his presence so soon upon his home. Suddenly Draco was snapped out of his rather gloomy thoughts when he heard Yaxley hiss.

"The Order believes that we have infiltrated the Ministry, can you be so sure that your source is accurate?" For a few moments Draco thought that the conversation might have ended there until he heard Snape speak in a deathly stone cold voice.

"In a few weeks time Yaxley there won't be a Ministry to infiltrate, we will soon be running the government and then what will the Order do?" Snape didn't even wait for a replay as he walked away, Yaxley following a few seconds after.

Draco on the other hand continued to breathe loudly against the wall. Finally finding the strength to push off he ran straight to his room. He couldn't believe what a nightmare this was swinging open his bedroom door he walked in and slammed it shut. Taking his wand he locked the door as well he didn't need any visitors tonight. He rubbed his face trying to calm himself messing up his perfectly groomed hair in the process. He flung himself onto his bed looking up at his ceiling.

It had been seven days since the events that set in motion his now dismal future. There was no going back now or was there a way out? Slowly closing his eyes he was transported back to that dreadful night, his greatest regret in life so far. He could still see him standing there old, warn down, frail, and defenseless it was all too easy all he had to do was say two simple words but he couldn't. That was the only thing he did right that night, he could still hear the old man's all knowing voice… Draco you are not a killer. Taking a deep breath Draco forced his eye back open to stare at the ceiling in his room. If only he had more time with Dumbledore that night. His wand was lowering he was giving in ready to switch sides, that was until the other Deatheaters arrived and all his hope was lost several seconds later.

Draco wished so many things were different. He wished he was braver, he wished he never became a deatheater, he wished he had the strength in his past to defy a father that would never really love him, he wished he had a mind of his own. Turning his face towards his balcony he could see it had started raining even harder in the late hours of the night. A split second later he saw a flash of light followed by a rumble of thunder. Summer was slowly creeping in the horizon and in a few more weeks it would be in full swing. But unlike other 17 year olds that would be enjoying their last summer of childhood before their last year of school Draco was stuck in this homemade hell, a homemade hell that in three days time would house the devil himself.

Closing his eyes once more he could hear Dumbledore speaking to him again. "No, Draco," said Dumbledore quietly. "It is my mercy, and not yours, that matters now." Behind his eyelids he could see another flash of light enter his room. Listening closely to the pounding of the rain he pondered his options and they all landed him exactly where he was. If only he could just run away and never come back.

Sitting bolt upright he reassessed his last thought why couldn't he run away? What was stopping him? Nothing, excitement filled his stomach, Draco never did anything rash in his life he always was calculating evaluating the pros and cons of each situation he was presented with. This time he did not want to think things out he wanted to act. For the first time in his life he was going to do something that depended solely on his own thoughts. Hastily he turned on a dim light shedding his expensive manicured formal clothes. Tearing open his wardrobe he went straight to the bottom pulling out an old pair of jeans and a t- shirt. Grabbing his book bag he perform an extendable charm on it and started stuffing the least expensive clothes he had into it. Going through his trunk he pulled out his stash of gallons and some other objects he thought he might need. Pulling on a sweatshirt he grabbed his bag pulling it over his head and resting it onto his shoulder. Lastly he snatched up his broom from the floor and proceeded out to his balcony. The rain was pounding down harder than ever now, hardly the right conditions to go flying in.

Stepping up on the railing he briefly asked himself if he could really do this. He would be leaving everything he ever known behind, and maybe worst of all he would be leaving the racks of Voldermort, a very dangerous place to be. Taking a deep breath he had already made up his mind he needed to leave for so many reasons most of all was to find himself in a time where nothing was certain. A second later he was in the air leaving everything behind. The further he flew away from the manor the freer he felt and for the first time in Draco Malfoy's life he could see light in the darkness.


Several weeks later


"Hermione, where are you?" Hermione could hear her mother calling for her. Picking herself up off the floor in front of her toilet she quickly flushed the contents that were once in her stomach. Hermione could not remember the last time she had been this anxious to the point that it made herself sick. Hearing her mother call for her again she quickly opened up the bathroom door peeking her head out into the hallway.

"Over here mum." She beamed up at her mom like nothing was wrong. "What do you need?"

Mrs. Granger turned and smiled at her daughter with great pride. "Your tea is ready, dear."

"Right, I'll be right down." Hermione watched her mother descend the stairs. She crossed the hall to her bedroom but before stepping in she glanced back and saw her mother's shadow cling to the wall under the shadow of a wind tossed tree. Hermione stood there transfixed until the only shadow that remained was the trembling tree.

Shaking herself from the trance she continued into her room and headed toward her desk. She looked down at the Prophet, the headline she most feared stared back at her:


Hermione could not let that happen to her parents and the only way to do that was to leave as soon as she possibly could. They would not die because of her. Grabbing a small beaded bag that she had packed days ago she exited her room for the last time. Running down the stairs she came to an abrupt stop as her mother walked out of the kitchen.

"Don't you look lovely. All packed?" Her mother asked carrying out the teapot. Her father soon followed with a box of biscuits.

"Are you sure these biscuits are sugar free?" Her father asked examining the box.

Her mother rolled her eyes and smiled back at Hermione "Quite sure, dear." She paused and nodded towards the box. "See the big bold letters that say 'sugar free', Dead Giveaway."

He examined the box over again, "well so it does." He turned toward Hermione, "Hello, kitten. Don't you look lovely, who's the boy?"

"Dad…please." Hermione said acting embarrassed as her father placed a peck on her head and then joined her mother on the couch. Her mother turned around on the couch to face Hermione.

"So it's safe to say Ron finally realized you're a girl." Her mom suggested.

Hermione's face reddened, "I'm not getting into this conversation."

"Perhaps someone else?" Her mother looked hopeful. Hermione would have giving anything in that moment to gossip and have a girl talk but what was the point when she didn't even know if she would live to see her eighteenth birthday.

"Perhaps another time mum," her mother narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"You won't be able to hide him forever." Her mother turned back around, "Darling, don't be suspicious the biscuits taste good, be grateful the company's so clever…"

Hermione slowly reached for her wand. She took two tiny steps forward and pointed her wand at the back of her parent's heads. "Obliviate," she whispered her voice trembling. She knew she had to do this to save them. She looked around the house as anything related to her disappeared without a trace. Hurrying to the door she whispered goodbye. Clutching the beaded bag, Hermione moved down the windswept street and into the dying light, she knew in this moment everything was about to change she could feel it.

A/N: Yay new story! Don't worry I'm still working on Lost but I just could not shake this plot bunny that was haunting my dreams. It's not much yet but I'm still excited for it. I have for a long time been dying to write a story like this and finally had a clear vision of what I wanted. Tell me what you think with a review. Muchlove3