I had to. :D The Nutcracker. OwO Classic Christmas story! :D

Dr. Drosselmyer-Dr. Finkelstein
The Prince-Jack
Mouse King-Oogie Boogie

Yes, this is more or less loosely based on the original story and some of the adaptations that have taken place over the years. X3

By the way, minor Stephen King reference. ;) Also there's a reference to a movie. OwO See if you spot them!

El Corazon is a reference to Hey Arnold!, which refers to the sacred treasure of the Green-Eyed people. It's Spanish for "The Heart".

Yes, the transformation is inspired from Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

All characters belong to Tim Burton

Within the endless depths of the Underworld, Christmas Eve had come, and the entire Finkelstein household was celebrating the holidays. Even especially the less jolly, gruff, but still lovable man of the house, Dr. Finkelstein. He and his family, his wife Jewel, his son Igor, and daughter, Sally.

Sally was a rag doll, her prominent features being her long auburn red hair, her scarlet lips, her big expressive eyes, the pale blue tone of her material skin, and the dark blue stitches along her face, arms, legs, neck, and chest. She was different from the rest of the family, that much everyone knew during family gatherings. Even one such as this, on Christmas Eve.

After the family and relatives sat down to a big feast, came the gift exchange. Igor and his cousins all received some interesting toys, and Sally herself received books and other scientific equipment.

However, one gift, namely from her father, stood out from the rest.

"This one is for you as well, Sally." Dr. Finkelstein handed her a fairly long, thick box. "Don't give it much thought, I bought it on impulse."

"Now now, dear." Jewel chided sweetly.

"Oh, Daddy." Sally giggled, and unwrapped the gift, gently removing the bow and wrapping paper. It revealed a plain white box, and so she lifted the lid of it. Inside, within some tissue paper and cotton stuffing, was a wooden figure. She lifted it from the box, admiring it. "A nutcracker!"

"A skeleton nutcracker. It was quite an interesting piece." Dr. Finkelstein said thoughtfully. "Quite appropriate."

"It's wonderful!" Sally marveled. The nutcracker was fairly tall in stature, thin, and was indeed carved and painted to be a skeleton wearing fancy orange and black clothes. "Amazing! Oh wow! Thank you, Daddy!" She hugged her wheel-chair bound father with happiness. "I love it!"

"Y-Yes, good..." Dr. Finkelstein tried not to smile at how happy his daughter seemed, and then cleared his throat.

"Hey sis, let me see!" Igor came strolling over. "Hey wow, a wooden doll!"

"It's a nutcracker! Please be careful with it, Igor!" Sally said in worry, holding her new treasure close.

"Don't worry sis, it's fine!" Igor managed to take hold of it. "Cool! It looks like a skeleton! That's awesome!"

Their cousins came pouring over to see what the fuss was about, just as Igor got into playing around with it, laughing jovially. Sally wasn't too comfortable with this, and tried to stop her brother, but to no avail. He was constantly moving away from her, their cousins kept getting in the way, and no one could hear her protests above their laughter, hoots, and playful cat calls.

"Igor, stop!" Sally protested yet again in vain.

It was too late. That was when Igor threw the nutcracker down onto the floor. There was a loud thunk, followed by a sickening crack. Sally immediately pushed through the little horde of their cousins, and knelt down on the floor next to her fallen gift. The nutcracker had a few cracks along its structure, and its jaw was chipped.

"No...! No!" Sally cried, gingerly picking it up. "Igor, how could you!"

"I-I-I'm sorry, sis! I was just horsing around!" Igor defended, his eyes wide. "I didn't mean to break it!"

But his apologies were lost on her. Sally cradled the nutcracker, already in tears. She didn't know why this was so precious to her, but it just felt that way to her. Like she really had to take care of it, and love it. Now it was damaged, and she was heartbroken. This hadn't happened before. She never felt sad over the damage of a toy or a doll. If it ever happened, she would just get another one to replace it, or make one herself. But this...just didn't feel the same. She didn't understand why that was.

Sally eventually relinquished the damaged nutcracker to her mother, who placed it onto the mantle above the fireplace so that it wouldn't get further damaged, until her father could fix it. The cheer had vanished from her, and Sally just headed to bed, even while the party was still going on.

It was four past midnight.

Sally was roused by a strange sound. It was so quiet, almost a whisper, but she was sure she heard something. Being a light sleeper, it was no wonder that she was awakened by it. Yawning, she sat up in bed, trying to find the source of the noise. She lit a candle, and then saw a strange, faint little glow on her dresser. Confused, she got out of bed and walked over to it, bringing the candle with her.

Her heart-shaped locket that was sent to her from her uncle. It was glowing, and then it ceased, looking as normal as ever, even by the candlelight. Sally was puzzled, and yet, felt a strange compelling feeling to wear it again. She didn't know why, she hadn't worn it for a while.

Shaking her head, she placed the candle on the dresser, and then took the locket. She placed it on around her neck, and then tied the clasp. The little letter her uncle had sent along with the locket had said,

My dearest niece,

I present you a locket of love, to keep close to your heart
For when it is time that true love finds you
For upon the night under the glow of the moon
Will be your heart's desires come true

Perhaps one day, Sally, your true love will tie this locket on around your neck for you.

