*Jack PoV*

"Attack, Aspiring Hope Emperor! Hope Sword Slash!"

I watched in amazement as that woman, Yukino took down another group of GHOST's with ease, all by herself. These XYZ monsters were extremely powerful!

"I don't suppose you can tell me where I can get one of those?" I asked half jokingly, pulling up next to her runner. She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Sorry Jackie, right now only Kira and I can use them."

After Yukino had destroyed the robot's that had attacked me. She quickly explained how she and Kira were from several years in the future, how they had gone back in time to stop Yiliaster, how Kira had lost his memory of the future because of an accident that occurred during the time traveling, causing her to get split up from Kira and end up on the other side of the world. And some other things, I don't know. Most of it went over my head.

Yukino suddenly winked at me and held up that number 39-whatever. "Kira was the one who taught me how to use the XYZ monsters. Maybe he'll teach you too!" All that power… mine to use… I smirked and gave a slight nod "Well, we better go see him then! He's in the Domino City hospital."

Yukino suddenly sighed and frowned. "I know. I watched his and Storm's duel and was shocked when I saw Storm summon Obelisk the Tormentor! I knew Kira had Slifer the Sky Dragon, but we never learned who had the other two. The problem with using god cards is that they create a power known as 'real damage'. You know how some monsters create explosions?"

Did this woman think I was stupid or something? "Of course! But like the monsters, the attack's, and explosions, are all part of the hologram."

The woman quickly began shaking her head and frowned. "Not in the god cards case. They become as real as you and me. We can touch them and they can touch us, giant deadly fists included." And they have deadly cards like that….WHY? Yukino's frown deepened slightly as she continued. "For some reason, Yiliaster has the ability to replicate the real-time damage effect when they duel. We don't know why or how." Great…. Strange people who can cause real damage during duels…

"Anyway, come on! You have to lead me to the hospital! Step on it!" She suddenly yelled, jumping onto her strange runner and speeding off. I shook my head as I watched her speed down the highway.

She want's ME to lead HER?

At the Hospital… *Kira PoV*

Kira and Lumina: 1000

Jakob: 12300

Well…. This is unfortunate.

"I d-draw!" Lumina's legs looked like they were about to turn to jelly. Not that I was doing much better. What I want to know is why we can get hurt from holograms…

"I will commend you for destroying my Machine Emperor… several times." He said with a hint of annoyance "But you have no hope. Nothing you have can save you." Said the one with no monsters on his side of the field. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"If I have to hear one more generic bad guy speech, I'll just jump out the window now!"

Jakob 'hmphed' "Hmph, when I summon my Machine Emperor again, you will fall." I wonder how many steps it would take to reach the window… Lumina just looked at her hand and pulled a card "I summon Sangan and attack you directly!"


Atk: 1000

Def: 500

The not-Kuriboh jumped at Jakob and slammed into his chest. Luckily it seemed the little fur ball was able to inflict real damage to the giant, as he hunched over and grasped his chest in pain.

Jakob: 12300 to 11300

"Set one card and turn it over to Kira! You're up!"

I nodded and drew a card. I could feel the darkness coating the card but ignored it. "I activate the spell Dark Calling! From my graveyard, I remove Elemental Hero Clayman and The Earth-Hex sealed fusion! The lightning rains down upon the earth, causing destruction and despair wherever it falls! Dark Fusion summon! Evil Hero Lightning Golem!"

Ugh! I could feel the darkness attempting to take me over as the two monsters' fused. Darkness flooded me for a split second as Dark Gaia's voice entered my head.

"Come, Kid. Use me! Destroy the giant! Destroy them all!"

Evil Hero Lightning Golem

Atk: 2400

Def: 2000

"Hmph, you'll use me someday. The minute you do, I'll destroy everything!"

"Lightning Golem and Sangan! Direct attack on Jakob!" Golem gave a swift uppercut to Jakob into the ceiling while Sangan rammed into his chest again, causing a few ceiling tiles to fall while the ceiling itself, cracked. What the hell is going on?

