Chapter 1: Secret Agent No More

Author's Note: Phineas and Ferb fic. Perry-turned-human! Will contain slash couples. Eventually Heinz Doofenshmirtz x human Perry. version is edited. If you are interested in reading the full version (even darker stuff included) visit the y!gallery or adultfanfiction . net under wingedtora

'Curse you, Perry the Platypus!' Dr. Doofenshmirtz shouted to the sky as his latest scheme was foiled AGAIN by the little teal furred mammal.

'Oh well, time to clean up... hey, you're still here,' the evil scientist pointed at his rival who stood several feet away.

The secret agent actually looked guilty as he pulled a letter from his hat and stepped forward to hand it to the doctor.

'What's this? Hmmm... Dr. Doofenshmirtz, we regret to inform you that the O.W.C.A is being disbanded. You will be reassigned a human agent as your nemesis... wait, WHAT?' the human shrieked, looking down at his one TRUE nemesis.

Perry the Platypus nodded sadly.

'You're retiring? But, that's just not fair! I don't want a new nemesis!' the man ranted, pacing the rooftop of his home.

Agent P cracked a smile as he watched his favourite enemy whine about how unfair this all was. If only he knew that Perry agreed with him. The O.W.C.A being disbanded...

'Well, uh, I guess I'll be seeing you around then,' Dr. Doofenshmirtz finally commented, rubbing his neck at the awkward goodbye moment.

Perry shrugged before walking toward the edge of the rooftop.

'You know, if you ever just wanna drop by and chat about the good-old-days... Use the door, cause I'm tired of replacing the windows, okay?' Heinz remarked.

Perry blinked and tipped his hat at the human before leaping off the building and activating his hang-glider.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz sighed as he watched his former nemesis fly off into the blue sky. Life just wasn't fair.

... tbc...