She never forgot it, even if it sounded like some kind of a poem she'd find in a book about love. Sally fingered the golden, intricate shape of the heart as she gazed wistfully at her reflection. While she had not seen finding love as a priority, as she was just fine in her life, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like.

The sound came again, breaking her train of thought. This time though, it seemed to be coming from outside her room. Sally felt a tinge of fear. This was the Underworld, after all. A world, an endless realm of monsters and demons galore, and it wasn't uncommon that there were the kinds of malicious monsters who would attack others, and sneak into their homes to scare them, or worse.

If this was a monster, she had to admit that they had to be pretty stupid if they were making noise.

Then again, she recalled having seen this in a story before, where the monsters were trying to break into the basement where the family was hiding. The monsters tried to break in at first, but then they started to just make noise, in order to distract them. But from what? In the story, it had been that one of the monsters was trying to sneak in through an old coal chute, while the other would make noise to distract them, deterring their attention from the chute. To make them think they were just trying to break in.

Sally tensed, and listened for the sound again. There was nothing. If there was a monster trying to make noise to distract her or anyone else in the house, then they weren't doing it right. Or, they were just stupid.

At the moment, she was beginning to wonder if it was just her imagination.

Just as Sally picked up the candle, she heard the noise again. It sounded like moaning. Ghostly moaning. And it was coming from downstairs.

Almost against her will, Sally went to her bedroom door, gently grasped the knob, and opened it. There was nothing. Only darkness.

Releasing a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, Sally stepped out into the dark corridor. As she approached the spiral ramp leading down to the main floor of the mansion, there was the faint glow from the Christmas tree lights. The sound came again, closer, but still coming from down below. Gingerly, Sally slowly made her way down the ramp, managing to clutch the candle in her trembling hand, her other hand shielding the flame. She took in the sight of the main room below as it slowly came more and more into view, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. The Christmas tree still brightly alit with the lights, adorned with the ornaments, some remaining gifts meant for Christmas morning nestled beneath it, nothing there.

Strangely though, there was a fire going in the fireplace. That was odd. No one ever had the fire going when the family had turned in for the night. It was also strong, as if having just been lit a few minutes ago. And everyone had gone to bed well over an hour ago. It wouldn't have been this strong, after that long, with no one to tend to it.

As Sally reached the downstairs completely, she blew out her candle and placed it aside on an end table near the couch. That was when she approached the fireplace, and reached up to the mantle, gently taking hold of her damaged Nutcracker.

"I'm so sorry..." She spoke softly to it as if it were alive. "I hope Daddy will be able to fix you as good as new... I know it's odd, you're just a nutcracker, I could find another one...or have one made, but you...you're special. I hope I will be able to treasure you for a long time."

Sally gently stroked its frame, the head, and then gently kissed it. Just as a single tear rolled down her cheek, under her chin, and fell onto the locket around her neck. She placed the figure back onto the mantle, and then turned to leave. Whatever the sound was, it was gone now. She no longer had to worry about it. Or at least, she hoped so.

The sound came again. It sounded like a wooden thunk, and it was coming from behind her.

Whirling around, she looked around the fireplace, and found nothing out of the ordinary. Sally tensed, listening for the sound again. But there was nothing there. Was it the monster again? Making a noise just to distract her? Or was she really just going crazy?

Her eyes then fell onto the floor near the tree. Her precious nutcracker lay there. Sally froze. How had it gotten down there? She had just...

In a vain attempt to try to make sense of this, she looked to the mantle above the fireplace, just hoping to see her precious treasure still there. But it wasn't. Her eyes went back to where she saw it on the floor. It was there. No longer where she had just placed it moments ago.

Sally blinked, and tried to wake herself up, thinking she was dreaming. But that did nothing, either. She was still downstairs, in her nightgown, the fire was going, the Christmas tree lights were still on, and her nutcracker was on the floor. What was going on here? Was she imagining all of this in some kind of a delirious hallucination?

Shaking her head once more, she sauntered over toward her fallen nutcracker, deciding to pick it up and place it back where it had been before. But when she got within two feet of it, the strangest thing happened. It had begun to glow, as if radiating a strong source of light. Sally reached toward it a moment, but then withdrew her hand, taking several steps back. She watched in awe as it glowed, brighter and brighter, and even then rose up into the air!

Sally tried to scream, but no sound came out. Terrified, she made a run for the ramp to attempt to wake her parents and tell them what was going on. But a part of her realized that was stupid. She knew her father would only be cranky from being woken up, her mother would think she was just dreaming, and her brother would laugh at her...and the nutcracker would be right where it was earlier, as if it hadn't even moved. Of course, that did it, too. Sally turned away and closed her eyes, keeping her hand on the rail of the ramp. When she turned back to where the nutcracker was...it was still risen in the air with an unseen support, and still glowing. But more than that, it began to move, and not just rising or falling, but its own form. The cracks faded, the limbs began to form on their own, and it then grew.