Jakob: 11300 to 7900

Jakob simply dusted himself off as he pulled himself up and shook his head. "Is that all?" Does anything throw this guy off? "I'll set a card and end my turn!"

"Heh, indeed. My move." The giant muttered as he drew. "I shall set three cards face-down and end my turn." "Here I go!" Lumina quickly set a card and pointed at Jakob.

"I don't know what your plan is, but we are going to stop you! Sangan and Evil Hero Lightning Golem! Get him!"

Jakob suddenly shrugged "Alas, it seems this is where the end truly begins, I reveal a face-down trap. Trap card - Mirror Force!" Lumina watched in horror as Sangan and Lightning Golem slammed into an invisible barrier and destroyed each other.

"Ngh, by Sangan's effect, I'll add-" "I reveal my second face-down trap. Trap card - Solemn Wishes. For every card I draw from now on, I regain 500 life points."

And we were doing so well too! Unfortunately, I couldn't hear what Lumina added to her hand because of Jakob's rambling… Here's hoping I draw something helpful…

"My turn then! I draw!"


"I special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy from my hand!"

Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy

Atk: 300

Def: 600

"Seeing as how that's the last card in my hand, I attack you directly!"

"Such foolishness, Reveal third trap card. Trap card - Call of the Haunted! I choose to bring forth from the grave, Bowganian!"

A tiny green eye ball with a freaking cross-bow, of all things, suddenly rushed up from below the ground and shot a few warning bolts at Infernal Prodigy, forcing him back.

"Aw man, sorry, Lumina. I end my turn." Lumina simply smiled to me in response. "Our little game is nearing its end I think. Draw. I believe I recover 500 life points thanks to Solemn Wishes."

Jakob: 7900 to 8400

"Also, during my standby phase, Bowganian's effect activates, draining 600 life points from you, Miss Lumina. Farewell."

Bowganian suddenly launched a bolt from its cross-bow, impaling itself in Lumina's right arm. Lumina shrieked in pain as blood began pouring down her right arm.

Kira and Lumina: 1000 to 400


She quickly shook her head "N-No! I can end this now! When a card effect is activated that inflicts damage, I can discard every other card in my hand to special summon Infernity Zero from my hand!"

A VERY creepy brown doll with VERY creepy eyes all over its VERY creepy body quickly and literally faded in from out of no where and glared all of its eyes at Jakob.

Infernity Zero

Atk: 0

Def: 0

Jakob sighed and shook his head. "It makes no difference what monster you summon. You still do not have enough life points to survive this attack. Bowganian! Attack Infernity Zero!"

Lumina's mouth quickly curled into a smirk as Bowganian's bolt exploded in Zero's face. When the dust cleared, Zero was still there, a large purple barrier protecting it.

Kira and Lumina: 400 to 0

"What? Could this have also been the divine ones will?!" Jakob's surprise mirrored mine perfectly. Our life points were at 0! But we were still going!


Her smirk quickly turned into a grin "Infernity Zero cannot be destroyed by battle as long as I have no cards in my hand. As long as Infernity Zero is on the field, we can't lose, even when our life points are at 0! Each time we take damage, I have to put a Des Counter on him."

One of Zero's eye's closed as she finished.

Infernity Zero: Des counter: 1

"Impossible! There's no such card in existence! Where did you get a card like that?"

"I reveal a trap card! Self-Destruct button! When our life points are lower than the opponent's and the difference is at least 7000, both life points drop to 0! And thanks to Infernity Zero, we don't lose even if our life points are at 0!"

Kira and Lumina: 0 to 0

Jakob: 8400 to 0

Winner: Kira and Lumina

"If…If this is the divine ones will…. Then it is but a small sacrifice. I will surrender for now. According to his will, I am not the one to defeat you two." Jakob suddenly turned to leave.

