A/N: Here's chapter three! Sorry so SORRY for the huge time it took to update! You can kill me later.

Chapter 3: Proposal

"What's the verdict?" Ciel closed the door.

He knew that their relationship was a strange one. It couldn't be really described as a friendship, more like a bizarre brotherhood. It could be found among all the boys, a connection akin to that of a family that none of them had.

"2 1/2 days until the release." Pip sighed, "He says I shouldn't leave the manor, but the Soma and the rest need help since those damn pirates pulled one over on them."

"Yes, but this is far more important than that." Ciel scoffed, "Really, if your vulnerable and get taken then we lose probably the strongest asset in this ongoing fight with William and his damn pirates."

Pip smirked and looked up to Ciel, "I'm worth that much to you?"

"Not THAT much." Ciel huffed, "Just stay inside or I'll have to tie you up."

Pip laughed at Ciel's empty threat. The cobalt haired boy frowned and he turned away from Pip, a grave look on his face.

"How painful...?"

Pip gulped, "It sounded really bad...I want you to lock the doors, and don't give me anything besides a chunk of moss with water soaked in it; I wouldn't trust myself with a breakable shell..."

Ciel sighed and tightened his hands into fists. He wanted Pip to know that he cared for him like he was a little brother. The brother he never had.

"Pip, I want you to know that I-"

"Hey guys! What's with the depression in here?" Alois threw open the door, followed by multiple fairies, most went to circle Pip.

It seemed the closer 'that' day got, the more fairies seemed to circle around him; like they knew what he was experiencing and understood.

As far as he could tell, they DID know, it wasn't like Ciel to keep much from Lizzy either.

"We realized that no matter how hard we try, you'll never leave!" Pip wailed and Ciel smirked.

"See Ciel? It was torture being tied up with him!" Alois huffed.

"I ran out of blonde jokes to use on him. Forcing me to annoy the hell out of Captain Spears." Pip sighed.

"How tragic..." Ciel rolled his eyes.

"Yes, then he tightened our ropes! You idiot!" Alois pointed accusingly at Pip.

Pip shrugged, "Small price to pay for amusement aboard the Grimreaper."

"Screw you, ugh, never mind, we have bigger problems." Alois turned to Ciel, "Mina's been kidnapped."

Ciel frowned further at the thought of Soma's sister getting kidnapped right out from under him. It was unacceptable. Pip looked torn before jumping up, feigning perfect health.

"Let's get a move on then!" He smirked, "I'll show that damn William that he can't do as he pleases."

"You will not. You are to stay here until we return, you are still injured, and even if you don't like it you ARE weaker at this point." Ciel snapped, "That's an ORDER."

"Don't be such a prat Ciel! I'm fine!" Pip huffed.

To prove this point he bent over and came back, doing a small flip in the little hovel. Ciel only looked more irritated by this.

"Don't do that in the medical room, do you WANT to have no painkillers for your...hand?" He had to replace his words, Alois's presence having been forgotten for a moment.

"Good enough for me, let's go!" Alois power pumped his fists, "Ole!"

He danced out of the room, leaving the door open. By the majority rule Ciel had put in place, it was 2/1 in Pip's favor. The green haired boy grinned and his silver eyes glinted triumphantly.

"And if your...appendages were to start up again? What of that?" Ciel sighed as they exited the room and began walking down the corridors to reach the center of the manor, "You could be in the middle of a fight-"

"Chances of something like THAT happening are slim to none." Pip told him.

"This whole damn island was CREATED by chances that are slim to none. The island of dreams." Ciel murmured, tucking his hands behind his back in a noble manner, "Your existence in itself is a slim chance, I'm not surprised you ended up here."

Pip turned to him, wanting to chance the conversation to more optimistic topics.

"Hey Ciel, I've always been curious but I've never asked," Pip turned to him, "What makes you happy enough to be able to fly?"

Ciel smirked, "Not telling."

"Aw come on!" Pip pushed him.

"Ah, I felt a slight breeze just now. Check that out later would you? Can't have any holes." Ciel stepped into the tree trunk that would take them up to the surface, Pip following.

"That's so mean!" Pip growled, "My punches are much heftier than a breeze."

"That's what makes it funny. Really Pip, first weak and now ignorant? You're in a downward spiral." Ciel sighed.

"Aw shut up short stack." Pip muttered.




The black haired man with striking golden eyes pushed his frames back up to fit better on the bridge of his nose, as if to emphasize his answer.