Amazed, and yet terrified, Sally wasn't sure what to do. To keep watching, or to hightail it out of there. She didn't have time to consider her options, when she gazed in wonder, at the most amazing thing that happened. The nutcracker was growing taller, taller, and its limb was raised upward within the ever-brightening glow of the light. The limb grew thinner, then longer, and then formed. It formed into a skeleton hand. Sally backed up a step, raising her hand to her mouth as if to muffle any kind of scream that would escape, and her eyes widened all the more.

One of its lower limbs, a leg, detached from its carved bindings enough to be a moving limb, and also much like the arm, grew thinner, longer and longer, until it just barely touched the floor. It then formed into a smaller but still more prominent foot covered in a black shoe.

The light then grew brighter, and brighter as the nutcracker's form lifted further off the floor. A blinding flash then came from its head, as it was tilted backward, the chest area thrust upward, leaving the forming...thing suspended in midair within the blinding light. Moments after, it then lowered to the ground, slowly.

Sally cautiously approached, still staring with wonder at this...magical display. But what had happened? What did it mean? What happened to her nutcracker?

Coming close, the light was fading, and then, the form...moved. Sally jumped back a step, recoiling in fright. She watched as the light cleared completely, and what was in the place of her nutcracker was...

A skeleton.

The skeleton blinked its eye sockets open, and then, stood up slowly, rising to its full height. As Sally got a good look at it, the skeleton then whirled around to face her. The skeleton had a rounded skull with grooves along its jawline to indicate a mouth, wide, vivid eye sockets that blinked and formed, and it was tall. So tall. Taller than her! Which was saying something, since Sally was the tallest member of the household.

The clothing was identical (and more detailed) to what the nutcracker was wearing, and the fact that it was designed to look like one, it was no wonder that it was-

It had come to life! To life!

Suddenly, it spoke.

"Oh my...it's happened! The spell is broken!" The skeleton said in a voice that was blatantly male. "I'm me again! I never would've thought, and yet...here I am!" His voice was...cheerful, bright, masculine, charming...and even suave.

Sally felt her breathing hitch as she took in the sight of him.

The skeleton then strolled over to her, his skeleton grin growing! "Oh, fair beauty! The one who broke the curse! Please, tell me your name!"

A gasp escaped her, and it didn't help that she was blushing! "...Um...S-Sally... My...name is Sally...Sally Finkelstein."

Pausing a moment, the skeleton grinned more. "Sally... Oh, what a lovely name! Oh, dearest Sally! Thank you!" He took her hand, and kissed the back of it.

"Oh!" Sally blinked, not used to the gentlemanly gesture.

"You've broken the dreaded curse set upon me, my fair Sally! Oh, but where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself." He bowed to her. "I am Jack Skellington, and I'm the Pumpkin King!"

"...Pumpkin King?" Sally blinked, unsure of what to say to all of this. "You're...a King?"

The skeleton, now known as Jack, nodded with a warm smile. "I am. The King of the Land of Scares."

Jack then stepped back from her in a graceful dance, and much to her surprise, began to sing to her.

"I'm the Master of Fright!
A demon of light!
I am Jack, the Pumpkin King!
And all my life I've lived to them all great feats of fear!

It's a gift to scare, my dear!
I have seen grown men give out a shriek
With the slightest little effort of my ghost-like charms
I can scare even the very bravest into next week!

Then his countenance faded from menacing to something softer and more humble.

"Though it does bring me a great joy
There are times even I need to step down
For I am more than just the Pumpkin King
Much comes with wearing the crown...

Listen, listen to what the others have to say
For I may be who I am, oh yes
But even I, oh I, can still be just plain old Jack
Never will I turn a blind eye their way

Jack then turned to her, and held his hand out in a dramatic gesture toward her, and smiled brightly.

"Dear Sally, sing! Sing for me..."

"I...I..." Sally managed, feeling nervous.

What was happening here? How was it that she was taking all of this so well? Her precious nutcracker had turned into a singing, dancing...charming skeleton man claiming to be a King. And yet, she was taking it in stride. Why was she not screaming? Or questioning this? Or even running away? What was going on?

An impulse came over as she sang to him in return...and while she didn't know the words to say, if he expected any, she instead improvised.

"Your Kingship there is something I must ask
My curiosity prevails me more as I see you there
Won't you tell me, tell me now
How this happened, would you care to share?

Jack just beamed, and nodded as he sang right back.

"Then dear Sally, listen to what I will tell
For it is a tale most strange and odd
Though I hope you believe me when I say this
It is quite the story of a cursed spell

Now he danced toward the fireplace, casting shadows along the floor and wall as he continued.

"There once was a being, horrid and cruel
Oogie Boogie was his name, remember it now!
King of Bugs, he has become, but then there's more
Torture, harm, and cruelty are how he composes his score

Then came a time in which he went too far
Drat, that no good liar!
Made a deal with the likes of evil
And then upon me he came, all through the fire

Sally stepped closer to him, feeling less afraid...and more...drawn to him, even sympathetic.

"Tell me more, tell me more
I sense your distress, dear Jack
Won't you please tell me still?
Allow yourself the chance to have your fill?

Turning from the fireplace, Jack looked right at her, a surprised look on his face, before he smiled and then, gently grabbed her to him, making her squeal. They danced, or at least, he did so and tried to make her follow along, but she was clumsy, a bit scared, and confused!