"Don't let him get away Kira!" Lumina suddenly shouted. I nodded and dashed at Jakob only to fly through him and smash through the stairwell door…. The pain…

Jakob chuckled darkly and shrugged "I apologize, this is merely a hologram as I am unable to be where you are at the moment. I have some other pressing matters to attend to. Farewell." Jakob's hologram quickly faded away, the holes in the walls and floor being the only reminder of our duel. "Well…" I said after a few minutes of silence. That was a lot of stairs… "That sucks." Lumina simply nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Thantos! What on earth?!"

Oh damn. That doctor caught up. I quickly turned away from him and grabbed Lumina's arm, making sure to grab the uninjured one, and dashed towards the window. "Kira?! What are you doing?!" I couldn't find a valid excuse, it just felt like I had to jump right then and there.

As we neared the window, the sounds of duel runner engines roaring met our ears. I jumped and kicked the window in. hmmmm I was off by 4 floors. Shame. Lumina began screaming while I looked down and found Yukino and Jack Atlas below waving up at us. Well, Yukino was, Jack had a WTF?! look on his face as we fell. Jack quickly caught Lumina and I landed gracefully next to Yukino's runner. "Hello, Kira. What did you do to make those doctors angry?" She asked like this was a completely normal situation. I shrugged "I wouldn't obey doctor's orders. Jakob helped a bit."

She laughed and nodded "Of course. We better get going." I nodded and got behind Yukino on the runner. Two doctor's and a security guard came running after us, but no human could outrun a duel runner.

Silly doctors.

As we drove down the road, Jack switched between looking at me and Yukino and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you two ever take ANYTHING seriously?"

Me and Yukino shared a laugh while Lumina began glaring at me when she realized she was on the ground safely and stopped screaming.

-Kira's apartment. Two hours later-

I think I'm going to need a bigger apartment…

Yusei, Jack, Crow, Akiza, Leo, and Luna sat on the floor while Storm and Lumina occupied the couch. At first, there was a hilarious battle between Lumina and Jack for the couch. Naturally, Lumina won. Yukino just smiled at everyone as if they were all old friends… which for her, they are.

"So as it turns out, Yukino and I are from a separate timeline than this one. Like Lumina, We came from the future to defeat Yiliaster and change the future. My memory loss resulted in an accident during the time travel process. Any questions?" I explained and asked. I forgot to mention Yukino's soul following me into the past… yes…. Forgot….

Everyone but Jack was ether silent, or staring at Yukino with suspicion. Yukino continued to smile. "Who EXACTLY are you?" Leo asked with a raised hand. Jack snorted and held back a grin.

"I am Yukino Maria Thantos. Age 22. Libra. Wife of Kira Thantos." All said without losing that gorgeous smile. At least she's honest.

Storm and Leo grinned. Lumina gaped. Akiza's eye twitched. Yusei looked neutral. And Luna smacked Leo's head for asking such a personal question. Storm ate that lovely egg burger in silence… I MUST know where he gets those!

"If you have concerns, Yusei, know that if it comes down to it, I will take her side." I said in a slightly warning tone. Yusei nodded "Sorry. But you have to admit, from our prospective, she appeared around the same time as Yiliaster. If you two hadn't explained things, I admittedly would have been pretty wary of her."

"Well…" Yukino began "Why don't I show that you can trust me? How about we duel?" "Wh-Wha? Just like that?" Akiza interrupted. I grinned at her reaction while Crow snickered "Anyone else notice how Akiza chimes in when a woman asks to duel Yusei? I think-" "NO ONE cares what you think!" Akiza snarled with a punch to his gut. Jack clearly enjoyed that.

"I'm in. I'm very interested in those 'XYZ' monsters, you mentioned. Let's take this outside though, it's a bit cramped in here." Yusei suddenly said, silencing Akiza and Crow. "Of course, lead the way." She replied, following him out the door.

