Chapter 7 Green eyes and wedding bells

Dean got home in less then five minutes. Walking through the kitchen he sees the glass on the floor. "Sammy"

"I'm in here, Dean"

Dean walks in the living room to find Sam leaning on the back of the couch "Hey, how you holding up"

"I'm alright"

Dean looks up at Sam's face "It doesn't hurt."

"Oh it hurts like hell"

Dean smiles "Then why are you smiling"

Sam looks at Dean "BJ coming, Dean were are going to be parents"

"Yeah I know, come on lets you too the hospital. Bobby's there and he has someone there who'll help you, trust me"


Ten minutes there pulling up to the hospital where their greeted by Bobby with a wheel chair. After helping Sam out the car and into the chair they head in. Sam was being prepped for his c-section when Dean walked up to him. "Hey Sammy how you doing"

"I'm scared Dean"

"It's ok I'll be right here ok"

"I can't do this"

"Yes you can we can do together"


The doctor walks over "Ok guys you ready"

Dean takes Sam's hand "Yeah let's do this"

An hour later Sam was sleep and Dean was holding their son in his arms. Bobby then walked in the room. "Hey Dean Can I come in"

Dean looks up at Bobby "Hey Bobby, yeah come on in"

Bobby comes in and quietly closes the door behind him. Walking over to Dean he sees the small pink baby in his arms. He sees his green eyes and smiles. "Wow he has your eyes but he looks like Sam"

Dean smiles "I know he's perfect" Dean looks up at Bobby "you want to hold him"

"Yeah" Dean gives Bobby the baby "God he's so…pink"

Dean chuckles "He'll get darker"


Bobby and Dean look over to see Sam woke. Dean walks over to him. "Hey Sammy, how you feeling"

"Sore as hell… what happened"

Bobby walks over "You have a son Sam"

Dean helps Sam sit up and Bobby gives him the baby. Sam smiles "He looks just like me but he have your green eyes. He's perfect"

Dean rubs the hair out of Sam's face "You did it Sammy. We have a son" Dean looks back at Bobby "And you're a grandpa, Grandpa Bobby"

Bobby smiles "Very funny, I'll leave you too alone, congratulations"

"Thanks Bobby" Sam looks at Dean "He's going to be great"

"So are we Sammy" Dean kisses Sam and then their son "So are we"

Five months later

Dean was currently at the alter waiting for Sam. Sam was pacing back and forth in the back room when Ellen walked in. "Hey Sammy what's going on"

"Nothing what do you mean"

"Were waiting for you"

"Oh sorry I'm coming"

Ellen shuts the door "Your not nervous are you"

"No…Yes…I don't know" Sam sits down in a chair"

Ellen walks over to him "Sam listen to me. I've never met two people more meant to be together then you and Dean. You have a beautiful boy together. There's no reason to be nervous so why are you"

"I don't know. I love Dean and I want to marry him I just…It's a full house out there"

Ellen smiles "Is that why you're nervous"

"Yean we've never…you know…in front of people and we got to do in front of all those people. What if someone say something"

"Then I'll kick their ass. Everything going to be ok, I promise"

"Thanks Ellen and thanks for walking me down the isle"

"No problem, I'm sure if your mom were here she would be so happy"

Sam smiles and leaves with Jo. Dean was about to go looking for Sam when the music started and he saw him walking down the isle with Ellen. He smiles and so does Sam.

At the reception there dancing when Dean got curious as to why Sam was late. "I was a little worried you wouldn't show Sammy"

"Sorry it wasn't you. I was A little nervous about the kiss"

"What do you mean?"

"All those people Dean. You weren't nervous"

"No why would I be. I love you and I'm not sacred to let people know"

Sam smiles "I love you too, Dean"

Jo walks up to the boys with a five month old BJ in her arms. "Hey guys someone wants to cut in"

Dean takes BJ from Jo "Thanks Jo"

"I'm really happy for you guys and I know you can't wait for the honeymoon"

Sam smiles "No we can't, it's going to be great"

Dean looks at Sam seductively "It's going to be much better then that, I promise"

Jo left the three in the middle of the dance floor. Dancing to their song, Zed leppelin's "ramble on" and as the months passed Sam finished his book.

The End