Jack continued his story in song.

"Oogie Boogie, that dreaded King of Bugs
Used all he had and morphed me into that of wood
So long, he said, and cast me far from my home
As I waited, for the curse to break from a force unknown

His countenance grew happier once more, as did his voice in his singing.

"But here you are today, dearest Sally
You broke the curse placed upon me
I am free again, it's all thanks to you
Dearest Sally, won't you let me bestow my thanks

Still shaken, and so overwhelmed, Sally still managed to sing back to him.

"However did I break a curse I never knew?
You were just my nutcracker, a treasure I kept dear
Jack I don't understand, please tell me more
I wish I knew whatever I have done to you

This made Jack think for a moment, and then his skeleton grin grew. He twirled her out, and brought her back, and slowed the dancing around the room a bit. His eye sockets then fell to her neck, seeing the locket there. Realizing, he met her gaze again.

"Sally! Dear Sally, don't you see?
The intricate locket you bear
Could it be? Oh, could it be?
You held the keys all along!

Unsure of what her locket could have possibly had to do with it, Sally then joined in singing along with them as they now sang together.

"It matters not, the curse has broken!
Undead again, and prosperous ever so!
A new path opens ahead of the way
Discover it all along within the day!

To further finish, Jack twirled her once more, brought her back, and then dramatically dipped her. The blush on her cheeks and her widened eyes only made his grin grow. 'What a beauty...' He thought, completely lost in her.

Sally stared up at him, unsure of what to think, her breathing laboured by this point. What was this all about? All she could surmise was that she was attracted to him. But how? She had only just met him! Literally! And for that matter, he was once her nutcracker! It was still so much to take in, she wasn't sure what to do, or what to say about it all. Was she dreaming? Was this all in her mind?

Her mind was clouded. All she could think about was him. How he was holding her dipped back, and staring down at her with such a smile...

"You've broken the curse on me, Sally. The curse that kept me a nutcracker. Somehow, someway, I ended up here. Your locket you wear, I know it! It's the locket of Caregiving Love. With its properties and your caring sweetness, you broke the curse." Jack said softly, and reached up to gently brush a strand of her hair from her face. "It's all thanks to you. I will spend all of my days repaying you for this wondrous gift!"

"I...I...you don't have to...I didn't even know...it...well...you're welcome." Sally blushed all the more.

"So modest, but so sweet." Jack chuckled, and then straightened her up, though he still embraced her. "Sally...you are such a beauty. Where have you been my whole afterlife? I can't take my eyes off you."

Sally's eyes widened all the more, as her blush deepened. All along ever since he became...well, "alive" again, he'd been saying such sweet things to her. Normally, wouldn't someone saying these things to her, someone she just met, be very creepy?

This didn't feel creepy at all. Surprising, strange, flattering, maybe, but creepy? There was nothing creepy about his actions. He was sincere, kind, gentlemanly, and seemed so happy! How could she not find it so...infectious?

Something was wrong with her. She had no logical thought coursing through her mind, which was rare for her. She loved fairy tales and romance novels, but didn't believe them nor take them as a guide to life. Even if some of the stories had wonderful messages to them.

She felt like a woman in a romance novel now. Especially her favourite, A Night At Poison Peak.

Sally swallowed, and studied him. Needless to say, he was...quite handsome for a skeleton. Incredibly tall, thin, legs longer than his torso, long limber arms, and a charming skeleton grin. And his voice! She couldn't help it, his voice was...just amazing. She loved to listen to it. The way he could sing, it was truly music to hear ears! His personality was shining through, and just made him so much more appealing. She'd never met a man like him, or felt this way around a man before.

'What am I thinking? For Halloween's sake, I just met him! I shouldn't be taking this! No woman should ever be willed by the charms of a man and bend to their will! ...But...he's not making me do anything...he's so..sincere...' Sally felt her eyelids droop a little. 'Oh dear...'


Now Jack's countenance melted into concern and worry. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable? Oh! I'm so sorry, Sally! I can't help myself, I always manage to-" He started to let her go.

Strange as it sounded, Sally didn't want to let go...she found herself liking being this close to him. But why? "Wait. ...It's...it's all right. It's just...no man has ever been this sweet to me before. It's a lot to take in."

Jack blinked. How could that have been? Sally was such a beautiful rag doll, a beauty unlike any he'd ever seen before. She was so kind, sweet, and seemed so intelligent and had a great head on her shoulders. He wondered why men weren't collapsing to their knees at the sight of her! Her sweetness, wonderful smile, were enough to make him melt. Her melodious voice, speaking or singing, was music to his ears. A kind of voice he'd never heard before. Not from any woman he knew, or had been with before. Oh yes, Jack was attracted to her, and he knew it. No questions needed!

Smiling, he held her hands in his, gazing into her eyes. "I certainly don't understand why men aren't throwing invitations to dinner at you left and right. With your charms, and lovely personality, why wouldn't they?"

Sally blushed more. "I-It's not a big deal, Jack..."

"No, I suppose it wouldn't be. But don't you be modest, there's much more to you than you think. Although I can't vouch for that too much, can I?" Jack chuckled. "But none the less, I can see what a kind and warm person you are, Sally."

