AN: FIRST GLEE FANFIC! I'm pumped. I discovered Glee about a year and a half ago, but I've waited until now to actually write about it. Sad, I know. BUT! Better late than never, right? But, if you haven't figured it out yet, this is a Kurt/Blaine fanfic. That means that I am thoroughly obsessed with them. They're my boys! If I ever met either of them, I'd faint, wake up, scream and hug that, and then faint again. But, if it was just DCriss, I'd steal his Ray Bans! XD LOVE YOU ALL! *Gives puppy-dog eyes* Pretty please?


"You know, Kurt, this is the first Valentine's day I've ever actually been in a relationship." Blaine said, grabbing his boyfriends hand, giving it a light squeeze. Kurt looked at Blaine, smiling.

"It's the same for me, too." Kurt replied, leaning over and giving Blaine a peck on the cheek.

"Well, I guess we have to make it memorable, don't we?" Blaine responded, a sly smile on his lips. Kurt giggled, and Mercedes made a choking noise.

"Okay, ya'll know we're fine with you two, but that doesn't mean you can take your bedroom talk to Glee club meetings." Mercedes said, poking Kurt in the chest, earning blushes from the two boys and laughter from the rest of the New Directions. Kurt laughed even harder when he saw that Finn was completely ignoring Rachel and just staring at Blaine. Finn had not always been so protective of Kurt, but when he was, he was hilariously terrifying to Blaine.

"Okay, okay! We need to choose a song for Nationals. The song choice for Reginals was great, but we need better than great for this!" Mr. Shue said, beginning the meeting.

"By better than great do you mean amazing or blow-your-eyeballs-out-and-make-you-pee-yourself awesome?" Puck asked, earning laughs from around the room.

"Be serious, Puck. But, you could say that. Any ideas for a song?" Mr. Shue asked. As usual, Rachel's hand shot right up. Mr. Shue, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, pointed at Rachel.

"I think that we should pick a song that would highlight this Glee club's strongest voices, those voices being mine and Blaine's." Rachel declared in her professional voice. Blaine cleared his throat to talk.

"I think that we should pick songs that highlight all of the voices New Directions has to offer, not just mine and Rachel's." Blaine replied. Rachel sunk back in her chair, crossing her arms in a dramatic way.

"Exactly what I was thinking, Blaine. Does anyone have suggestions for what Blaine suggested?" Mr. Shue asked. Right as Blaine was about to answer, his phone's ringtone, "Part of Your World", blasted in the almost silent room. Blaine's eyes went wide and he dug his phone out of the pocket of his highwaters.

"Disney? Very classy, Anderson." Santana said from behind Blaine. Blaine saw that it was a text message and tapped the screen of his IPhone to open it. It was from his father.

Home. Now, Blaine.

Blaine, no matter how many times he tried to hold it back, could not suppress the shudder that ran though his body. Kurt looked over his boyfriends shoulder and read the text, and he looked up at Blaine with questioning eyes. Kurt knew that Blaine and his dad didn't have a great relationship with his father, but he didn't know the full extent of the situation. He didn't know, and Blaine wasn't about to tell him anytime soon. Blaine just blamed the cuts and bruises on his clumsiness.

"Uh, Mr. Shue? I have to go... I'm sorry. My dad needs me home now. Mercedes? I'm sorry to put you on the spot, but could you bring Kurt home?" Blaine asked, his voice shaky. Blaine did not want to make his dad mad by keeping him waiting.

"Sure, Blaine. You okay?" She asked, a worried look on her face.

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Sorry Kurt, I have to go. I'll text you later." Blaine said, kissing Kurt goodbye before practically jumping out of his seat and dashing out of the door, leaving a silent room behind. Blaine didn't want to remember the last time he'd made his dad wait for him to get home. He could still feel the soreness on his back. Blaine dug his keys out of his bag and slammed into the door, a blast of cold winter air hitting him.

"Okay, am I the only one who noticed that Blaine gets all jumpy and scared when he mentions his dad?" Mike asked, looking at Kurt. Kurt sighed.

"Blaine has a horrible relationship with his father. I've tried to help, but Blaine says he has it under control." Kurt told them, his voice quiet. "But... I've seen bruises. He says they're because he's clumsy, but you've all seen him. If he can dance like he does here, I highly doubt he's clumsy enough to have that many bruises." Kurt finished, holding back tears.

"You mean... You think Blaine's dad is abusing him?" Tina asked, her eyes wide. Kurt nodded.

"I've talk to Blaine about it, but he just gets mad and says that I don't know what's going on. But, that's the problem. I don't know what's going on, and if his dad really is abusing him, he could be killed before he let anyone help him." Kurt answered, trying to subtly wipe a tear from his cheek. It hurt Kurt to see Blaine do this to himself.

"Well, Kurt, if you really believe Blaine's dad is abusive, than I have to report it, Kurt." Mr. Shue said in a somber voice. Kurt nodded.

"Let me try talking to him one more time before you do, okay Mr. Shue? I don't want to start something if Blaine really is just clumsy off the stage." Kurt replied. Mr. Shue nodded and brought every ones attention back to the problem at hand. Every ones, except for Kurt's. He was too lost in his thoughts about what was really happening to Blaine.

"Stupid blizzard..." Blaine muttered to himself. He knew that, by his fathers standards, he was keeping his waiting for far too long. Blaine had been stuck in traffic for at least ten minutes, and he knew that he was in for it when he finally arrived home. Without the snow, the drive was ten to fifteen minutes, depending on the traffic. But today, because of the random blizzard, Blaine spent twenty minutes just getting halfway there. Blaine hit the steering wheel in anger.

