Hey guys! First Fanfiction!

you know the drill... I dont own anything and that stuff! I actually got inspired with another storry I read recently! I have a really bad spelling so... you know sorry if I miss-spelled anything!

This is always going to be Rin's POV, just saying

The cafeteria was loud and crowded, like always, and most of the noise was because of the screaming girls at the feet (literally) of Len Kagamine.

UGH! What did they SEE in that guy? It was still a mystery to me. Ever since he started dating Miki he had gone from zero to hero, and then came Neru, witch had only made things worse. Rumors were spread all over school every day, I guess that some were true and some were not, like most of them were, but I couldn't care less. If that guy ever put a finger on me he was going to get the famous Rin Kagamine slap. I was one of the only girls that he hadn't hit on (Or had thrown themselves at his feet), witch I was grateful for.

I still remember the transformation; he used to be a nice guy, all shy and sincere, we once had an essay together, I remember he blushed at every comment and thought a lot about what he was going to say, his golden hair in a tight ponytail except his bangs that were messily organized, as weird as that sounded.

Now he didn't even blink when he broke up with a girl, his hair was a mess in a "ponytail" with his bangs sticking out in every direction, I even heard one of his "girlfriends" (play things to him) say that when he was in player mode his eyes shone in a way that if you look into them they make you fall for his very word, but as soon as he lay eyes on another girl his eyes turned flat, emotionless, specially, when he was saying his usual lines. I already know them by heart as I listened to all my friends cry their hearts out repeating again and again what I have already heard form the last one "I think we need a break. I'm sure you will find someone else, not as good as me but at least someone. You're a nice girl, but I need some space." If the girl resisted he would just repeat the last line "I need some space" until he got tired and walked away leaving the girl alone to cry a river by herself.

I tried to tune out his fan girls complains and awws when he ushered them to leave him alone to eat. That's when I noticed my best friend, Miku, trying to get my attention. Had she been talking to me? I hadn't noticed.

"Rin! Have you been listening?" she complained.

"No, sorry Miku" I said, feeling guilty for getting caught not paying attention. My eyes drifted from my untouched food to my annoyed best friends face.

"Yeah, yeah, you're always sorry…" she pouted and looked down. Regret washed through me, she was my best friend, even though she liked to talk and talk and talk, I had no right to ignore her. She listened to ME when I got out of control, so I made an effort in trying to pay attention.

"C'mon Miku, tell me how was you're date with Kaito?" the devils best accomplice I added to myself. I jumped up and down on my seat, my bow moving with me. I was curious. Very curious. Was he like Len? I hopped not; she would have had a bad time.

She looked up immediately, her eyes shinning with happiness; she was totally into this guy since like second grade "Oh Rin! It was wonderful! He took me to dinner, we talked and laughed 'til the restaurant was at closing up, then we walked around a nearby park, it was so cold, you know? So guess what he did!" I was about to respond, but she didn't give me a chance "He gave me his jacket! Just like the romance series I'm watching, then he took me home and kissed my cheek before he said goodbye! I am so happy Rinny! We have another date planned up for next Saturday!" she squealed, she was silently clapping her hands and jumping up and down in her seat. I mentally sighed, she was happy, good.

"That great!" I said as I smiled. Suddenly out of nowhere Kaito appeared behind Miku and covered her eyes with his hands. Miku gasped as her small hands flew up to try pry Kaitos hands off. He released her and when she saw who it was she squealed again and stoop up immediately, her cheeks slightly red. Kaito stepped forward and wound his arms around her small figure. Miku blushed even more as he put her head on his chest and smiled lightly. My heart gave an uneven beat that made me wonder if I was jealous of what they had.

"Can I steal her for the rest of lunch, Rin?" He said looking at me for the first time.

"As long as you take care of her." I laughed, and he joined in.

"I promise." he told me, looking down at miku's now beet red face.

"Then go ahead, I was finishing anyways." I said, about to stand up.

"Actually…" Kaito said looking over my head "Someone wants to talk to you" I froze, then sat back down, I really hope it wasn't who I thought it was.

Miku looked up at who was walking here and went pale. Not a good sign. Sorry, she mouthed to me as Kaito grabbed hold of one of her hands and took her away. I looked around; every girl in my line sight was looking over my head, looking envious. Another bad sign.

"May I sit?" a silky voice said form behind me. Damn. No chance of escape now. I was about to leave when a little voice in my head said C'mon Rin he may not be as bad as they say he is. And if he is, well at least hear him out. I really wanted to walk away, but for the first time in years, I listened to the little voice.

This should be interesting. "Yeah, sure sit" I tried to say nicely; instead it came out kind of forced. He looked as if he hadent noticed, walked around the table and took the chair across from mine, he leaned back, put his hands behind his head, his feet on the table and smirked.

I seriously didn't like this.

"So what brings you here, Len?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"I just wanted to talk to a pretty girl." He said winking at me while his smirk grew. His blue eyes flashed. Oh, so he was going to use his self-centered, playboy, jerkish attitude with me? Well, he was going to get a different outcome that the one he had in mind.

I will try to be nice first, I said to myself. I was polite, and everyone knew that, but of course, I also had a temper. That many people didn't know. "You know Len," I said standing up and gathering my things. "I really have to go, but we'll maybe talk later 'Kay?" I said with the nicest smile I could mutter up, witch turned out to be a smirk.

His feet fell from the table as he stared wide-eyed at me. His mouth slightly hanging open at my response. Ha, I thought to myself. This was a fun encounter. He obviously hadn't expected this. I had stood up to him, thing he thought was impossible. Every girl at school was looking my way, with an outraged expression on each and every face.

I walked away, with him looking at my retreating form. My bow swinging back and forth with every step I took. I was about to make it to the stairs leading to my classroom when I heard Lens unmistakable voice calling my name.

I looked back at him with my foot on the first step. "What?" I asked nicely, playing the innocent girl.

When he finally caught up with me he was out of breath. He leaned on the wall next to the stairs, coming to close to my comfort, but I kept my chin high, refusing to let him see it affected me. "What did I ever do to you?" He asked between heavy breaths.

His question surprised me. "Nothing" I said blinking surprised at the question.

"Then why are you being such a bitch?" he asked matter-of-factly.

My fists balled up at being called at bitch, he didn't even know me! My temper was rising up rather quickly. Calm down Rin; don't let your temper get the best of you I chanted to myself… Oh what the heck, this one time wont hurt right?

"You know what Len? I think Ill tell you the truth. I don't like you because you're a self-centered, playboy, jerk that doesn't care about a girls feelings." I said calmly, repeating my earlier thoughts. His eyes widening at the insult, he even took a step back, as if I had physically hurt him, but I didn't stop there. "I bet you know every girls underwear but not their last name, and you have no rights to call me a bitch so I suggest you get out of my face before you regret it"

His mouth fell open as he took yet another step back. I smirked and turned around to climb up the stairs, midway up, I looked back at Len still standing there, as well as half of his fan club behind him, they all had the same expression as Len had. Another thought popped into my head as I smirked yet again.

"Oh, and another thing. Go find yourself another victim, because Rin Kagamine will never be at Len Kagamines feet." If he looked shocked at lunch… well now he looked stunned, thunderstruck. I smiled sweetly at him, waved my fingers flirtingly, flipped my hair back and left him looking after me like a fish.

Well? I hope you liked this short chapter! Ill write more for the next chapter I promise!