"...Thank you...that's sweet of you..." Sally looked down shyly.

Chuckling, Jack grinned all the more. "Oh, you don't have to thank me, Sally." He then brought one hand to her cheek, gently, as if hesitating, but she didn't seem to mind.

If Sally had a beating heart, it would surely be racing. Her blush deepened, and she just looked up at him with wide eyes, her lips parted slightly. What was he doing? What was he thinking? What was going on? She had so many questions, but no answers for them.

Jack had a thought then, and released her. "Sally, I need your help with this. I must know...where am I?"

She wondered why he only wondered where he was now, but decided not to think of that. Maybe now they could actually get some grounds on what was to happen, or whatever else had happened before that led up to this point.

"You're in the Underworld. This is the city of Hallows. You're in Finkelstein manor." Sally explained. "Daddy had said that he found you...as a nutcracker, at one of the shops in town."

Jack frowned slightly. "Oh dear. Then this isn't the Land of Scares. I don't know how I ended up here...though I suppose I can guess as to why that is." He shook his skull. "Sally, can you tell me where to find the nearest graveyard?"

"Oh, um...the graveyard is just north of here. There are tall, wrought-iron gates surrounding, you can't miss it." Sally said. "But um...why do you ask?"

"I can get back to the Land of Scares from there!" Jack looked a bit relieved as he smiled a little. "Thank you, Sally! You were so kind to help me, and to free me from the dreaded curse! I cannot thank you enough." He bowed once more to her.

"I...but Jack...I didn't..." Sally protested softly. "As I said, I didn't even know that you were cursed."

"That may be, but I do thank you all the same." Jack grinned.

Sally blinked, and then smiled shyly. "Well, that's...very kind of you. ...Jack, you had said something about my locket. I received it...from an uncle who lives far from here."

"Oh, of course." Jack remembered, and nodded as he eyed her locket for a moment. "The locket you have is a locket that contains magical properties when the someone who bears one exerts genuine kindness from their heart. Also, it contains power of one's heart, out of all the feelings of love. That's why they call them lockets of El Corazon, which means 'the heart'. What I mean to say, dear Sally, is that you have a locket of El Corazon."

Gingerly fingering the heart-shaped locket, Sally pondered this for a moment. That had been what her uncle meant in the little poem.

"Are you saying it was...thanks to my locket? It broke the spell?" Sally confirmed.

Looking thoughtful, Jack replied, "It has been said to negate the effects of magic that overcomes one's heart and their true nature."

Sally blinked. "This is all beginning to sound like a fairy tale."

Jack gave a chuckle. "I suppose it is, Sally! But I assure you that it's quite real." He smoothed his outfit, and looked toward the front door. "I had better go, I must return to the Land of Scares!" Looking to her then, he smiled and said, "Sally! Come with me."

"What? I...No, I shouldn't! This is your battle, I can't interfere! I'm a rag doll...I would only slow you down." Sally protested, though weakly.

Her protest was weak due to the side of her that craved an adventure. Sally was always forbidden from leaving the mansion grounds, aside from going into town to run an errand. But even with that, she was only ever allowed to go right to the store(s), and then to come straight home. Most of the time, she was either accompanied by her mother or Igor. She never truly had freedom. Sure, she was given anything she wanted from her parents, from books to fabric, and also scientific equipment of her own to experiment with. As well as that, she could concoct potions and used herbs in her mixes as well. There was never any problem with getting things she did want. In turn, she did chores around the house and helped out her parents with various things, and sometimes in the lab with her father.

However, for the most part, Sally was isolated in her own home. She almost wished her life would be a fairy tale, and she could embark on an adventure out on the open road. But try as she may, her parents didn't allow it. They kept her on a short leash, whether she liked it or not. She knew they meant well and it was for her protection from the outside world, especially since they felt she wasn't ready for too much excitement. They always told her that it was just a phase, that it would pass, and she just had to be patient. This of course, made her feel very annoyed with them. They were her parents and knew what was best for her, and all along she respected their wishes, but by now, she was much older and capable of taking care of herself. Sally was responsible, and she always carried a needle and spool of thread on her person at all times. Couldn't she decide for herself? This was far beyond a "phase". A phase was something you got into for maybe a week or two, maybe a little longer sometimes. But this was no phase. She'd been desiring to be free to see the outside of the Underworld for years.

Now she had an opportunity. And if she was dreaming (despite proving she was not), why not make the best of it? She could go on an adventure, and see a whole new place. At the same time, she hesitated. She didn't know Jack all that well, and though he was kind, a part of her couldn't help but wonder if it was a trick to lure her into danger. But then again, she had seen the magic of her nutcracker transforming into this skeleton with her own eyes. Maybe, just maybe, it had to be real. Jack wanted her to come, maybe he needed her help?

"I probably shouldn't." Sally said softly, and then looked at him. "But...yes. I'll go with you. I'll help you."

This made Jack grin. "That's splendid! Thank you Sally, thank you very much! I'll even be able to show the fine denizens of the land the very woman who saved my life!"

Sally blinked and blushed at this. "But I didn't do anything..." She decided not to argue further about that and focused on the task at hand. "But how will I get home?"

