
I read about it in the paper, in the the subway on my way to work. "Kurt Hummel;s new summer collection sell's big in Las Angeles." I couldn't believe my highschool boyfriend had become one of the biggest designers of this decade. He probably didn't remember me. Who could blame him, I was just a chain holding him to Lima, Ohio. He had left me just before he left for college. Simply saying. "It was a childish game that I shall no longer be part of." Little did he know that he was my everything, that even after six year's I still cryed over him on particularly lonely night's. I try day after day to forget the stolen moment's in the dorm's of Dalton or the dates at the local cafe, Lima Bean. Trust me it wasn't easy. Especially with all of the success he has acheived. To top it off he has decided to come to my law firm for his newest trial. I just prayed he wouldn't request me. I prayed he wouldn't see me, find me. I prayed I wouldn't be reminded of all the bad time's or even the good.

"Morning Mr. Anderson." Wes called from behind the reception desk. I just smiled. " Wes I've known you since we were practically babie's, we're best friend's. You can call me Blaine." He smiled sweetly and handed me a medium drip and a file. "Alright Blaine, you have a new client. And it's well. Kurt." I stared at him dumbfounded. I clamped my mouth shut and then took a sip of my coffee. "C-Can't someone else take this case?" My voice decided toay it was going to be a dick and crack when it wasn't supposed too. Wes gave me a look of sympathy. "Sweetie, he requested you. I think maybe interacting with him may help you, maybe move on to someone new." Wes spoke quietly. I nodded. "When will he be here?" I smiled in a business like manner. "9 sharp, so you have a full hour to get the old thing straight." He smiled and waved to my Dalton tie, inwhich I didn't even notice I was wearing. He strutted toward's his desk as I walked opposite toward's the elevator. "Later Wes." I waved with the file as I got in the elevator. I think that if Kurt hadn't effected my life so much me and Wes could have been something. He was beautiful. Small, lean, Asian, and well sexy. I walked into my office ignoring the catcall's just drinking my medium drip. Damn it why did Kurt have to come now? Of all the upperclass law firms in new york why my firm? To make it worse I was wearing this cursed tie. I just sat back in my chair picking through his file.