The Indian girl's lips turned into a scowl, her lip jutting out as her eye twitched. She had tan skin that was further browned by the sun's rays on the island. That putrid sun being part of the reason William stayed inside most of the time as he was easily burned. He wondered how Grell managed to keep his pale complexion with the heat barraging down on all of them each day. Even Sebastian and Drocell had gotten tanned lately.

"Are you listening to me?" The girl asked in annoyance, pulling William from his thoughts.

He narrowed his eyes into a glare, "I have no interest in taking you with me when I take short leave to the Isle of Westwoud. I don't even know how you came by that information in the first place. Go home."

"Why not? I know how to hoist sails and cook food. It would only be for a little while until we get to the island. Then we'd part ways and-"

"What makes you want to leave so badly?" Sebastian asked as he walked in, starling her, "My my, seems we have Indian royalty aboard."

"Not for long Michaelis." William hissed at the woman, "We have no quarrels with your tribe despite the raid carried out three days ago. Unless you want another attack on that dust trap you call a village you will get off my-"

"Wait William..." Sebastian came in.

A slow smirk formed on his lips, nothing good ever came out of that smirk. Sebastian was demonic, and his wit was something to be desired.

"...she could be useful to us." The first mate circled the room, stopping right behind the woman, "Mina was it? You're the chiefs one and only daughter."

She raised her eyebrows, "You're point?"

"Well, I'm sure such a thing gives one...a high rank in a village, does it not?"

William stood up, "Where are you going with this?"

"She could be a spy for us, so we'd finally be rid of that little Earl Phantomhive." Sebastian hissed, "High and mighty in his little throne, owning the island without question from the inhabitants even though he's nothing more than an ignorant child."

William thought it over and looked at Mina before sighing.

"I share your sentiments Michaelis, however what makes you think an ally so close to the brat would-"

"I'll do it."

Everyone's ears perked as the strong Indian woman uttered her agreement. William raised his chin and stepped forward with his hand out.

"You will spy on the Phantomhive beat for us, find his lair or other information useful to us, then in return we WILL take you to the Isle of Westwoud." William almost ordered.

She nodded and shook his hand, she was about to leave when William gripped her wrist and pulled her back to face him, his hook pressed to her throat.

"However, if I find you double crossing us I'll have to show you exactly what happens to people on this ship who try to defy me."

She nodded, her eyes fearful before running off. He didnt have to watch her go.

"And I thought to myself, why was there a woman in here?" Drocell broke in, his head poking through the open door.

"Drocell, what the hell are you wearing?" William sighed and Sebastian's back shook as he tried not to laugh.

Drocell looked down innocently, his head cocked as he picked up his dress.

"Then I thought to myself, well Ms. Sutcliffe said I would look cute."

It was too small for him, his broad male shoulders tearing the seams at the top a bit slightly, not to mention he was missing certain female assets, causing the front to sag. He looked tiny in such a large skirt and William wondered how on earth the man didn't die from heat exhaustion in a fabric such as red silk. He face-palmed and pointed to the bunkers below the ship.

"Go change, then bring Sutcliffe here."

Drocell nodded and went to change back.


"She was out getting Franz Berries for her coming of age ceremony! Much like my very own a few years prior, but when I sent Agni to search for her she'd disappeared!" Soma shook Ciel roughly, "You must help me find my Mina! She is the hope of this village and-"

"Are you stupid?" A tired voice rang out across the clearing in a demanding tone, "I'm right here!"

Everyone turned and Soma released the poor Phantomhive who dizzily ran into the nearest tree, Pip laughing along with Alois and Undertaker who happened to arrive.

"MINA! We'd thought we'd lost you!" Soma ran for a hug before his
sister's hand pushed on his forehead.

"I was gathering water while I was out! I can take care of myself, don't go off troubling others!" Mina chastised.

Pip smiled and approached the two with a friendly wave.

"Im sure he was only worried about his sister being eaten by the Croc. Not to mention the raid that damn William pulled a few days ago," Pip reassured Mina.

"Yes, that is an issue." Soma frowned and scratched his chin in thought.

He stood silent for a few moments, thinking over a decision. He looked at Pip and patted his head, he did the same to Alois and Ciel before smiling and nodding.

"Ah! I have the solution to protect my dear sister!"

Pip paled, whenever Soma got jubilant about something it usually ended in uncomfortable, dangerous, or just plain annoying situations. Not that he was insulting the guy in any way, but he was a bit spoiled.