"Oh, that's easy!" Jack assured, and went over to the family's Christmas tree. Taking a glittering star-shaped ornament crystal on a silver chain off a couple of branches, he brought it back to her. "Take this. It will be infused with the power to bring you back here." He then smiled bashfully. "...May I put it on for you?"

Blushing a bit, Sally nodded. "Y-Yes, of course..." She brought her long auburn hair around over her shoulder, holding it out of the way of her neck.

Feeling a bounce in his step, Jack came around behind her, and carefully brought the new necklace around her neck, adjoined with her locket. Once it was in place, he couldn't help but take a little sniff of her hair. Her hair smelled lovely, and looked so soft... And she smelled like autumn, warmth, and a hint of pumpkin spice. Oh, there had to be a catch to all of this. Sally was so hauntingly beautiful, with a melodious voice, she was very kind and sweet, and now she smelled so nice. How he wasn't falling to his knees and begging her to be his Queen was beyond him at this point!

"Sally..." Jack murmured to her softly, and before her could stop himself, brought his arms around her from behind and held her close, nuzzling his skull into her hair. So soft!

"Oh!" Sally let out a little surprised squeak at his sudden embrace. She blushed all the more, and then just...relaxed. She felt so relaxed, and warm, and secured. But why? She only just met him! They danced together, so they had been pretty close, but this was so different. So sweet, and intimate. Somehow, this was wrong. She only just met him! And yet, it just didn't click. Not to mention, Jack was so gentle with her now. He just had his arms around her, and had his skull nuzzled against her head. He wasn't pulling her, nor was he groping her, his hands weren't where they shouldn't be, he wasn't forceful...none of that. Jack just held her, gently, like she was something delicate, and held dear. Maybe he sensed she was lonely, and wanted to offer her companionship? That would've been sweet of him.

Or maybe he was just expressing his thanks.

When Sally didn't seem to be moving away, Jack felt encouraged to keep holding her. He wasn't sure what came over him to do this. Yes, he was very attracted to her, and wanted to get to know her more, but why this? Why now? He had to get back to the Land of Scares! Right now! How could he let himself get so distracted? If he kept this up, who knows what would happen out there?

'It's not her fault.' He told himself. 'I just have to stop letting myself be so willed by her beauty.'

None the less, maybe this was a good time to let her know that he was going to protect her.

"Sally," Jack whispered softly into her ear. "I'll keep you safe, I promise you. Nothing bad will happen to you, not so long as I'm around to keep you protected. I will protect you."

Opening her eyes (when had she closed them?), Sally felt a rush of emotion course through her. Jack promised to protect her. The sincerity, truth, and determination in his tone just said everything. She believed him, and trusted him. That was what she needed to feel further assured of this adventure.

"...Thank you, Jack..." Sally murmured, melting against him. 'I don't know why, but I wish he'd hold me forever...'

Jack smiled all the more, and squeezed her gently before turning her around to face him. "You're very welcome, Sally. I mean it, too. I will do everything I can to make sure you're safe, and that you're comfortable on this journey. When everything is all right, I will show you the land! Everything!" He grinned more at this idea. "It'll be wonderful!"

Unable to help it, Sally smiled as well. His...happiness and cheerfulness was just so infectious, she couldn't help but feel happy, too. "Oh, Jack...That would be very wonderful." 'Where has he been my whole life?'

"Splendid!" Jack was so glad she seemed to agree! "Oh, we should go now, just in case-" Right then he looked up, and was puzzled. "What's this? You...hang up mistletoe? But why?" He looked at her quizzically.

Looking up, Sally realized they were standing under some mistletoe. Blushing quite a bit, she tried to compose herself to explain it. "It...it's a...tradition d-during Christmas...you...hang m-mistletoe...and...w-when two people are...s-standing under it...they...they..."

"They what, Sally?" Jack gently prompted, smiling curiously.

"They...they kiss." Sally finished, blushing all the more at this point.

Jack blinked his eye sockets. "Oh! I see..." He looked down a bit bashfully.

The two looked away from each other in shyness, and nervousness. What to do? Just ignore it, pretend like it never happened? Or follow tradition for the sake of it? Then again, no one else was around, so it wasn't as if someone could accuse them of breaking tradition. No one was expecting anything. And they had only just met, so they had no obligation to do so. After all, did it matter so much?

But when their gazes met once more, not a word spoken, any logic of the matter seemed to fade. There was something between them, no matter how fragile and young, and it was growing. That much they knew.

Neither of them even noticed Sally's El Corazon locket glowing.

Before they could stop themselves, they leaned in, closer, closer. Their lips touched, and didn't move. Within about a second or two, they pulled back, with nothing but the sound of a little peck.

Sally's blushing was through the roof, and Jack looked as if his bones (what was exposed, anyway) just about blanched all the more. It was Sally's first kiss. Jack however, had kissed women before, the sweet women he'd courted in his afterlife. Yet, all of them felt like walks down the road compared to this. Even with just one little peck, it felt like nothing he'd ever felt in his afterlife.

Their eyes met yet again.



Before either of them knew what they were doing, they found themselves kissing again. Only this time, it lasted a little longer. Sally brought her arms around his neck in need, while Jack held her around her waist and upper back, as they shared their second kiss together.

