Ok, so, anyone who has read my previous fanfic - 'Would you care?' - this is kinda like a sequel to it.

I was going to post it in the same story as chapters, but, I decided to just make it a new story. Now,

you don't have to read Would You Care? In order to read this, but, you can if you want.

Pairing: Shizaya

Rated: T to be safe

Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara! or the characters, wish I did though, how cool would that be?

Ah, Ikebukuro a city that seemed so normal, when, in actual fact it hardly was. It harboured residents of non-human and semi-human races, humans with in-human strength and two influential gangs, oh, and we can't forget about the humble informant that seemed to be in the centre of everything, right in the cross fire, and yet, he was far off, observing from afar. It truly was an intriguing city.

So, now you may be wondering what was going on in this not so normal city right now? Well, the absolute usual. People were walking around, hustle and bustle everywhere as people went to and from places, the streets teeming with life. One of those individuals rocking the footpath was none other than Izaya Orihara, Ikeburkuro's very own informant. He had a very large grin on his face, a usual for him. His hand was gripping his phone, the other on by his side as he skipped through the throng of humans that he loved. His eyes were focused on his phone as he read through some mail, it seemed like more and more people were in need of his services. They all seemed to trust him, for some reason, how stupid they were.

He gave a chuckle before he continued on, his phone retreating into his pocket before he stopped. People seemed to be fleeing from some location, and, if his instincts and reasoning were correct, which no doubt they were, Izaya definitely wanted to see what all the trouble was about. He walked against the flow of people, like he were wading through a river. In no time, after weaving and ducking through and around people he made it to the sight. True to his thoughts there stood the monster of Ikebukuro, the man he both hated and loved with a passion. Izaya just stood and observed the dust settle, not yet quite ready to make his appearance known. He looked around, figuring out what happened pretty quickly. So, the protozoan had gotten angry, no surprise there, and thrown something because of said uncontrollable anger. Well, that outcome was truly no surprise.

He gave a grin, ready to make his appearance. His hands clapped, slowly, much like when they had first met. He gave a chuckle, calling out to the brute. "Again, your strength never ceases to amaze. I wonder, what set you off this time, Shizu-chan. Did someone insult your brother again?" He said with a mocking, amused tone as he walked forwards, closer to where the monster was.

Said monster turned around, his eyes nothing but piercing glares that could probably kill if looks were able to. His breathing was heavy, showing that he had just thrown the object not too long ago. The monster stalked forward, two of the most feared men in Ikebukuro now only a few centimetres from each other. "Flea…." The monster growled as a warning, telling him to get out now unless he wanted to die. Said flea only smirked, his hand moving to play with golden locks. "Oh, looks Shizu-chan. It seems you got something in your hair; allow me to take it out for you." Before the raven could do anything, however, he was thrown back, his body hitting the hard concrete. Yes, that did hurt, a lot, a freaking lot, ladies and gentleman, but, he couldn't have his dear protozoan worrying, he couldn't show weakness, not one drop. For, he was scared that if he let something slip, even for a moment, then the monster may see something he didn't want him to, something he didn't ever want to admit.

He stood to his feet giving a grin while holding his side lightly and trying not to show how much it actually hurt. "How rude, Shizu-chan. I was only trying to help, although, I should have known a monster like you wouldn't know what help was." He said, venom in his words as he narrowed his eyes, his knife coming out in an instant. Not a moment later a battle cry familiar to the town was heard reverberating through everything around it.


And that was the signal to move, the signal to start running, they both new it to be so and they'd grown used to it by now. With a grin Izaya took off with the monster following behind. Izaya lead him around town, through parks, across roads and over many obstacles. They weren't through alleys all the while sharing insults and injuries with the other. The path of destruction was all around the city, showing the aftermath of another of the famous chases between the two feared males.

Eventually Izaya found himself in an alleyway, something that seemed to happen a few times for him. He looked around for possible escape ways and found a couple; however, before he had a chance of escape the monster had shown up. "Trying to run away are you, damn flea! How many times must I tell you to stay out of 'bukuro before you'll understand?" He yelled anger in his voice. Of course, he knew that he'd have to say it again and again, but, there was a purpose to it. It seemed that Izaya was always so insistent of going against what he said, so, he found out he might use it to his advantage. He truthfully didn't want the flea to stay away, he wanted him close; ever present in his life.

"Shizu-chan, Shizu-chan, Shizu-chan. You really are a protozoan. I was only here on busines-"

"The hell you were flea! That's what you always say just like you're always making trouble!"

"Ouch, Shizu-chan, do you really think that lowly of me?" Izaya asked his face pouting with mock hurt, his hand gripping his chest. Of course, he was only faking this, however, deep down, right down inside, it actually did hurt, even if only a sting. Did the protozoan really believe all the bad things are his fault? Granted most of it was, 99% infact, still, couldn't that protozoan believe in that 1%, if only once?