"Mina can stay with Ciel and the Lost Boys until the pirates leave!"

There were many compliments from the rest of the villagers and cries of gratitude before any of the boys agreed to the arrangements. Mina couldn't believe her luck, she would be able to leave this island soon without even lifting a finger!

"Wait, Prince Soma there are some complications-" Ciel tried to intervene, darting panicked gazes to Pip who looked like he was going to pass out.

"Ah! Do not worry!" Mina smiled, "I won't be a bother, just hiding out for a few days sounds nice."

"I don't see an issue with it." Alois smiled, "Mina's like our sister anyway."

Undertaker gave a pointed look to Pip. The green haired boy took a deep breath before smiling.

"That sounds great!"

"Pip-" Ciel growled, but he'd already danced over to Mina and offered to help her carry her things back to the manor.


"Just slide right in!" Pip grinned and jumped into the hole, disappearing into the ground.

Mina looked apprehensive as Alois went next, she had made sure to note her surroundings though. Now all she had to do was wait a few days and then leave with the pirates. She could start a new life with someone who actually had values. Seriously, you start to go insane on an island made up of children and ignorant fools.

Lizzy buzzed angrily around Mina's head. She didn't like the idea of another woman in her house, especially with Pip's 'awakening' so to speak just around the corner. The Indian woman scowled at the flying pest before slipping below as well, Ciel not too far behind.

She hit the ground hard and winced, but she supposed karma was the least of her troubles at this point. Mina stood up and smiled warmly at the cute furnishings of the underground home. They had vines and flowers cascading from the ceiling down to the floors. It was soft beneath her soles and she looked down to see that most of it was covered in moss, almost carpet like. She could stay here for a few days.

"Pip has a room free next to his, so you can stay there." Alois gestured to the empty room beside one with a door made of dark ebony shaded wood.

It seemed Pip was darker than the other two, she was curious about the boy. She remembered when Ciel had first introduced him. It was like the boy had come out of nowhere, and he'd been so quiet back then too…


Pip's voice jolted her from her thoughts as she saw the boy in question waving a hand in front of her face. She smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, did you say something?"

"I put your bags in your room, so you can go in there now. I'll be right next door if you need something." He smiled and closed his door, a click signaling that they had locks as well.

Smart brats… she thought and a pang of guilt hit her.

These kids really trusted her it seemed. She looked around as she stepped inside her room.

She imagined William storming through and swiping his sword at everything in sight, that demon Sebastian taking the boys and tying them up, and that redheaded maniac throwing them overboard-


She heard Ciel's voice through the wall and gasped when she realized she could hear everything through the walls. Out of curiosity she pressed her ear harder against the wall.

"What? I don't see anything wrong with her staying here as long as she doesn't come into my room or anything." Pip's voice echoed, "You can say I'm sick."

"That won't explain why we have to move you into another room, not to mention its Mina. She'd probably want to come in and check on you or something." Ciel growled.

What are they talking about? Mina thought and her eyebrows furrowed.


"Ciel-gh!" Pip's sentence was cut off by pain filled grunts of pain.

"Pip, maybe we should move you now." Ciel said.

"I-I'm fine. The spasm passed. Anyway, I don't see the problem." Pip growled out.

Ciel growled back, "Arent you worried what she might say?"

"About what, me suddenly sprouting wings, or about the fact that I've been lying through my teeth ever since I was brought here?"

Pip laid down on his stomach, facing away from Ciel. The cobalt-haired boy sighed and sat down on his friend's cot. He looked at Pip's back and winced at the purple bruise already starting to form.

It must be so painful…Ciel thought and grabbed one of Undertaker's potions that was supposed to help with pain.

Pip hissed when he felt the oily substance seep into his skin. It burned for a second before cooling and he sighed in relief as some of the pain went away.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Ciel asked.

"No, I don't want you getting hurt. Plus who knows when William will decide to pull something." Pip sighed as Ciel applied more of the pretty smelling potion onto Pip's back.

Ciel stood up and put the bottle off to the side, pulling the blanket over his friend as the green-haired boy started to drift off.

"Ciel…" Pip murmured, "Does being a demon automatically make me evil?"

Ciel smiled a little and smacked Pip on the back of his head lightly.

"Go to sleep idiot, you're mumbling nonsense." He chuckled before leaving.

A/N: And t-that's all for now folks! XD