It was outrageous, impulsive, and completely unexpected. They had only met, shared a song and a dance together, talked very little, and already they were kissing. It didn't make any sense. Wasn't it supposed to grow? Weren't they supposed to go out to dinner first? To spend more time together? Get to know each other? There were so many rules they were breaking! This had to be wrong! So why was it happening?

Jack both wanted to melt, and kick himself in the shin. How could he have done this? He never kissed a woman without asking her, and especially not when he first met them! Why was he breaking his own rule? Why did he have to be so forward? She would hate him now, wouldn't she? She had to, there was no way. He couldn't possibly treat a woman like this.

Sally too, felt the same way. So conflicted. On one hand, she liked the feeling of his kiss and just about lost herself in it. Yet, on the other hand, she felt nervous. What was she doing? She was literally kissing a man she'd only just met in the parlour of her own home with her parents right upstairs still asleep! She couldn't possibly have let a man's charms win her over like this!

They pulled back, and this time, let go of each other to prevent further temptation. Which of course, they both felt. But at least now they could compose themselves and maybe try to address this rationally.

"Sally...we can talk about this...later...we have to go." Jack said softly.

Understanding, Sally nodded. "...All right. Let me just get something from the lab."

When they arrived at the graveyard, even amidst all the snow, they pressed on. Jack then stopped at a tombstone, since it had a stone door that when opened, revealed steps. Sally was admittedly not expecting it, but when you lived in the Underworld all your life, you could understand why there were things like this.

"This is how we'll get back!" Jack explained, and then held his hand to her. "Are you ready?"

Nodding, Sally gingerly placed her smaller hand into his own, and took hold of her nightgown. They slowly descended down the steps, with Jack leaning the way, holding Sally's hand securely. He could see in the dark, and didn't want to take chances.

"Sally...can you see in the dark at all?"

"B-Barely." Sally admitted, carefully trying to find her balance along the stairs. "I-I'll be all right... don't worry. I can take care of myself."

Jack gave a smile, nodding. "All right. But hold on, I have something that could help." With his free hand, a small flame appeared within it.

"What...?" Sally blinked at the fire, as the tomb stairwell lit up a bit. "You can do that?"

"Yes, I can...I am the Pumpkin King." Jack told her with a warm smile, nodding. He squeezed her hand. "Let's keep going, shall we?"

Nodding mutely, Sally continued following him down the stairs. She had been doing just fine before, but now the fire helped her feel a little more confident in finding her balance along the stairs. His hand still held hers as he guided her down further into the tomb.

When they emerged from the tomb, Sally could see all the more that Jack wasn't kidding at all. This was an entirely new place! It was fairly similar to most places of the Underworld; a dull, overcast sky, dead trees, sounds of screams in the air, as well as strange noises of what she could only guess were monsters, and there was a river of greenish water. They were in a graveyard, which was huge. To the distance, there was a large hill that curled at the end of it.

"Here we are." Jack confirmed, looking very relieved. "We made it!"

"This is the Land of Scares..." Sally murmured, taking it all in. Or at least, what she could see. "How long have you been away from here? Do you know?"

Jack frowned slightly in through. "...No, I have no idea, Sally. I just hope it hasn't been too long, and that everyone is all right. ...Funny though, something about all of this doesn't feel right.

Before either of them could do or say anything else, there was a crackling sound, a squeal of interference, and then loud tapping against something.

"Te-esting! Is this on? Oh, perfect!" An obnoxious, joyful, booming voice filled the air, speaking from what sounded like a PA system loudspeaker. "How interesting of a day this is! It seems Jack, the Pumpkin King, is back in town! Well my fair Boogie Land minions, make sure to give him and his little escort a proper greeting! Ahahaha! And Jack, if you're listening to this, oh, I certainly hope you're prepared! Have a nice trip, bone man!" The laughter sounded again before the voice faded.

"W-Who was that?" Sally gasped, but she had a good feeling who it might've been.

A dark glare came to Jack's face. "That rat...Oogie Boogie... I should have known! He took over the land after he cursed me! And now he knows we're here... Sally, I'm very sorry to do this."

"What do you-oh!" Sally got her answer when Jack swiftly picked her up in his arms bridal style, cradling her.

"There's no time, we have to move!" Jack said, and broke into a run to leave the graveyard.

"Jack!" Sally held to him, feeling quite a bit frightened by now.

"Don't worry Sally, I'll get us to town as fast as I can, and I'll stop Oogie Boogie. For now, you can wait at my house, where you'll be safe. Oh, Sally, I'm so sorry. I should have known better. I should have known Oogie would pull something like this! And here I am dragging you into this disaster! You should have stayed at home, where you were safe..." Jack bemoaned, looking completely broken as he ran along, concentrating on the path ahead of him.

Sally bit her lip, and could only look down at her lap in response. Maybe he was right. She should have stayed at home. But then...what if something happened to him? Would she ever know? Or ever be able to help him? Would she spend the rest of her undead life...wondering if he was truly a dream? Or would it really have been real?

"No." She said, shaking her head. "I'm involved now, Jack...I can't turn my back on you. Not like this."