"Of course, damn flea. Now, get out before I kill you!"

"Heh, you say that every time, and yet, here we are, playing the same old game we have for eight years. It's a wonder, isn't it?"

The answer came in the form of a punch, which the raven skilfully dodged. Of course, the punch never meant to hit the raven, it was aimed so it would miss anyway, but, the flea didn't need to know that. Said flea had used Shizuo's arm as a ledge and had jumped up, using it to reach the edge of a stair case for a flight of apartments. He pulled himself up and away he went without a trace.

The monster left behind gave a frustrated grunt before sighing, a hand running through his hair before he inspected himself. It wasn't that bad today; it didn't feel like he had any broken bones. A few cuts here and there, some bruising but that was it. He'd probably grab some band aids or something on the way home and he should be fine.

However, on his way back he happened to meet up with Celty. She noticed the cuts and felt worried, of course, the brute tried to calm her, however, she was not swayed and Shizuo then found himself on the back of the black riders bike, shadow helmet on his head as they went towards Shinra's.

Now, the other half of the destructive pair was walking away, on the other side of Ikebukuro. He gave a sigh before wincing, breathing seemed to hurt him more. His hand going to his side and back, winching as he touched the tender flesh. His eyes welled up a bit at the pain shooting up his side. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to put his mind off the pain. "Stupid Shizu-chan doesn't have to be so harsh, but, then again, it's for the best." He muttered, a frown on his face. Why, why did the brute have to be so… so interesting, so unpredictable? He would be feeling like this right now if the brute had just been normal like everyone else! Still, he couldn't imagine the protozoan being any other way, in fact, he didn't want to think if he were anything other than the monster; the unpredictable, irritating, unreadable he'd both loathed and grown to love.

He continued walking, one destination in mind, Shinra's. He needed to get his side and back checked out in case anything serious had happened, he didn't want an organ bursting or something, that would just suck and he wouldn't be able to observe over his humans for god knows how long. He made his way over and knocked on the door, leaning on the wall beside it as he tried to hold still, keeping the pain to a minimum. It was only a few seconds before the door opened showing the underground doctor. "CELT-ah? Izaya? What're you doing here?"

"I paid another visit to Shizu-chan again, today, and he was being mean. Could you take a look at my side, it really hurts?"

"Sure, follow me." Shinra said, his face turning more serious as it seemed to do when he had to go into 'doctor mode'. He fixed his glaces before leading Izaya into his makeshift operating/doctors room and closed the door behind them.

Moments later the door opened to reveal Shizuo and Celty. Shizuo walked in following the headless woman as she put down her helmet on the table. She looked around, the bartender close behind. "Seems like Shinra isn't here…."

[ No, he should be. Maybe he's doing a job, I'll go check, please, wait here]

Shizuo only nodded and then the headless Dullahan walked through the house where Shinra's make shift surgery was. She knocked once before entering and found Shinra beside a Izaya who was laying in the bed. The doctor looked over to her and smiled. "Ah, Celty, my dear. You're home!"

[Hello Shinra… - -' ….. Is Izaya alright?] She asked, well, typed as she looked to the informant who was lying on the bed, currently asleep. Shinra gave a nod. "Yes, he's fine. He's got some bad bruising around his hip and waist, though, and he may have fractured a rib, so, it's best not to move him. I gave him something to put off the pain as well as knock him out for a while. Celty nodded.

[I see. Oh, Shizuo is here as well, it seems the two had fought again. He's covered in cuts.] To that Shinra sighed, shaking his head slightly. "These two never seem to learn, huh? I can't understand why they can't just talk about it and stop the fighting…" To this Celty would've sighed, provided she had a head, so, she simply shrugged and, anyway, she knew that Shinra could read her expressions anyway.

The underground doctor walked into the room and spotted the blonde who was sitting on a chair, looking slightly irritated. "Took your time, where were you? I have places to go, you know. Hurry up and fix these up so I can leave." Shizuo said, feeling slightly impatient. He didn't even need to come here, his wounds weren't that bad. The only reason he came because Celty had insisted.

"Ah, my apologies, I was just…..cleaning some things." Shinra said, lying about what he was really doing. He decided it was best to keep the fact that Izaya was weak in this very building a secret to the blonde. He figured it was for the best.

Alright, that's the end of the first chapter. I'm not sure how long it'll be, but, I hope it turns out well and people enjoy it.

Reviews, comments, feedback is loved. Ideas are loved too. And to anyone who read/faved/allerted/reviewd Would You Care,

thanks a lot, I felt so happy seeing so many people liked it~ : )