As the door closed, I was instantly bombarded with questions. It's amazing what many people's voices sounded like when they were jumbled together…

As Yukino followed Yusei out, Akiza came over to me with a frown "Kira… are you sure we can trust her? Yusei was right about one thing, the timing is just too perfect. Plus, ANYONE could claim they were your wife when you had memory loss." I laughed at this reaction and tapped my forehead "It's all right, Akiza. I remember almost everything now, including five years of happiness with a certain silver haired beauty."

"Besides, this is almost the same situation as when you went wild with your powers. You gained everyone's trust. Give Yukino a chance too."

Akiza sighed and nodded with a slight smile "Alright. Come on, I think Yusei should be starting any minute now."

-Outside New Domino Apartments.-

"Are you ready, Yusei? I won't be holding anything back." Yukino asked as she activated her duel disk. Yusei said nothing but nodded and activated his. "This is gonna be awesome!" I laughed. Crow nudged Storm and Lumina before asking "What do you two think of her? Jack says he trusts her but…"

Storm shrugged "If Kira says she's fine, then she's fine with me. With Yiliaster running around, we don't really have the time to be suspicious with each other anyway." Lumina stared at Storm in surprise "Was…was that a serious tone I just heard?!" "Hey! I can be serious too!" He replied with a chomp on his sammich. Lucky bastard… "Oh! It's starting!"


Yukino: 8000

Yusei: 8000

"I'll go first if you don't mind." Yusei said as he drew. "I'll activate the spell card, Foolish Burial! I'm sending Dandylion from my deck to my graveyard, which activates its effect!" Two miniature dandelion tokens appeared on the field in front of Yusei. "When it's sent to the graveyard, I get two Dandelion Tokens! Next up! I normal summon Junk Synchron!"

A small futuristic jawa with a motor on its back appeared next to the dandelion tokens.

Junk Synchron

Atk: 1300

Def: 500

Yukino simply smiled as the not-jawa suddenly revved the motor on its back. "Let's rev it up! I tune Junk Synchron with my two Dandelion Tokens! Clustering stars come together to form an unbreakable bond! Become the path of light it shines upon! Synchro summons! Junk Warrior!"

Junk Warrior

Atk: 2300

Def: 2000

The small orange jawa became a giant blue ice skating robot! What are the odds?

"Now I'll set two cards face-down, and end my turn. Your move, Yukino." Yukino continued to smile as she drew. "The stage is set! Prepare, Yusei, as the future meets the past! First, I'll summon Elemental Hero Lady Heat!" In a flash of fire, Lady Heat appeared and winked at Yusei…. The dog!

E-Hero Lady Heat

Atk: 1300

Def: 1000

"Whoa! Elemental Heroes?! They haven't been seen since Jaden Yuki retired!" Crow exclaimed in surprise. Yukino chuckled as she pulled another card from her hand "Next up, spell card activate! Hero's Bond! Because I control an Elemental Hero, I can special summon two more Elemental Heroes from my hand! Come forth, Elemental Heroes Heat and Stratos!"

Two more Heroes appeared on the field next to Lady Heat. Heat resembled a male version of Lady Heat, while Stratos was an aerial warrior, ready for battle.

E-Hero Heat

Atk: 1600

Def: 1200

E-Hero Stratos

Atk: 1800

Def: 300

Yukino grinned as Stratos began glowing "With Stratos's summon, I can add a 'Hero' from my deck to my hand. I choose Elemental Hero Sparkman!" As she added Sparkman to her hand, she suddenly grinned "You want it? You got it, Yusei! Combine the power of three into one! With these three level 4 monsters, I create an Overlay Network!"

Jack raised an eyebrow "Three? She's using three this time?"

A massive black hole appeared above the field, turning the three hero's into golden orbs which were quickly absorbed by the black hole. "King of the waters, appear before me and rip my enemies to shreds! XYZ summon! Number 32: Shark Drake!" A plume of water shot out of the black hole, creating a virtual waterfall. A black silhouette of a large shark suddenly appeared inside the waterfall, complete with golden predatory eyes glaring at Junk Warrior hungrily. The waterfall quickly subsided and Shark Drake appeared in all it's glory. Three small orbs orbiting it like a satellite.