A mix of emotions came to Jack's countenance, but he settled on smiling at her sadly. It was all he could do at this point.

Coming to a grave, he tapped it lightly with his foot, and whistled for good measure. In an instant, a little ghost dog arose from the grave, smiling brightly. He noticed Sally and was quite surprised to see her...especially in how his master was carrying her.

"Zero, this is Sally." Jack told him with a small smile. "She's a guest here with us today. But we need to keep her safe."

"Arf!" Said Zero, and sniffed Sally curiously for a moment. He gave a nod, and then followed after them.

The town beyond the graveyard was...for lack of a better term, abandoned. The streets were deserted.

It worried Jack completely.

"Oh no...everyone is gone...or they must be hiding..." Jack said in despair, looking around the square.

Sally didn't even take in the appearance of the place right then, it didn't even matter. Jack was despaired, and even she felt worried as well. She snuggled into him in hopes of comforting him, even if just a bit, wondering just what she could do.

Jack then took her to his home, pushing open the gate with his hip, and then placing her down at the foot of the stairs. He led her up them by her hand, and unlocked the door, going inside. So far, everything inside seemed normal, albeit quite dusty. Once he closed the door, he instructed Sally to wait, and told Zero to stay near her. He wanted to inspect the house to make sure none of Oogie Boogie's minions were hiding anywhere and would jump out and grab Sally the minute she was alone. It took quite a while, but by the looks of it, the house was safe.

When Jack returned, he drew all the curtains over the windows, and kept very little lighting, so as not to draw any attention.

"Sally, stay here." Jack coaxed, and held her hands. "Please. I don't want to have to keep you here all alone, but Zero will be here and I..." His skull drooped. "I'm so sorry for this. I wish I didn't have to do this, but I don't want anything to happen to you. I hope you understand, dear Sally... I don't want you to think that I feel you can't take care of yourself, but if anything happened to you...I'd never forgive myself."

Sally felt her heart drop. No wonder he seemed so down about this. She pulled away, hesitated, and then hugged him warmly. "I understand..."

Taken aback, Jack hugged her in return, holding her tightly. "When this is over Sally, you can be free...to see this land as you wish to. For now...please wait for me, and stay safe."

"I'll wait for you, Jack...I will." Sally promised.

A smile came to his face, and he leaned toward her, hesitating. After a moment, he kissed her on the forehead, and then let her go. Just as he came to the door, Sally stopped him.

"Wait." She reached into the front pocket of her nightdress, and produced a small bottle. When she popped the cork, she told him to hold out his hands, which he did, and she tipped the bottle and shook the contents out of it onto his hands.

A green liquid poured out that then materialized into slime. It took a small form, and then immediately wrapped around Jack's wrist.

"What's this?" Jack asked in amazement, studying the slime.

"Daddy invented it...and gave it to me for protection. It's called Soul Robber." Sally corked the bottle, placing it back into her nightdress pocket. "It could come in handy as weapon."

Blinking his eye sockets, Jack had no idea what to say. Sally, the alluring, and sweet rag doll woman had unwittingly broke the curse on him, danced and sang with him, kissed him, agreed to come back with him, and then gave him a weapon. All when she was under absolutely no obligation to. Only because it was out of the kindness of her heart.

"...Sally...thank you." He said in gratitude, unable to keep from smiling.

"You're welcome...please be careful, Jack." Sally smiled a little, but the worry was evident in her features. This time, she walked over to him, and hesitated yet again. She brought her arms around him, leaned up, and kissed him gently on the mouth.

Her kiss took Jack by surprise, but he soon relaxed and returned it, holding her close.

After some time, they parted, and Jack just about couldn't stop grinning goofily.

"Good luck, Jack." Sally whispered to him. "I...I have faith in you."

"Oh...Sally." Jack murmured, just so enraptured by her right now. "You're amazing. Where have you been my whole afterlife...?"

"Arf!" Said Zero, snapping his master out of it.

Coming back to reality, Jack straightened, and headed to the door once more. "Thank you, Sally. ...Thank you. Stay safe. I'll come back for you, I promise." And with that, he cast one last glance at her, and then left.

Sally stared at the front door for a moment, and then moved into the living room, taking a moment to explore a little. As Jack was intending, she kept quiet and didn't go near the windows, despite that the curtains were securely drawn. Zero floated around near her, and then snuggled next to her when she sat on the couch.

"Oh...thank you, Zero...you're a good boy." Sally smiled at the little ghost dog. "I don't know how all this happened, but...I hope everything will be all right."

A part of her felt despaired by now. Sure, she was seeing a new place, and that was exciting, but now she was being left alone and practically isolated all over again! Then again, it was to no fault of Jack's own, either. She didn't exactly tell him about her problem back at home, and she knew he wasn't doing this to deliberately hurt her. There was danger all around, and he wanted her to be safe. Coming here was impulsive, for both of them. Was it the right thing to do? Should she really have come?

She was beginning to wonder if she was right in taking her selfish desire. Because it only led her to be isolated and alone all over again. Except for Zero, was alone again.

Sally sighed, curling up onto the couch, with Zero snuggled against her, as she tried to relax. Despite it all, she hoped Jack would make it out okay.