"Ugh!" Blaine yelled, barely missing a guard-rail on a turn he wasn't expecting. Blaine brought his speed down and tried to calm himself down. While he was taking a deep breath, he heard "A Part of Your World" playing from his pocket, and dug the phone out once more to see who it was.

Hey Blaine. Is everything alright? Love you. ~K

Blaine sighed; he knew he made a scene when he practically ran out of the room. While trying to keep an eye on the road, he started texting back. Blaine knew Kurt got worried when he didn't text back.

Yeah, I'm fine. My dad just said he needed me, no worr-

Blaine never got to finish his text. Blaine's car collided with another, the sound of metal crashing against metal booming through the air. Blaine swore, trying to swerve away from the other car. Blaine didn't expect the road to be as icy as it was, and his car started violently sliding down a hill.

"Arghh!" Blaine yelled, trying to take back control of his car. He tried slamming on the breaks, but he wasn't prepared for what happened next. Blaine's car his a patch of salt covered road, causing the car to flip. Since Blaine was going down a hill, his car started barrel rolling at a fast pace. Blaine gripped his IPhone, and he accidentally hit the 'call' button, calling Kurt. Kurt picked up on the third ring, after asking Mr. Shue for permission to answer his call.

"Hey, Blaine. Is everything al-" Kurt started to ask, but was cut off.

"Ahh!" Blaine screamed, trying to hold his arms in a way to protect his head. Blaine didn't think he could still be barrel rolling, but he was.

"Blaine? Blaine, are you alright?" Kurt asked, his voice a little more frantic. The Glee club was silent, trying to figure out what was happening to Blaine.

Blaine was in terrible, terrible pain. He's never felt anything like it before, even after the worst of beatings from his father. After rolling for what felt like hours, but was not even a minute, Blaine's car finally stopped, a giant crash when the wheels landed back on the road. The glass from the windshield shattered, and Blaine had not been prepared for it and a good amount of glass shards landed in his open eyes, causing Blaine to scream tried to stop the pain by practically clawing his eyes, but it was no use. Blaine couldn't see anything, but he could feel a warm liquid seeping into his shirt and jeans. He knew he was bleeding, and he was bleeding badly. All Kurt had been hearing was a loud, continuous crashing noise, and once it stopped he jumped on the chance to try and get Blaine to respond to him.

"Blaine? Are you okay? What's going on?" Kurt asked, loudly. Blaine, who still couldn't see anything, heard the murmuring of Kurt's voice from his phone, which flew out of his grasp during the crash but, thankfully, landed next to his ear. Blaine fumbled around where he heard the sound, and he thankfully found his shoved it against his ear.

"K-Kurt?" Blaine asked, his voice shaking and cracking in a few places.

"Blaine! Are you okay?" Kurt asked, practically yelling into the phone. Blaine tried opening his eyes, but all he saw was darkness.

"I-I don't think so. I think I was in a car c-crash. I c-can't really remember. Kurt, I can't see a-anything! I don't know what's g-going on." Blaine muttered, his teeth chattering already from the blast of cold coming in from the broken windshield. Blaine mentally kicked himself for not putting on his jacket.

"Oh my God, Blaine. Where are you?" Kurt frantically asked, tears already falling down his cheeks, causing the Glee club to freak out. Mercedes was immediately at Kurt's side.

"I think t-the last sign s-said I was at the border of Westerville. I-I'm at the b-bottom of that hill. Do y-you know where t-that is?" Blaine asked, the cold seeping through his damp shirt.

"I think so. Just, stay there, okay? I'm calling 9-1-1. I love you, Blaine. Just hold on until help gets there, okay?" Kurt said, grasping Mercedes arm and trying to keep his voice under control.

"I-I'll try. It's really c-cold out here. I l-love you t-too." Blaine responded, groaning in pain after he spat out the words. Talking was getting harder to do, and all he wanted to do was sleep, but he knew from experience that that was a bad thing to do.

"I'm already on my way, okay? I'll be there soon. I love you." Kurt said quickly before hanging up. Kurt was immediately bombarded with questions.

"What's going on?"

"Is Blaine alright?"

"He's going to be okay, right? We need him for Nationals!"

"Hey, enough! Let the boy speak. What happened Kurt?" Mercedes asked. Kurt took in a shuddering breath.

"Blaine was in a car accident. He's in the hill heading towards Westerville..." Kurt told them, earning a couple gasps.

"Kurt, c'mon, we have to go get him! Mr. Shue, can you call 9-1-1? Kurt needs to calm down..." Finn said, taking charge. Mr. Shue nodded, still stunned. but already grasping his cell phone. Finn grabbed onto Kurt's arm and started leading him towards the exit. Mercedes followed closely behind Kurt, holding onto his hand.

"Blaine can't die, 'Cedes. He can't. It'll kill me." Kurt whispered, trying to keep up with Finn's speedy pace. Mercedes gave his hand a squeeze.

"Blaine's going to be okay, hopefully. Help is on the way, and so are we." She responded. Mercedes was scared; the only other time she had seen Kurt like this was when his Dad, Burt, had a heart attack. She had no doubt that if something bad did happen to Blaine that it really would kill him.

"I'm coming, Blaine... Please be okay." Kurt pleaded, just loud enough for Mercedes to hear.

AN: Okay, yeah, I'm mean, I know it. Blaine's my favorite character, and I make him get into a deadly car crash in the first chapter. It TOTALLY makes sense... .