Number 32: Shark Drake

Atk: 2800

Def: 2100

"Here we go…" Yusei muttered as he steeled himself.

"Let the game's begin! Shark Drake! Take a bite out of Junk Warrior with Aqua Ripper!" A white jet of water shot out of Shark Drake's mouth, coincidentally creating the image of a shark, and tore through Junk Warrior with ease.

Yusei: 8000 to 7500

"Right here! I activate Shark Drake's effect! By detaching an Overlay Unit, I can special summon Junk Warrior back to the field, 1000 atk points weaker!"

Time suddenly seemed to reverse as the jet of water acted as an anchor and pulled Junk Warrior back onto the field, minus an arm.

Junk Warrior

Atk: 1300

Def: 2000

"Why would you do that? All you did was lower Junk Warriors attack points?" Yusei asked confused. Yukino chuckled and suddenly adopted a predatory grin "Additionally, when this effect is activated, Shark Drake can attack a second time."


Shark Drake reared back again and launched another white jet of water and tore through Junk Warrior again.

Yusei: 7500 to 6200

"Argh! Junk Warrior!" Yusei exclaimed watching one of his favorite monsters explode a second time. Yukino suddenly sighed "Sadly, I can only activate his effect once per turn. Oh well, I shall now activate a spell card, Monster Reborn! With it, I revive Lady Heat, who was sent to the graveyard as an Overlay Unit!"

E-Hero Lady Heat

Atk: 1300

Def: 1000

"With that, I'll set a card face-down and enter the end phase. Lady Heat's effect activates inflicting an additional 200 points of damage to you!"

Yusei: 6200 to 6000

"Sheesh! Reviving a monster with lower attack AND it can attack twice?! That's insane!" Crow exclaimed. Leo suddenly looked over at me "Hey, Kira. Can't you use those monsters also?" I shrugged "I only use one of them. It's more difficult than you think to bring some of them out."

"My turn! Here I go!" Yusei said as he drew. Awww, I think he's starting to get into this! "I'll set a monster face-down and end my turn." "That's it? Awww…" Yukino pouted. "I wanted to see some of the powerful Synchros you are known for… oh well. I draw. Go Shark Drake! Take another bite out of Yusei with Aqua Ripper!"

As the attack connected, the card flipped, revealing Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter! "When Lightsworn Ryko is flipped face-up, I can destroy a card on the field! I choose Shark Drake!" Yusei explained with a triumphant look. Yukino sighed and shook her head "Of course… should have seen that coming…" Shark Drake instantly collided with Ryko and the two destroyed each other in a shower of golden sparks.

"Yusei, Yusei, Yusei…" Yukino sighed shaking her head disappointedly. She must have set Call of the Haunted. "Flip card, Call of the Haunted. I revive Shark Drake and call him back to the field." "Bu that means she can attack again!" Crow shouted as Shark Drake came up from below and glared at Yusei. Luna gasped as she saw Shark Drake "H-Hey! Where did those orbs go? The one's circling Yukino's monster?"

Yukino smiled "Unless the card has the ability to retach Overlay Unit's, an XYZ monster comes back with no Overlay Units to use. However, that's not going to be enough to stop me, Yusei! Shark Drake and Lady Heat-" Another predatory grin appeared on her face "Tear him to shred's!"

Shark Drake quickly complied and shot another jet towards Yusei, while Lady Heat leapt forward and blasted him in the face with an orb of fire.

Yusei: 6000 to 4200 to 2900

"I would end my turn…." Yukino began with a sigh "But I'm tired. I haven't slept in three days and I really need some sleep so… I surrender." She said in a suddenly cheerful voice. Shock appeared on everyone's face as Yukino's monsters faded and she yawned.

