Let it Burn

Author's Note: I didn't initially intend to make this story 12 Chapters, but now I think it fits. This chapter's title comes from the Evanescence song. Here's the link: .com/watch?v=1X4-CstkH9Q.

If you fudge a few of the words, I think it really works for Hades and Persephone.

Chapter 12: Epilogue: The Other Side

The leaf, through faded from green to brown, was still clinging to the vine.

Persephone couldn't take her eyes off it.

"It's almost time," she said.

"I know, my dearest one."

"I wish you could understand, mother." Even her daughter's voice sounded different now. Everything – the way she looked, the way she carried herself – seemed to have subtly changed. She had hoped the hair at least would have gone back to normal during her time away from Hades, but the white flamed still burned. She really was of the Underworld now.

"I wish you could understand how much I love him," Persephone continued. "How happy he makes me, how good we are for each other. I still hope that someday you will."

"I'm trying, Persephone. I really am."

Persephone sighed. "Try harder, mother."

A wind blew, and the leaf broke free from its branch. Persephone smiled. She turned to her mother, who had tears in her eyes. Gently, she reached out and wiped them away.

"It won't be so bad, mother. I'll come up to Olympus every now and then during Fall and Winter." Demeter frowned.

"Just like you went down to the Underworld 'every now an then' to visit Hades during the six months you were supposed to be with me? Honestly, Persephone, that was hardly fair. It's bad enough I have to–"

"Mother, stop." She said gently but firmly. "Let's part on good terms." She drew Demeter into a hug. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, dearest daughter. So much."

Persephone turned away from her mother and closed her eyes. She would miss her mother, but still, she'd been counting the days until this moment.

"Hades," she whispered. "Come and take me home."

Hades emerged from beneath the earth in his chariot. In an instant, she was in his arms, and they were embracing, deliriously, ridiculously happy to be together again.

Demeter loudly cleared her throat.

"Oh, hey! Your mom's here. That's … great." Hades said unconvincingly. Demeter scowled at him, but a warning look from her daughter kept her silent.

"So babe, you ready to go?" She nodded.

"Goodbye, mother. Take care of yourself."

"I will. And you," she said, pointing a finger at Hades. "You take good care of my little girl. Or else."

Hades bit back a snarky reply. "I will," he said simply.

"You know you don't deserve her…"


Hades looked straight at Demeter. "Maybe not," he said, with no trace of his usual sarcasm. "But she loves me anyway. And I'm going to spend the rest of my life making sure she knows how grateful I am for that."

His statement seemed to stun Demeter into silence, and with that, the two deities descended into the Underworld.

There were some excited greetings from Pain and Panic, and even a short game of fetch with Cerberus. But the boys and the dog were quickly sent away, and then … then it was their time.

"I love you." Persephone said. "I will always come back to you. And when we are apart, I will always be waiting, counting the days until we're together again."

Hades wrapped his arms around her. "I love you. I'll always come to take you home, and when we are apart, I will always be waiting, counting the days until we're together again."

The words, like wedding vows, would be renewed every year, every time. The seasons would cycle on, and life would be bittersweet, but any sadness they felt would be tempered by the knowledge that they would always return to each other.

It wasn't a perfect situation, and it never would be. But, as Aphrodite had taken to saying:

"Love manages," Persephone whispered, drawing her husband Hades in for a kiss.

The End. Thanks for reading!