Yukino: 8000 to 0

Winner: Yusei

"Now, Yusei. What do you say? Can you trust me and my husband to watch your back?" She held out a hand towards Yusei. "Wh-What?! You surrendered just like that? Why?" Yusei asked in surprise. Yukino smiled and sighed "Silly, Yusei. You would surrender too if you hadn't slept in two days."

"No I wouldn't."

"True. Anyway, you've seen what I am capable of. The chances of me being on Yiliaster's side are the same as you becoming a dark signer. So what do you say? Shall we work together?" She held out her hand and looked, Yusei in the eye.

After a few seconds, Yusei nodded before shaking her hand. "Alright then, I'll put my trust in you." Jack threw up his hands and groaned "Finally! I'm out of here! There's a canister of Blue Eyes Mountain coffee in our garage with my name on it!"

"WHAT?!" Crow snarled before turning and running after Jack "You bought MORE of that expensive crap?!" The spell of Yusei's duel now broken, everything seemed to return to normal.


Yep. Everything is back to normal…

Yukino laughed happily and shook her head "Even in a different timeline, they haven't changed a bit. It's great seeing everyone again." I nodded and watched Crow run after Jack "Yep. Now all we have to do is defeat Z-One and everything will be back to normal." Yukino gave me a surprised look which I responded to with a frown "Some of the other memories are returning. I remember Z-One, Aporia… everyone."

Yukino sighed and pulled out a small black card "I just hope I don't have to use my psychic power again…" I suddenly gasped "SPEAKING of psychic powers…"

We both turned and were face-to-face with a glaring Akiza.

"Talk. Now."

Yukino sighed and smiled at me "Yep. Everyone is JUST the same as our time. I'm so glad." Storm came up behind us, chomping away on his egg burger and suddenly remarked "That remind's me. The WTGP begins tomorrow."


-The next morning-

Our little group awoke to the shrill tone of Carly on my couch. I knew giving her a spare key was a bad idea. She seemed to only come over when I was asleep…

"…and what on earth could possibly make you leave the hospital?! Your injuries haven't healed yet!" I growled and waved my arm in her face "Do you hear the sound of bone's being snapped? Me nether! I'm fine!" Storm laughed and held out an egg burger. I WILL FIND OUT WHERE HE IS HIDING THEM! "Chill out, Carly! Here, have some bre-" Carly tossed a glare that could make a hell hound whimper in fear at Storm, who quickly retreated to the kitchen.

"She is so annoying…" Slifer growled from around my neck. He really does make a great scarf.

"You are going to go back to the hospital, check yourself in, and heal your wounds proper-"

A smack echoed in the room as a rolling pin collided with the back of Carly's head, sending her to the ground out cold. Yukino walked out of my kitchen, glaring at Carly's body "Will there be any other interruptions to breakfast? No? Good. Lumina, be a dear, and set our new alarm clock on the couch."

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Lumina quickly replied as she picked Carly up and gently placed her on the couch across from me.

"Now…" Yukino's voice came from the kitchen "The WTGP is today right?" Storm came out from behind the couch, making sure Carly was knocked out, before nodding "Yep. The mail came around the time Kira escaped from the hospital."

"'Escape' is NOT what I would have called it…" Lumina muttered with a glare towards me. All I did was jump out of a window four floors high. "Kira and I will be teaming up for the WTGP. What about you two?" Yukino asked. Storm assumed a thinking pose "Well… I was thinking of teaming up with-"

"How about teaming up with me?"

In walked Sherry LeBlanc, with a tall butler-like man following close behind her. How the hell is everyone getting in?! The only spare key I gave was to Carly! Lumina glared fiercely at Sherry when Storm waved to her. "Hey… Sherry LeBlanc right?" Sherry nodded and flicked a bit of her overly conditioned hair out of her face "Correct."

"And just WHAT are you here for?" Lumina growled out.

Oh boy. This won't be pretty…

Sherry merely chuckled and pointed at Storm "Storm 'The Wild Fang' Ryder! I have come here to ask you to join my team for the WTGP and the WRGP!"